Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

David Wilcock’s Annotations 3… “The Cabal: You’re not Dealing with Normal Humans” & “A ‘Holy Crap’ Moment”

David Wilcock’s Annotations 3… “The Cabal: You’re not Dealing with ...

Posted on September 19, 2011 by kauilapele

This is the third installment (of five) of “David Wilcock’s Annotations” on his “interview with Ben Fulford” article. As I mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2, I’m presenting here, in several bits, what really stood out from his annotations, from my perspective (the “[]“ed parts).


So here’s what came out with this one (and actually, most of this is not from the David [] annotation parts, but still impacted the mind).

  1. Very difficult to get the truth published in the mainstream. Ben stated, “Five corporations – controlled by people like Rupert Murdoch, Redstone and stuff. They have a grip over all the TV studios, all the newspapers, the radio stations, Hollywood studios, you name it.” David’s publisher, Dutton Books, is not one of them.
  2. This is not a global, economic collapse. Ben says, “…the average growth in the world economy last year was seven percent!” (“Holy Crap” moment for David) “People are booming! It’s not a world crisis – it’s a crisis among the countries controlled by this cabal.” [This is something I noticed in another country (Peru) a couple years ago. It seemed to me the economy was vibrant and growing. Not that there were not tough times for some, but man, the place was vibrant.]
  3. The Cabal-ers are not like normal humans. “These people don’t think like normal humans. I guess it was Herbert Hoover – no, J. Edgar Hoover – who said, when a conspiracy is so big, people’s mind boggles and they go into denial. In any case, these people are coming down.” [Remember, however, that the Light can heal anybody!]



BF: Look, I had a book proposal at the Berlin book fair. Eleven publishing companies wanted that book out there, including five major ones. They all came back and said they were told by their bosses they couldn’t do it.

DW: Wow. [In my case, the president of Dutton Books, a Penguin division, contacted me directly. Hardly anyone saw the Source Field book, or its contents, until it was actually published.]

BF: They’ve had people going and telling everybody I’ve ever associated with professionally that I had become an insane drug user. They control the media. You’ve got to remember that. There are five companies. Five corporations – controlled by people like Rupert Murdoch, Redstone and stuff. They have a grip over all the TV studios, all the newspapers, the radio stations, Hollywood studios, you name it.


DW: So if their economies are going to go down, they can then say it’s a global economic collapse.

BF: And it’s NOT a global economic collapse!


Again, if you look at the public statistics, you will see that if you exclude the G5 countries, the average growth in the world economy last year was seven percent!

DW: Holy crap!

BF: People are booming! It’s not a world crisis – it’s a crisis among the countries controlled by this cabal.

DW: And it’s only the G5 nations. Wow!

BF: Yes! I mean, look at the statistics. They’re all there. It’s all in the public record. You just have to look at government websites and check this out.


There’s nothing I’m saying – including the plan to kill 90 percent of the world’s population – that is not in the public record. It’s in their own writings!

We have countless confessions. Wernher Von Braun, the guy behind the Apollo projects, said on his deathbed that they were going to use a fake alien invasion as an excuse for genocide.

It’s crazy stuff – but it’s provable.

These people don’t think like normal humans. I guess it was Herbert Hoover – no, J. Edgar Hoover – who said, when a conspiracy is so big, people’s mind boggles and they go into denial. In any case, these people are coming down. We’ve got…

DW: (crosstalk) Right. Now you said something that is very provocative.

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Comment by RichardtheRaelian on September 20, 2011 at 4:37am
I'am resonating with the words posted above.

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