The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By: Bradley Loves
Every day we continue to engage with the world around us…, we are faced with a CHOICE! This is a simple idea to be sure…, but still relevant in that EVERYTHING that happens here on Earth…, as a result of our interaction with the world around us is actually thus CREATED BY US.
It sounds so simple…, and yet the depth of what I’ve stated could be contemplated by Eastern Yogi’s for decades and not fully understood!
“WE” are the creators of the reality that surrounds us!
If you do not think so…, then there is nothing more for you here in this article! Please stop reading!
Because the powers that be also KNOW FOR A FACT that reality is collectively created by the masses of people living here on the Earth…, (because they have infiltrated the mystery schools and are the holders of Ancient Esoteric knowledge) THEY NEED OUR HELP in creating the very DARK reality that they wish to experience!
“THEY” are using us as “reality generators” by getting us collectively to THINK, ACT, and FEEL in certain ways!
This also, is very simple…, can not be stated more plainly…, AND…, can not be argued with.
It is the “how are they doing this”…, part that most people don’t get…, and just like the proverbial man who can not see the “forest for the trees”…, most people are just too close to the problem to see it for what it is.
It is only when you step back from life…, and disengage from it…, and contemplate just how things are happening here…, that you will get a glimpse of what they are doing, and HOW.
The cycle is complete!
We do NOT need to start with the endless line up of new technology that is the hidden form of MIND CONTROL…, why not just start out with what is both obvious and blatant and in your face and has been there for a long time now!
Think not for a moment that you or your children have been taught or told the TRUTH by public education.
The Holograhic Disclosure Videos I used to post claimed that only 4% of all knowledge that is known on Earth has been handed out to mankind! That includes the UNIVERSITY LEVEL TEACHINGS!
The rest of all collected KNOWLEDGE…, knowledge which goes back far into Earth’s distant past and contains super advanced science and technologies…, is being hidden within the walls of the VATICAN. (Sorry to all of you die hard Catholics…, but the very Religion you so desperately cling to…AT THE VERY TOP LEVEL…, is lying to you).
According to Holographic Disclosure…, about 96% of the knowledge on Earth is being kept hidden from the masses.
No one…, no matter how sincere they are, can make a proper decision in their life, or choose (by using freewill) what they will do while here…, if THAT MUCH knowledge is being hidden from them.
But let’s not stop at Education!
Other than Education…, the powers that be thought to substitute their own “VERSION” of how things were (FILLED WITH DECEPTION AND LIES) in the form of organized religion!
I don’t care how religious you are…, you’ve got to get this…, or you choose to be blind for the rest of your life!
The “teachings” that came out of organized religion are fake…, false, and were given to you so that you would make erroneous “choices” that were faulty and would IN FACT ASSIST those who wanted a dark reality on Earth to create that reality.
Let’s repeat….
Because the powers that be KNOW FOR A FACT that reality is collectively created by the masses of people living here on the Earth…, THEY NEED OUR HELP in creating the very DARK reality that they (just a few of them) wish to experience!
“THEY” are using us as “reality generators” by getting us collectively to THINK, ACT, and FEEL in certain ways!
They are doing this through false education AND the religions that they gave us.
Can you even ADMIT to yourself that you act and behave in certain ways based on your religious beliefs and your education?????
If you can’t admit that…, then please stop reading…, there is NO HOPE for you, and you are wasting your time here.
Getting back to the title of this article:
All you need to do is watch the daily NEWS. Just for one day…, and you will see countless “stories” on the NEWS that are laced with lies, deceptions, half truths…, and outright fabrications.
Very little if any of it is the truth!
Why then do they even put that stuff out there for you to see and hear??
Because they know that in the watching of their lies and fabrications…, your opinions will be formed…, and you will begin to believe, think, feel, and act in certain ways that are beneficial to what they want!
They know that this is how the fabric of reality is woven here on Earth…, and this is how it is created…., by collective agreement…
If “they” know this…, and are so deeply involved with working with the Earth in this way…, WHY pray tell…, is it so hard for YOU to believe this?
THIS article from my friend Dani Mckinny’s site is just a tiny sample of the propaganda that is being spread…, both on the news AND in the social media.
The aim here is to CHANGE YOUR MIND. To alter your perceptions!
This by the way is a SATANIC practice…, but those who are involved in these types of activities don’t like to call themselves satanists…, instead they like to use the term “WIZARD”.
But then what is a “WIZARD” if not a magician…, and what is the one thing that EVERY magician will tell you (just talk to one appearing in Las Vegas) is absolutely essential to the performance of a good magician?
But oh……, wait…., what is the title of this article?
What a co-incidence!
It’s almost as if I meant to stumble upon this connection. (smirk)
Magic only works when the person who is practicing it using a very heavy dose of distraction and misdirection!
What is happening in our NEWS MEDIA as we speak is the proof of who is running the show and calling the shots…, BECAUSE NOTHING we see is the TRUTH!
ALL LIES…, ALL PROPAGANDA…, and ALL FAKE…, all the time.
And WHY?
Lets’ repeat….
Because the powers that be KNOW FOR A FACT that reality is collectively created by the masses of people living here on the Earth…, THEY NEED OUR HELP in creating the very DARK reality that they (just a few of them) wish to experience!
“THEY” are using us as “reality generators” by getting us collectively to THINK, ACT, and FEEL in certain ways!
I went to Best Buy only yesterday and was looking for some DVD’s to watch.., since I never watch television.
95% of all movies ever made are GONE from the shelves…, and the ONLY ONES available to buy are DARK REALITY based stories.
Don’t take my word for it…, GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF!
If not about Vampires…, it’s about the end of the world. If not “alien invasion”…, it’s about super hero’s. But even the super hero stories are getting weird now because now, because as we speak they are pitting ONE super hero against another super hero in the movies coming into theaters soon.
In the theaters as we speak…, they have a movie coming out where Batman is fighting Superman!
And another one where Iron man is fighting with Captain America!
Don’t you GET IT? THINK!
Your super hero’s are being pitted against each other in the movies…, to show you that everything is being DIVIDED here on Earth.
It is the age old story of divide and conquer! They are showing you… (AS REQUIRED) that they are dividing and pitting against one another in real life even those people who you would consider to be good!
They use Hollywood to tell you the story of their goals and wishes.
What is their goal from having you see such things?
Discouragement…, loss of faith, disillusionment in your hero’s!
MIND CONTROL…, PERCEPTION CONTROL on a sub conscious level.
For me to list all of the articles I have read in the last month that support this article is futile because there are so many!
Read…, and you will see them for yourself!
More will be coming!
All my love…,
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