The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Thought doctor McCoy had it good with his equipment on the Starship Enterprise? Wait until you get a load of what is coming to revolutionize the world of medicine.
Medicine just got exciting thanks to Russian scientists and over 17 years of in-depth research. The future has arrived and just as three-dimensional printing will revolutionize manufacturing, this technology will revolutionize the practice of medicine.
This groundbreaking medical technology is making many people a lot of money in Russia. Why? Because it destroys the pharmaceutical paradigm and the doctors that practice it, using electromagnetic vibration to diagnose and cure without side effects yet with pinpoint precision. Deta Elis Electromagnetic Bioresonance Therapy Devices will be sweeping the globe just like cell phones and computers.
Who has endorsed this technology? President Putin of Russia uses it and the Department of Health in Russia has approved it for wide use across their nation, which amounts to three hundred million people. The Russian space program uses this technology because it enables convenient and non-invasive monitoring and enhancing of the health of their cosmonauts. Medicine just became more affordable, more accurate, and infinitely safer with Delta Elis technology.
The first stop in this revolution is Hepatitis B and C as well as herpes. Russian doctors are claiming aninety percent cure rate for these incurable infections. Everyone is familiar with the fact that you can shatter a glass with sound.
One of the Deta Elis machines, called the “Deta AP” will shatter viruses, bacteria and fungi, coming to us just as antibiotics become more of a terror than a help. This phenomenon where we can kill microbes with frequencies is called BIORESONANCE, and this is the principle that these Deta Elis devices use to cure.
Those who know of preceding technology like Hulda Clark’s Zapper will soon be able to afford Deta Elis machines, which will be like cell phones and soon even smaller, that will wipe out every infection imaginable with laser precision. Let us consider it a Zapper on steroids times 1,000 for starters!
With this “too good to be true” form of medicine (Bioresonance) one can have their diagnosis already in hand from a western practitioner and use one of the treatment machines that one can buy as a consumer/patient. Very soon even similar models will be available like MP3 players and one will be able to download, like on an IPad, applications that will address specific medical problems. So if you are travelling, for example, and come down with gastroenteritis, you can download on your personal computer the AP for gastroenteritis and run it until you get better. The application program will contain all the frequencies for eradicating the bacteria responsible for gastroenteritis. This is 21st century medicine at its best!
Just as Bioresonance can be used to balance a part of the body it can also be used to destroy parasites and bacteria. By far better than explaining, it is to watch a 33-second video and see it in action.
Can you see the power of this? Once diagnosed with a particular parasite or virus it can be targeted with a particular frequency that will cause no harm to anything else but kill the parasite/virus. The video above shows parasites exploding but for a very clear demonstration on glass in slow motion watch the following:
In the future, after practitioners are trained, Deta Elis diagnostic machines will reveal the exact parasite, virus, bacteria or fungus present and then the treatment device is programmed to destroy, and destroy it does. Though most of this is preprogrammed into the device diagnostics takes wings to a new level that pins down a patient’s overall chronic problems, translates that into a frequency, and then an exact positive outburst from the device will, over several hours, shower the wearer with the perfect healing frequency.
First we destroy everything that does not belong inside of us with one Deta Elis device and then we set upon the task of rebuilding our organs and numerous biological systems with another called the Deta RITM device, which helps to heal and rejuvenate organ pathologies and physiological systems such as the immune system, circulatory system, hormonal system and the like.
Infectious control in the 21st century certainly is not going to be anything like that of the 20th century. The age of antibiotics is about over as great harm has been done to the world’s populations with them. We have come close to compromising our biological existence with the reckless use of antibiotics.
Now we have antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens encroaching on our biospheres and it is getting increasingly dangerous to set foot anywhere near a hospital. Many people, including children, who die in the hospital after surgery die not from the surgery itself but from infections that get out of control. Infections cause 68 percent of childrens’ deaths. Not with Deta Elis devices in your pocket as there is no chance of creating anti-biotic resistant bugs or catching these from a hospital.
Every organ of the body has its own special frequency. The Lung resonates at 72 cycles per second, also known as Hertz. If the lung becomes infected its frequency will fall out of balance usually dropping a few Hertz. It has been discovered that by producing the same frequency as a healthy lung with a frequency generator we can rebalance the lung and induce healing. This process is called Bioresonance and can be used on all parts of the body.
There have been many researchers that have worked on energy medicine and Bioresonance this past century such as Dr. Rife, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell and others. Some of the machines developed through the years run as high as 40,000 dollars.
The Russians have outdone everyone bringing this technology into medical and healthcare practices as well as into every home. Over the last 17 years, the Russian scientists, spearheaded by Dr. Konoblov, a medical doctor and Ph.D. physicist, have developed small, portable devices that are innovative cutting-edge at only a fraction of the cost of previous generation machines.
Using pharmaceutical poisons just got that much more insane! Remember when cell phones came out or the personal computer? In five years, we will see everyone walking around not just with his or her cell phone but also with a safe therapeutic device that will put health empowerment back into the peoples’ hands.
The Russians conducted extensive studies on over 25,000 people and established an accurate system of analyzing and reinforcing energetic health of the organs, and their connection to specific areas on the skin (dermal-visceral zones). As a result of these devices’ action, a weakened organ receives energy needed for normal functioning, which is redistributed on a wide scale, restoring their workability. Thousands of people have been able to cut down on their dosages of medicines, and in some cases have entirely stopped taking them and have regained excellent health.
Gentle safe medicine just became a reality so doctors can now go back to the Hippocratic Oath that says: “First do no harm” when treating people. These gentle devices achieve exactly this – they can heal without being invasive and without causing harmful side-effects. The devices can be used with children and pets, and can therefore act as your “family doctor”
One of the most extraordinary claims coming out of Russia answers a long-standing problem in energy medicine and that is the problem of measuring results. They are claiming that the results can be confirmed by all well-known diagnostic methods. To date Deta Elis has developed more than 3,000 treatment programs, with an overall positive effect in many health problems in excess of 85%.
This is my first communication to the western world about this rising technology. In January of 2014 these devices will also be manufactured in Germany making them much more accessible. The Russian business plan is a traditional multi-level-marketing model with Dr. George Georgiou Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM), an expert in energy medicine and holistic medicine, at the very top in the English-speaking world selected to train doctors and practitioners in bioresonance testing and treatments.
This is perfect for those who want to make a business opportunity with this technology and is a good setup for practitioners who will be using the diagnostic machines and selling the treatment devices to patients. For a small taste of that, see this video of Deta Elis at their big celebration and award party. It is exciting and it is Russian.
It would also be worth watching this other 5-minute video about the company and their innovative devices –
No doubt when I publish this document there will be a rush to obtain this new technology. My patients from around the world will be given priority and then of course my readers, who will come under my banner with Deta Elis. Practitioners of every stripe are invited as well as patients who want to learn to use the Bioresonance approach on their own.
Treatment devices like the Deta AP and the Deta RITM are approximately 500 euros ($675 USD) each but even less expensive units will come next year with simpler design in a mini version with the ability to download your own frequencies for a wide range of ailments. Diagnostic machines start at 2,500 euros ($3400USD) and their most sophisticated combined diagnostic and treatment device the Deta Professional goes as low as 8,000 euro ($11,000 USD) – about one fifth of the price of similar units. You can see all of these devices at
Compare that to the cost of most medical equipment and drugs as well as therapies and one can see that the onetime startup cost for the consumer or practitioner is more than reasonable. Obama care, on the other hand, will undoubtedly fail as it should because it promotes the wrong type of medicine at obscene prices.
Republished with permission from IMVA
Written by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) - Director International Medical Veritas Association - Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Stay Centered and Energized During Vata Season Written by Deepak Chopra
. . In Ayurveda the fall season corresponds to two major doshas or mind-body principles: Pitta and Vata. Autumn is considered Pitta as long as hot weather prevails, and Vata as it becomes cold.
Late fall and winter are known as “Vata season” because they are marked by some of the same qualities that characterize Vata: cold, dry, light, clear, and moving.
As long as these qualities are in balance, a person whose dosha is predominantly Vata will be healthy, creative, and exuberant.
But when too much Vata accumulates in the body and mind, the imbalance may manifest as physical or emotional disorders, including insomnia, dry skin, arthritis, constipation, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.
All body types are vulnerable to Vata derangement during autumn and winter, but those who are predominantly Vata types need to be particularly vigilant about staying in balance.
Here are some practical ideas to keep you grounded and vibrant during the cold months ahead in the Northern Hemisphere.
For those readers living in the southern half of the planet, spring and Kapha season have arrived, so you will need to focus instead on keeping the earth and damp qualities of Kapha dosha in balance.
Follow a Vata-pacifying Diet Eat foods that are warming, fresh, and well cooked; avoid dry or uncooked foods (especially salads and raw fruits and vegetables).
Drink lots of warming liquids such as hot water and herbal teas to prevent dehydration.
You can prepare a fresh ginger tea by placing a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger into a pint thermos bottle and filling it with hot water.
Eat more of the sweet, sour, and salty tastes and less of the bitter, astringent, and pungent ones.
Avocados, bananas, mangoes, peaches, lemons, pumpkins, carrots, beets, asparagus, quinoa, rice, mung beans, almonds, sesame seeds, and ghee are a few excellent Vata-pacifying foods.
Don’t worry if your appetite seems stronger than usual as this is a natural tendency in winter and helps pacify Vata. At the same time, of course, don’t eat to the point of discomfort.
Nourish Your Senses Wear clothing made with soft fabrics in earth tones and mild pastel shades, which calm Vata.
Stay warm. Vata is a cold, dry dosha, so it’s important to make sure that your home and work place are well heated and that the air has enough humidity.
Since Vata is extremely sensitive to moving air, it’s wise to avoid drafts or sitting near fans or ventilators.
Give yourself slow, gentle self-abhyanga massage in the morning or before bed. Use a nourishing, warming oil such as sesame or almond.
You may also want to gently rub a drop of sesame oil inside your nasal passages, which tend to become dry during winter.
Sleep and Restful Awareness Get enough sleep! This is vital for Vatas, who tend to push themselves to the point of physical or mental exhaustion. Good rest is vital to balance.
Learn to meditate. For the overactive Vata mind, meditation is one of the best ways to find calm and stillness.
As you weave these Vata-balancing practices into your life, remember that Vata thrives on regularity and routine.
This includes getting up and going to bed at about the same time every morning and evening; eating meals on a predictable schedule rather than “grazing” or skipping meals or eating on the run; and planning time each day for exercise, rest, and relaxation.
As you create a daily balancing routine that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit, you will find yourself feeling more energized and centered in the months to come.
More about Doshas, certain diets, teas, mantras and meditation can be found throughout Deepak's Website:
Web Source:
~ Michael Forrester - Dec. 5, 2013
With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of consciousness can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body.
A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of intensive mindfulness practice.
The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities.
After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.
“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice,” says study author Richard J. Davidson, founder of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“Most interestingly, the changes were observed in genes that are the current targets of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs,” says Perla Kaliman, first author of the article and a researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona, Spain (IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS), where the molecular analyses were conducted.
The study was published in the Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. Mindfulness-based trainings have shown beneficial effects on inflammatory disorders in prior clinical studies and are endorsed by the American Heart Association as a preventative intervention.
The new results provide a possible biological mechanism for therapeutic effects.
Gene Activity Can Change According To Perception According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, gene activity can change on a daily basis. If the perception in your mind is reflected in the chemistry of your body, and if your nervous system reads and interprets the environment and then controls the blood’s chemistry, then you can literally change the fate of your cells by altering your thoughts.
In fact, Dr. Lipton’s research illustrates that by changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes and create over thirty thousand variations of products from each gene.
He gives more detail by saying that the gene programs are contained within the nucleus of the cell, and you can rewrite those genetic programs through changing your blood chemistry.
In the simplest terms, this means that we need to change the way we think if we are to heal cancer. “The function of the mind is to create coherence between our beliefs and the reality we experience,” Dr. Lipton said. “What that means is that your mind will adjust the body’s biology and behavior to fit with your beliefs.
If you’ve been told you’ll die in six months and your mind believes it, you most likely will die in six months. That’s called the nocebo effect, the result of a negative thought, which is the opposite of the placebo effect, where healing is mediated by a positive thought.”
That dynamic points to a three-party system: there’s the part of you that swears it doesn’t want to die (the conscious mind), trumped by the part that believes you will (the doctor’s prognosis mediated by the subconscious mind), which then throws into gear the chemical reaction (mediated by the brain’s chemistry) to make sure the body conforms to the dominant belief. (Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95 percent of our lives.)
Now what about the part that doesn’t want to die-the conscious mind? Isn’t it impacting the body’s chemistry as well? Dr. Lipton said that it comes down to how the subconscious mind, which contains our deepest beliefs, has been programmed. It is these beliefs that ultimately cast the deciding vote.
“It’s a complex situation,” said Dr. Lipton. People have been programmed to believe that they’re victims and that they have no control.
We’re programmed from the start with our mother and father’s beliefs. So, for instance, when we got sick, we were told by our parents that we had to go to the doctor because the doctor is the authority concerning our health.
We all got the message throughout childhood that doctors were the authority on health and that we were victims of bodily forces beyond our ability to control. The joke, however, is that people often get better while on the way to the doctor.
That’s when the innate ability for self-healing kicks in, another example of the placebo effect. Mindfulness Practice Specifically Affects Regulatory Pathways
The results of Davidson’s study show a down-regulation of genes that have been implicated in inflammation. The affected genes include the pro-inflammatory genes RIPK2 and COX2 as well as several histone deacetylase (HDAC) genes, which regulate the activity of other genes epigenetically by removing a type of chemical tag.
What’s more, the extent to which some of those genes were downregulated was associated with faster cortisol recovery to a social stress test involving an impromptu speech and tasks requiring mental calculations performed in front of an audience and video camera.
Biologists have suspected for years that some kind of epigenetic inheritance occurs at the cellular level. The different kinds of cells in our bodies provide an example.
Skin cells and brain cells have different forms and functions, despite having exactly the same DNA. There must be mechanisms-other than DNA-that make sure skin cells stay skin cells when they divide.
Perhaps surprisingly, the researchers say, there was no difference in the tested genes between the two groups of people at the start of the study.
The observed effects were seen only in the meditators following mindfulness practice. In addition, several other DNA-modifying genes showed no differences between groups, suggesting that the mindfulness practice specifically affected certain regulatory pathways.
The key result is that meditators experienced genetic changes following mindfulness practice that were not seen in the non-meditating group after other quiet activities - an outcome providing proof of principle that mindfulness practice can lead to epigenetic alterations of the genome.
Previous studies in rodents and in people have shown dynamic epigenetic responses to physical stimuli such as stress, diet, or exercise within just a few hours.
“Our genes are quite dynamic in their expression and these results suggest that the calmness of our mind can actually have a potential influence on their expression,” Davidson says.
“The regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways may represent some of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic potential of mindfulness-based interventions,” Kaliman says. “Our findings set the foundation for future studies to further assess meditation strategies for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions.”
Subconscious Beliefs Are Key Too many positive thinkers know that thinking good thoughts-and reciting affirmations for hours on end-doesn’t always bring about the results that feel-good books promise.
Dr. Lipton didn’t argue this point, because positive thoughts come from the conscious mind, while contradictory negative thoughts are usually programmed in the more powerful subconscious mind.
“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors.
Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs.
“Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life, because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious control.
So when you are trying to heal from a conscious level-citing affirmations and telling yourself you’re healthy-there may be an invisible subconscious program that’s sabotaging you.”
The power of the subconscious mind is elegantly revealed in people expressing multiple personalities. While occupying the mind-set of one personality, the individual may be severely allergic to strawberries. Then, in experiencing the mind-set of another personality, he or she eats them without consequence.
The new science of epigenetics promises that every person on the planet has the opportunity to become who they really are, complete with unimaginable power and the ability to operate from, and go for, the highest possibilities, including healing our bodies and our culture and living in peace.
About the Author Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.
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