The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Heartcom Network
First Gift of the 'Holy' Spirit;
The Power of Well-Informed
Choice, Moment to Moment.
Knowing the Difference between
Good and Bad, Love and Fear,
Fearless Open Systems and
Faithless Closed Systems.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
by Christos Lightweaver
- The Power of Well-Informed Choice;
- The Wisdom of Social Conscience;
- The Love of Wisdom's Dominion;
- The Integrity of this 3-fold flame.
Previous Article:
Two Models for the Future of Earth
Video at the bottom:
Dawn of Earth's Golden Age
Those who have followed Heartcom Network articles over the last year are well aware that 2014 is shaping up as a big year for the Big Shift in global social conscience. Billions of global Netizens are now on-line and networking a multi-dimensional social conscience in our all-connected social networks... the worldwide web of consciousness.
In the 2-D matrix, the Earth was perceived as flat. We now call that the Dark Age: 'BS' as a 'Belief System'. The 3-D 'Enlightenment Age' gave us a round-global world view. A new 4-D Net reality with the Internet has virtually eliminated local-to-global space-time. And a global village with Codes for the Global Holodeck We live in a rapidly transforming global village of instant-everywhere and interactive communication abilities. This has vast world-changing impli-cations for self-correcting transformation through self education, self healing and self governing social networks with self determination andDISCERNMENT of the true meaning of 'sovereignty': self rule. In other words, personal and planetary self-development for all of ‘US’,United Sovereigns of Earth. Freedom wants only the liberty of owning our own lives, learning, health and business in general. When that gold standard for the currency of conscience is integrated into an interactive heartware interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm, Shift Happens... with more ... easier and faster: "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light." ~ Jesus the Christ (Matthew 6:22) With uncompromised discerning VISION of universal virtue at the heart of collective valor -- the spirit neutralizing paradigm paralysis that is
"Stuck In Negativity" (SIN) -- the victory of our conscious evolution as aWHOLE (5D wholEness) happens sooner rather than later. Global humanity has thus arrived at the 'Turning Point' from highly centralized, top-down tyranny of, by and for highly organized 'love of power'to bottom-up freedom and opportunity of, by and for the highly decentralized'power of love' that defines and refines sovereignty. That process can now be understood as quantum reality whereby the focus of collective consciousness with heart coherence - the Holy Spirit of LOVE-in-action - will naturally liberate the Power of Love for holistic healing in our collective conscience. Here's what DISCERNMENT has to say about that choice: "Power is of two kinds. In the larger scheme of infinite and eternal conscious evolution, each soul has the opportunity for freedom of conscience in the here and now... to explore and discover the ultimate meaning of 'survival' and 'thrival' with the value and purpose of universal-cosmic in form and frequency... as in frequently. "Humankind is standing precariously on the edge of its destiny. If we are too ascend to a higher frequency of universal LOVE-in-action in theCAPstone of 'Self' and global 'Civility', the choice is, simply put, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. The vision of DISCERNMENT alone -- how global humanity can empowerwisdom with -- can be the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy that involves and evolves conscientious common sense… Universal for global evolution. And always remember… Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
That's why they call it "the present". So Keep the Faith, See the Good, and Make it So! Forward Freely, ~ Christos Culturing enlightened full-spectrum Conscience with heart coherence and mind congruence for centered and connected wholEness with the spirit of -in-action in form and in 'frequency' at the heart of TeLeComm via TLC frequently. (The Blessing)
DISCERNMENT: The love of truth at the heart of the truth of . For more on the mysteries of 'Universal Enlightenment',
"This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over. ~~~~~~~~~ |
Quoted from Ben Fulford"..we can confirm through MI5 British Intelligence that last week NASA abruptly terminated live coverage of a comet approaching Mars after a planet sized explosion suddenly appeared there... A US based source... says the “the US Mars base was destroyed.”... contrary to what the world public has been told, the US did in indeed have people on Mars."
Full Article Here
Documented 10~21~14 Report Written By First Contact Team Member Andrew
Team Announcements
MG and Orion have identified some beings falsifying implant removal abilities.
Mother God says “WARNING: There is no One on planet Earth that can do this implant removal, they may be able to remove just some of the implants but definitely not all.”
MG and Orion do this work from within the Unified Field utilizing Their True Twin Flame energy.
Orion had actually been in training for entering the Unified Field for a long time before meeting Mother God.
There was a huge explosion on Mars as comet Siding Spring passed the red planet on October 19, 2014. NASA claims that there were no effects of any explosion on their rovers or satellites…
Here is a link to a video of the explosion captured by Fritz Helmut Hemmerich at Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
As this comet passed Mars and triggered the explosion, Mother God and Orion almost simultaneously receive a telepathic message from the Galactic Federation of Light(GFL) with a mission to locate the main Zeta-Reticuli ship. This ship was found hiding behind Deimos, the 2ndmoon of Mars. (Note MotherGod and Orion Were Unaware that at the same moment the comet was going past mars they had no idea until the reports came out the next day which validated their Expereince with this Event)
Mother God and Orion were able to locate this ship among many others thanks to the light of the comet’s coma, or tail. As comet Siding Spring went by Mars, it shined a light towards the planet that made spotting these ships possible. Mother God and Orion successful mapped the positions of these ships for the GFL. These Zeta are being apprehended and continue to be until all are.
Essentially, Mother God and Orion bi-located together to the comet and used the comet’s light to see the Main Zeta ship and point this out to the GFL.
UPDATE: “As of 9:50pm Mountain Time, last night on October 20, 2014, Mother God and Orion received a telepathic message that 90.52111% of zetas had already been apprehended.”
What’s happening now, is that so many Zetas have been apprehended. Their dark technology is now failing and will continue to fail around the entire planet Earth. This goes for all government technologies received from the Zetas and anyone else who uses similar technology.
The NSA and agencies like them do have their own technologies integrated into these Zeta-Reticulan technologies that will take a little longer to dissolve. However, aspects of these technologies will begin to fail anyway and become neutralized by the Light.
The Galactic Federation of Light expects complete removal of all Zeta-Reticulan technologies.
UPDATE: At 10:49pm Mountain Time last night, Mother God and Orion received a telepathic message; “The event will begin final completion when all negative ETs and all major players, including all takers have been apprehended.
The implant removals being accomplished by the First Contact Ground Crew Team are helping the entire Earth=Heart situation. The more of these removals that can be done the faster and quicker Mother God, Orion, Kryon, and the GFL will be able to identify any dark beings out there; upon identification the GFL will Apprehend these beings Immediatly. Currently, this is the priority mission of the First Contact Ground Crew Team and The Priority Mission for All of Humanity and Lightworkers at this Time. SAVE YOUR LIVES AND HAVE YOUR IMPLANTS REMOVED ASAP! Everyday Beginning at 5pm Mountain time at this Link:
Check back with us soon for a video about this and any new updates that may be received by that time!
Yesterday Something Interesting happened, Mother God and Orion discovered Reptilian pirates sending plasma balls into Unified Field. Mother God and Orion were in meditation, within the Unified Field and were simultaneously knocked out of the Field by one of these plasma energy balls. All of this happened 45 minutes before the daily implant removals which are at 5pm Mountain Time. Coincidentally, at this same moment the entire Team and all chatroom visitors were kicked from the 5D implant removal pure Love room and locked out of the chat room for nearly 2 hours. Despite these beings efforts ......
~The Spiritual Doctors are In LIVE TONIGHT~
Implant Archon Removals with Chakra,DNA Restructure and Repair~ The Moment to Be Happy and Free~ Come Experience the Magic and The Miracles~ Daily Beginning at 5pm Mountain time~ till Midnight Mountain Live EveryDay at this Link:
~ Explanation of The Implant Removals~
~Amazing Compilations of Testimonials From The Implant Removals~ Get Your's Removed Today
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