Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Disintegration & Overthrow of Global Elite Regime-Michael Krieger

Disintegration & Overthrow of Global Elite Regime-Michael Krieger

1aBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Former Wall Street analyst and journalist Michael Krieger contends the recent so-called “Brexit” chaos is signaling something much bigger than coming economic trouble. Krieger explains, “I think the biggest thing with Brexit, and I think it is far bigger than an economic downturn, is thedisintegration and ultimately the overthrow of the entire status quo regime, the entire post WWII establishment. That’s way bigger than an economic decline. It’s way bigger than the economic decline in 2008 and 2009. When you think about it, since 1945, we’ve had all kinds of economic declines. We’ve had bear markets and bull markets, but the status quo, the establishment, the basic principles that have been guiding the world for, let’s say 80 years now, those are what are going to be overthrown, and that is a way bigger deal than an economic downturn, in my opinion.”

On the odds of a financial crash, Krieger contends, “In my writings, when I first came out of Wall Street, I focused on debt, I focused on economics and I focused on financial markets. I did all of that stuff, but I stopped doing that for one simple reason. It was obvious to me . . . that this thing had only one way to go, which is a complete collapse of everything. We’re going to need to start over. There’s too much debt. There’s too much corruption. There’s too much BS. There’s too much war. There’s too much everything that is bad in this world, and debt is one aspect of it. Are we going to have to wipe out the debts one way or the other? Of course, we will. I guess the reason I have stopped talking about that and writing about that is because it is so obvious. So, what I have been doing over the last three years is getting people aware and engaged on everything, not just the economics, but the political corruption. Every single industry in this world is basically hitting peak corruption, peak shadiness, peak violence and peak everything. So, it’s not just the debt or the economies that are going to collapse, it’s everything, the political establishment and the social fabric. All of these things we have been living under our entire lives will be replaced by something else. . . . The only question is, are we going to get something better or are we going to get something worse?”

On a wider war in the Middle East, Krieger says, “One of the things I wrote in my Syria piece is one . . . Russian official said they are sending more troops in, and the Iranians are sending more troops in. So, the Russians and Iranians are already sick and fed up with all the U.S. shenanigans in Syria. They seem prepared to hold the line there. When you combine that with a U.S. foreign policy elite that is absolutely insane, power hungry and has absolutely no concept of learning from history or their own mistakes, you have a real recipe for disaster. . . . If the people really start getting upset and revolting in bigger ways beyond Brexit, what do leaders typically do? They try to throw you into a big war. They would rather blow up the world than lose their positions of power. They will do whatever it takes to maintain their own power. War is the card the elites and the status quo always love to play throughout history.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Michael Krieger, founder of

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:

Michael Krieger is a prolific writer, and he posts his analysis and articles for free

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