The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Keshe discovered that it is possible to transform gasses in a liquid and solid state, a state that he calls the GANS (GAsses in a Nano State). Interesting is that such CO2 or CH4 in the Gans state stays in that state, thus without going back in his gas state. Keshe’s discovery refute the actual knowledge like you find on Wikipedia, which says that solid CO2 can only be found as dry ice at minus ± 78°C.
Keshe has the solution for Global Warming, but who cares?
It still amazes me – having witness myself several times of the direct capturing CO2/CH4 experiments of Mehran Keshe – how certain governments like that of Belgium refuses such new development which in fact is the solution for GLOBAL WARMING. By such direct capturing CO2/CH4 Keshe have shown that CO2 and CH4 can be captured at room temperature and normal pressure in a liquid state, and later dehydrated into a solid state. Keshe discovered that it is possible to transform gasses in a liquid and solid state, a state that he calls the GANS (GAsses in a Nano State). Interesting is that such CO2 or CH4 in the Gans state stays in that state, thus without going back in his gas state. Keshe’s discovery refute the actual knowledge like you find on Wikipedia, which says that solid CO2 can only be found as dry ice at minus ± 78°C. So the picture of the diagram…/File:Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temp… is simple wrong. Keshe points out that at nano level we see different natural rules, unknown today.
Keshe predicted in advance that during this process energy would be released, able to power LED’s or small devices like mobile phones, computer fans, LED torch, etc. He communicated this to Wisse Hettinga, chief editor of, a person who witnessed some years before also the Cola Bottle prototype. Elektor invited Keshe to show this development in it’s labo in Holland. There showed Keshe his simple plasma reactor concept. It was just essential to add tap water to start the CO2/CH4 capturing. Hettinga and his team tested the system and confirmed that LED’s were powered, and that a fan was powered for some time. The fan stopped after a misty substance was collected around the electrodes. Keshe said that this substance was CO2. Hettinga was not able to confirm this. After the demo Keshe went to a specialized university lab of the University of Ghent (RUG). There two different sets of spectroscopy tests were done on the samples of the misty liquids collected from around the electrodes. The graphics showed a match of the resulting curve as the curve predicted in the literature. You can download a pdf paper of Keshe form the website The link is all below on the second page. Title: Direct absorption of carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4 gases from the environment and their conversion into nano solution and nano solid matters and production of energy and oxygen by the use of nano compound at ambient temperature and pressure’, (Dec. 2009 – version 2).
Now, understanding the importance of this discovery to fight GLOBAL WARMING the Belgian authorities (Flemish minister Joke Schauvliege) and European Authorities (Commissioner Hedegaard and DG CLIMA – The Directorate-General for Climate Action) were informed, with the Keshe offer to do demonstrations and giving samples for independent testing. The same information was given to GREEN PEACE and the Belgian Green party (Bart Staes). However NOBODY reacted. Why not? Why was nobody talking about this discovery during several International conferences about Climate Change? Money? Read this BBC article from 2010:, where Hedegaard says: “For an extra 11bn Euros on the sum originally proposed, the EU can now make a 30% CO2 cut [by 2020, based on 1990 levels]” she said. Her paper will examine the costs and benefits of such a proposal. It seems that the problem is that extra 11,000,000,000 Euro. That 11bn Euro was intent to go to friendly multinational companies and experts to find “solutions”! But INDIRECT solutions like green certificates, geo-engineering, etc. Maybe the Keshe Solution was to cheap?
Next to that a prominent lawyer from Leuven – (Hans B.) which had the function of Head of Cabinet in the Cabinet of Minister of interior Affaires Patrick De Weal – had a personal issue with MT Keshe. Mr H.B. tried before to get hand on the technologies of MT Keshe, as his lawyer for technology transfer. But MT Keshe refused.
In his function as Head of Cabinet Mr. Hans B. was able to control the police forces and Belgian secret service, thus it was easy to “create” a terrorist case against MT Keshe.
The case of Mehran Tavakoli KESHE is important. It shows how incomplete information of a government can turn against a innocent person. I will explain more.
MT Keshe is an Iranian national. He is a nuclear engineer. Even during his study at Queen Mary in London he didn’t agree with certain nuclear knowledge at that moment. Over the years – in his spear time – he worked on these personal ideas about the nuclear interactions in the universe. He found new insights on a number of basic atomic/isotope interactions which were opposite the standard “state of the art nuclear knowledge” taught worldwide at universities by the Nobel prize laureates (which I call the emperors of science, or the science gatekeepers). By peer-reviews such science gatekeepers keep control over the science knowledge, mostly to confirm their own importance and the interests of their industry sponsors.
Over 30 years MT Keshe experimented in his “garage” lab to verify or to falsify his personal assumptions. So he saw that a number of “soft” nuclear reactions were possible without the use of high energies as triggers. In example, where the traditional nuclear science claimed that gamma rays were needed to give a certain outcome, MT Keshe saw that the same outcome was possible WITHOUT gamma rays, the like a process to create nano-materials. A process unknown to the nuclear science community world wide.
MT Keshe was able to create nano materials by the use of consumer products from the supermarket!
So when MT Keshe delivered samples of these materials to a famous nano institute (IMEC -Leuven) for test with Raman spectroscopy there was panic in the Belgian Government!
Some phd’s in IMEC claimed that that was only possible by the use of gamma rays! So an iranian scientist used “GAMMA RAYS”, so he needed to have sources of gamma rays in Belgium! Thus MT Keshe was able to make in Belgium a nuclear bomb. So a red flag secret service operation started in Belgium. The case became a national security issue. The press was censored to speak about MT Keshe. Professors in Belgium were pressed to stop all contacts with MT Keshe, they received telephone calls with warnings. Even members of Parliament were censored or threatened not to speak about Keshe Foundation’s technologies.
Next to that a prominent lawyer from Leuven – (Hans B.) which had the function of Head of Cabinet in the Cabinet of Minister of interior Affaires Patrick De Weal – had a personal issue with MT Keshe. Mr H.B. tried before to get hand on the technologies of MT Keshe, as his lawyer for technology transfer. But MT Keshe refused.
In his function as Head of Cabinet Mr. Hans B. was able to control the police forces and Belgian secret service, thus it was easy to “create” a terrorist case against MT Keshe. Once it was inside the Belgian computer system of the secret service that “terrorist” file was shared with other European and Five Eyes secret services. So worldwide secret services considered MT Keshe to be a potential terrorist who had in his possession gamma sources. However the whole “terrorist case” was created in first instance by a corrupt politician (Hans B.) and his network in Belgian police and Belgian secret service, and in second instance by the presumed possession of gamma ray sources. Which was simple to lack of understanding of hidden and unknown nuclear interactions, the ignorance of the 1600 phd’s “emperors of science” in IMEC.
And even that resulted one day in a police interview of myself were I was asked if I was building in Belgium a A-bomb together with Mehran Tavakoli KESHE!
So I request the Belgian authorities and secret service (Staatsveiligheid) of Belgium and of USA to clean the files on MT Keshe from all hoax and false information! I am sure these services will read this post!
a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">>;
The efforts of the Belgian government to block MT Keshe started with claiming that he was a TERRORIST, based on false accusation, fabricated by the persons which tried to get exclusive hold of his technology.
The hidden agenda of the Belgian government related to Iranian nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and against his plasma technology is amazing, against all logic and is even an act against humanity.
The basic reason is corruption. The persons – which tried to have personal profit from the technology of MT Keshe – have that much influence on the Belgian government that they still do everything they can to block Keshe’s plasma technology, even if Keshe recently proved to be able to de-contaminate radioactive polluted water and soil. The status of the recent experiments in Japan can be followed on next link: a rel="nofollow" href=">" >…/fukushimadecontaminationexp…>; .
The Belgian government tries to block the technology and scientific insights that can protect the 7 billion inhabitants of mother Earth, it’s billions animals and it’s zillions of plants from radioactive pollution. The efforts of the Belgian government to block MT Keshe started with claiming that he was a TERRORIST, based on false accusation, fabricated by the persons which tried to get exclusive hold of his technology. At that time MT Keshe offered scientific cooperation to the Belgian Government, but Belgian nano-research company IMEC accused Keshe to be in possession of Gamma ray sources, in IMEC’s idea essential to create Keshe’ s Graphene nano material (confirmed by IMEC’s raman spectroscopy). That accusation about gamma rays was false, due to the scientific ignorance and incompetence of IMEC.
Recently MT Keshe showed publicly that such nano materials can be made by simple products from the supermarket shelfs! This proves that MT Keshe has much more and deeper insights in the real nuclear processes than any other “famous” Noble prize laureates, or “nuclear specialists” of SCK (Belgium’s nuclear centre) and; it shows also that his plasma technology is not just theoretical but also finds his confirmation in physical reality, beneficing the population of our planet.
Last weeks the Belgian authorities started a new action against MT Keshe. He was informed that his Belgian bank accounts will be closed, by governmental order.
My conclusion: The Belgian Government tries to block technology that solves a part of the nuclear dangers, an important technology for humanity!
Shame you BELGIUM!
Belgium is a small country with small brains.
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