Saviors Of Earth

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Despite the Hype, Artificial Intelligence Remains Inferior to the Human Brain

Despite the Hype, Artificial Intelligence Remains Inferior to the Human Brain

With new alarming predictions being made every week, it is important to explore the limitations of AI. The human brain provides the best reference point.
The global infoscape is currently abuzz with alarmist predictions over the dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI). Billionaire entrepreneurs and their hirelings, who had once gushed over the emerging AI “technopia”, have suddenly turned apocalyptic. As the narrative du jour goes, a sentient AI may ultimately turn against its creators.

But are there any merits to this claim, apart from fictional cues from the Terminator franchise?

One way to answer that question would be to compare AI to an analogue that is already available and sentient, namely – the human brain. AI was designed not only to mimic the human mind but also to out-compute it in certain aspects. Apart from presenting a paradigm shift, AI’s utility is not entirely revolutionary...+

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