The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters are presently with us. We may communicate with them telepathically at any time. Even if we feel we are not yet telepathic, we can ask for their guidance and assistance. They hear us and respond. We may experience their response as an idea that pops into our minds … a sudden urge to perform a specific action … a book falling off the shelf in front of us. There are myriad ways for them to answer our requests. Just be alert, open, and willing to follow through with the idea presented.
Earth humans have a lot of work to perform—in conjunction with the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters—in order to create a galactic culture on this planet. We chose to incarnate, during this transitional period, in order to assist in this momentous endeavor. We are the privileged ones! We are here to witness events that have never—in this solar system’s history—taken place on Earth. We are present because we were awarded this unheard of opportunity to move forward in our spiritual evolution. Let us give thanks … roll up our sleeves … and get busy!
We cannot create a galactic society by using 3rd dimensional techniques that are based on greed, competition, separation, or categories of various kinds created to pit us against each other rather than bring us together in cooperative efforts. We must lay down our prejudices, cease clinging to our old belief systems, and overcome our propensity to resist change. In other words, we must affirm: “I choose to walk on the pathway to ascension. I release all known obstacles to my successfully treading this path and henceforth intend to work within the energies of love for all persons.”
We cannot create a galactic society with our present level of education regarding every facet of our lives. Living on 3rd dimension means we have lived within illusion. Life is not what we think it is. Our planet is not what we think it is. The cosmos in which we live is not what we think it is. Human beings are not what most think they are. In order to create a galactic society, we must be willing to admit our lack of education, our lack of knowledge, and most of all, our lack of wisdom is how to create a culture that allows every individual to blossom into all that we are.
Thus, the prerequisite for creating a galactic society is that we lift our consciousness from 3rd to 5th dimension. As Einstein said, “No problem can be solved at the level at which it exists.” Instead, we must tap into our Higher Mind, intuitive powers, and creative capacity.
We must covenant with one another, the Galactic Federation of Light, and the Ascended Masters, to be willing, diligent students of the wisdom that has been hidden from Earth humans for eons of time. We must re-write many books; re-organize our governmental systems; crack open our frozen religious doctrines and enable them to be permeated with Universal Truth; re-create our educational systems to include a focus on the mind, body, and spirit of every child; and develop peaceful, loving ways to live together as a planetary family committed to fulfilling God’s divine plan on Earth.
Creating a 5th dimensional society will require that all Lightworkers be involved as citizens of a nation. Our task is to build a galactic type planetary society that resonates with the 5thdimensional plane of consciousness. We will accomplish this goal with the support and guidance of our galactic family. Participating in the transformation of all Earth nations is a major means by which we perform the loving service to others that qualifies us, as individuals, to achieve our own ascension.
Knowledge of the basic characteristics of a galactic society provides us guidelines for the renovation and lifting up of planet Earth. A few of the basic characteristics are listed below.
1. All persons are members of a loving community called a “podlet.” A podlet is made up of approximately 64 people usually built around a common life purpose.
2. Parents share the responsibility of raising children. “The goal of child rearing is to foster high self-esteem, personal sovereignty, and mutually shared love and joy in all individuals.”
3. Within the galactic community, Spirit is held in awe. Early childhood education recognizes the presence of Spirit within every child.
4. The individual is nurtured and empowered by society; thereby enhancing the overall social order.
5. “Government is perceived as the fulfillment of divine service. Since every member of the society is sovereign, government’s purpose is simply to mirror the divine will of the Spiritual Hierarchy and to assist each clan [containing many podlets] in successfully completing its most sacred goals.”
6. “The highest form of the observance of God’s Will is divine service. Consequently, galactic society is focused on service, freely offered.”
7. “Each lifetime is perceived to contain a divine purpose.”
8. “The sovereignty of the individual … transcends any perceived rights and refers instead to the individual’s liberty to grow in Spirit according to God’s wishes.”
“Galactic society is constantly reinventing itself.”
(The above information on the galactic society is taken from Sheldan Nidle’s book entitled Your First Contact.)
Nancy B. Detweiler
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