DR. PETE PETERSON AND THE MOTH [Note: This is the most recent Project Camelot whistleblower]
This witness, Dr. Pete Peterson, has worked in very high-level projects in the black-ops community, and describes himself primarily as an ‘instrument maker.’ He regaled us with tales of technology far in advance of what is known in the conventional world, and had a compellingly vast knowledge of science to support his claims.
The trip was infused with magic the first morning we went to meet our witness. I was stunned to see the largest, most beautiful moth I’d ever seen in the wild right in front of me, perched on the side of the country log-cabin hotel we were staying at:
[see website for picture of moth]
This baby had a whopping four-inch wide wingspan — maybe even five — and with a little gentle goading, we were able to get it to spread its wings and take a clean photograph with my brand-new Iphone:
[see website for picture of moth]
This was a very good sign, as the Carlos Castenada books said the moth is a very powerful Native American symbol, representing the spirit world entering into manifestation. In all my life I’d never seen anything like this before. We left it alone, of course, but not before snapping a bunch of photographs!
I must say that in many ways, the scientific conversations I’ve had with Dr. Peterson are some of the most engaging, stunning and informative I’ve ever had. We got into such arcane subjects as trinary rather than binary computer logic systems, hexagonal Penrose tiling as the geometric basis of the hyperdimensional universe, the hidden scalar potentials in the Maxwell equations, the "information field," and much, much more.
Based on his testimony and the massive scope of what he has done for the insiders, I feel it is safe to say that he may well be the number-one technology guru in the black-ops community. The computers we have now are a joke compared to what he had built for them years ago. You’d need about ten thousand regular computers to equal one of his… but I digress… just wait for the Camelot video to get a taste.
As he admitted on camera, his company was called Cyberdyne Systems and he worked as a ‘consultant’ for the first Terminator movie. That’s one of the most outrageous on-the-record ‘teasers’ he drops in the video. Oh, you have no idea… no idea…
Dr. Peterson was equally impressed with me. He said there was only three other people he’s ever been able to have that level of a conversation with, where they consistently offered him new things to think about that he did not already know. Two of them were in black-ops and are both now dead, and the third one — a very popular metaphysical author from the 1970s — has now fallen out of contact.
We captured video from this unique event, including an interview with him by yours truly — and this footage should be released very shortly. Among many astonishing things he shared with us, thanks to one of his inside contacts, we learned that the Obama administration has an active plan to disclose the reality of the extraterrestrial presence before the end of this year.
Television time has already been booked — and we are told that several different ET groups will be revealed, all human in appearance, with the understanding that our government has secretly been in contact with them for over 100 years now.
He was concerned that this might not happen, as all the inside power-players he used to work for would like to block it. They are NOT pleased with Obama… AT ALL. Peterson felt Obama was very lucky he had made it this far already, given how much these elements would like to see him ‘removed.’ This, to me, strongly suggests there is spiritual protection in place.
Peterson himself wasn’t particularly fond of the new administration, but his testimony was arrestingly powerful support for what I’ve been saying all along — this administration is NOT the same-old-same-old, and at least some of them are very actively working to make our world a better place.
Of course, the new administration is a mixture of positive and negative, from all different parts of the political and insider specturm. It couldn’t be any other way at this point in our history, given where we are now. That’s why it’s so easy to point out what is NOT working, and all the failures.
There is a very healthy counter-intelligence program to flood the conspiracy media on the Net with disinformation, but if the administration can pull off a Disclosure, I think much will be forgiven.
The really cool part is that if it happens as we were told, it will coincide very closely with the time that my debut network television appearance will occur. I really don’t want to say much about it in case it gets thwarted, but it increasingly looks like it’s going to happen without a hitch.
We are providing the network with CG visuals to enhance my testimony, and are currently on a crashing deadline to supply them with rough ‘animatics’ by a week from now in order to insure those sequences make it into the cut. Now is the time to sprint like hell for the finish line!
On and off the record, Pete told us that the reason he was coming forward was that he felt he had "mud on his wheel of karma", and that some of the government jobs he did made him feel "so covered in excrement that I had to take six showers a day to try to feel clean."
I spent two full days in the company of Dr. Peterson and did not feel he was negative, service-to-self or ‘evil’ in any way. He had performed work on national defense projects that extend our capabilities beyond that which is known to the public, but underlying all of this was a strong sense of duty to protect the people of this planet.
Admittedly, he was in a nest of vipers, and to use his words, he had to "get a degree in bastard school" in order to be able to protect himself in a very negative environment. Nonetheless, I never got the sense he was a negative person — merely that he had learned how to safeguard himself in a highly competitive, in-fighting and distrustful community.
Dr. Peterson has been told that some ET groups are negative, and actively work to subvert humanity. Although he has retired, he still provides services to the "government" community (as he calls it) because he feels we would be jeopardized without his help.
We shot at least three hours of video, and there are some extended conversations I have with him during this process regarding the ‘information field.’ You will not want to miss this one — trust me!
We left for this trip on June 26th and returned on Tuesday, June 30th. That same day, we did another radio show from the airport, which has not yet been transcribed. The environment was very disruptive — we had Hare Krishnas chanting and banging drums in the background and the phones kept cutting out.
On this show, we announced Dr. Peterson’s name, and some of the amazing testimony we had gleaned. Much to my amazement, a stunning synchronicity appeared the very next day in the form of an email.
It turns out that Dr. Peterson had been specifically mentioned — and prayed for — at a CSETI conference held by Dr. Steven Greer that was occurring… during the exact same period of time that we went to meet Dr. Peterson in person!
I first heard about Dr. Peterson’s desire to come forward, and share his knowledge to benefit humanity for the good, in a phone call from Kerry Cassidy on or around June 22rd. We did our radio show together to consolidate our group energy on the 25th, as you are about to read. We flew out to his home area the next day, June 26th, and returned on the 30th.
Greer’s conference began on June 21st and ran until June 27th, and the group prayed for Dr. Peterson to come forward and share his knowledge to benefit humanity on the 24th or the 25th — possibly the same day we did our radio show.
Little did Dr. Greer’s group know that we would be meeting with him to fulfill the answer to their shared group prayer — for Dr. Peterson to "go positive" and help the world with what he knows — the very next night!
Here’s the email as it came in. Notice that Dr. Greer and his people do not have a favorable opinion of Dr. Peterson — but they had no idea that he was coming forward to help the world with his knowledge during the exact same time they were meeting with each other!
Nor could they have known that without you — and your financing — to help me make this trip a reality, it never would have happened!
Also interesting is to note that the people who know Greer obviously know Peterson, and vice versa. Therefore, Obama’s alleged plan for Disclosure, according to Peterson’s insider contact, may well have been inspired and assisted by Greer’s team. In this email you get the inside scoop from Greer’s side of the fence, providing valuable, additional context to the same subject (emphasis added):
——-Original Message——-
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:29 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Subject: Pete Peterson name mentioned by Greer in CSETI meditation circle - The Coming ET Disclosure
Hi David,
I just want to tell you a recent "coincidence" involving the name "Pete Peterson" and ET disclosure by Obama’s administration.
I was with Steven Greer from June 21st to 27th, out in the field attempting contacts with ET’s, all of us around 35 people. Very interesting trip indeed! But I’ll skip those amazing experiences …. what I want to tell you are:
- On one of those nights, I can’t remember what date either 24th or 25th, Dr. Greer asked us to pray/meditate for certain members of the secret government. Pete Peterson’s name (and a woman’s name, I think it was Catherine Peterson if I’m not mistaken, I was not aware of their relations) was mentioned as being a member of MJ12 involved in deep black ops. I think there were around 8-10 names mentioned.
[David’s Note: If there is a Catherine Peterson, she is not involved or affiliated with Dr. Pete Peterson.]
We asked for The Great Spirit to enlighten and inspire these STS (service-to-self) people to see the great potential of humanity, so they may turn back and start working cooperatively with the rest of us.
Specifically, we prayed that "they are freed from their addictions to power, control, and manipulations" … to use Greer’s words.
- During the afternoon discussions, Greer mentioned a few times that he had given "life-altering" briefing documents to Obama’s administration about ET presence and technologies … AND the fact that the military industrial complex and/or transnational secret government monopolizes almost all those ET high technologies for war/destructive purposes.
He actually read to us the content of his letter to President Obama. Greer is prodding Obama’s administration for disclosure within this year or early next year.
Greer is also working with a major G7 country to coordinate an ET landing, supported by this G7 country’s military .. but they cannot go forward without the approval/cooperation of the U.S.
(I think you can listen to some of his disclosure comment in his radio show at World Puja Network.)
Now, Greer also said that constant monitoring was happening to the group. IMHO, it could be that Pete Peterson deliberately and "coincidentally" comes out as whistleblower to disseminate disinformation and fear, by using real research facts as baits. Fear consciousness is what they want. So I don’t really know what to make of this … except to constantly meditate/pray for peace/oneness/love/light.
[David’s Note: The problem with this chain of logic is that the testimony we got from Dr. Peterson was not fear-based in nature. He did suggest the insiders are attempting to orchestrate another major economic upheaval, but the vast bulk of his testimony was inspiring, informative and uplifting.]
I hope Obama will be strong in the midst of all these secret warring factions.
Thanks for all the great works you’ve been doing!
Big hugs,
- Greer does not think negative ETs exist, which I don’t really agree with because I think "as above, so below" and earth is a reflection of the greater cosmos. So the whole time, I called specifically for Ra to come and be represented in our ET contacts. Apparently, there were numerous ET civilizations being represented during our ET field expedition there. It was a wonderful experience indeed!
- Other secret government names that I can remember mentioned were Maurice Strong, Jon Alexander, Bob Bigelow, Harry Trane, and Stubblebine. Some of the "evil" research was into manipulating/attacking human astral bodies.
As you can see here, this emailer was angling for the position that Peterson’s coming forward with us was somehow an ‘insider orchestrated’ event.
I could not disagree more. This is the power of synchronicity — pure synchronicity — in action. And I feel blessed to be on the front-lines of an incredible event.
This may not seem like much to the mainstream world now, but in the aftermath of a disclosure, there will be much to look back to — and those people who were the front-runners will be seen as being quite prophetic.
Somehow, I highly doubt it will happen this year — call it my own internal skeptic — but then again, sudden and amazing things DO happen in this world. And it would be a real shame for us NOT to have disclosure prior to 2012, given how much of a consciousness shift it would create for everyone.
[end snip #1]
: : :
[snip 2]
Later in the week, Mom and I had dinner with Jay, my visual-effects director, and Raphael, a representative from the Gnomon visual effects school here in Los Angeles.
There is a possibility that we will get direct assistance from Gnomon on our next free Internet video, the sequel to 2012 Enigma, as they are starting their own production house and can use the work and the publicity. It was a very heady and exciting conversation.
While we had dinner at the Inn of the Seventh Ray, outdoors on a fairly brisk night, a lone, cold honeybee zoomed in for a landing on our tablecloth, and made his presence very obviously known.
Since we’re always on the lookout for symbolism, Jay asked me what the honeybee represented. I reminded him that the honeybee is an ancient symbol of death — the afterlife. Specifically it refers to ghosts and other such manifestations from the world beyond into our own reality.
Jay equated this with the Illuminati, and I said this could very well be true — we had just been discussing them when the bee first landed. I pointed out the fact that it was now alone and not doing well, clearly freezing, and effectively on its last legs. It could not reach the hive to return home and was in trouble.
Yes… very apropos indeed! In light of the astonishing synchronicity that had just happened between my financing the trip to meet Dr. Peterson, and then having Dr. Greer’s group pray for him during the same time, I saw this little honeybee as an excellent symbol of the increasingly-isolated and fearful New World Order.
As Jay chewed on this concept, the honeybee crawled towards him on the tablecloth. It then turned its back on him as it reached the edge and deposited a big poop on the white tablecloth!
I started laughing and laughing, and pointed out how symbolic this was — it’s about all they can do now in light of all the transformation that is occuring. A final act of defiance on their way out the door. We all laughed!
As soon as everyone was laughing, the honeybee spontaneously took off in flight. In his search for light, heat and safety — for a way Home — he vectored in directly on the tea-light candle that was in the center of the table. He flew inside the narrow-mouthed glass that held it — narrow at the top and wider as it went down. Almost like a Pyramid missing a capstone.
Once inside the glass, he flew one complete circle around the perimeter, and was unable to fly up and out of there since the mouth of the glass tapered inward. The laughs tapered off as we watched this unfolding in front of us.
Defiantly, the bee rammed himself against the ‘glass ceiling’ in an attempt to escape. No luck!
His body shot directly into the hot wax inside the tea light.
He was killed instantly.
We all had stopped talking and watched this whole thing happen, in a matter of seconds, right after I pointed out the humorous symbolism of the bee pooping on the tablecloth.
The suddenness of his death shocked us, as there was no twitching, no convulsions — he plunged directly into the scalding-hot wax, and was instantly seared to death.
So many things have happened since then that I had forgotten about this — but thankfully Jay reminded me of it last night. I was truly amazed at how well all these symbols fit together.
[end of snip 2]
You're encouraged to go to David's website to read this VERY LONG ARTICLE. Here's the link again:
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