Covert security agencies at NASA and elsewhere are suppressing the publication of photographs which show the inter-dimensional portals at Earth's North and South Poles
Disclosures about the Inner Earth human society are soon to be released into the public domain. All planets are hollow and internally inhabitable. So is the Moon. An artist's impression of what a photograph of the Earth's North Pole might look like can be seen here.

----- Original Message -----
From: TW
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 6:26 PM
Subject: :SPAM: Hello Central Question
Hello to Ann and Patrick!
I thank you for all the great information over the years. I have found many truths and my life is great. I thank you both for many of those truths.
I am very into studying earth changes and have been trying to have my mapping programs show me a picture of 90 degrees north. I want to see the north pole. Not one of the many free (or any other) programs will show me the north pole. The programs either 'pinch together' the image or blank it out completely showing only a blue screen where water is supposed to be. They show the seabed for the rest of the planet. South pole images seem to be about the same. The south pole images show white where only snow is supposed to be? Why is this? I have even had my computer lock and refuse to respond after a few searches in the subject. I am VERY particular about keeping it clean and free from bugs! Please give me some answer why this is a forbidden search item and why it is so secret.
Thank you for the years of Truth!
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 9, 2009
Dear TW:
Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds.
You are asking about aerial maps/photos of the north and south poles. These are hard to find because the Illuminati have forbidden any such to be made available to the public. Even aircraft and ships are restricted in approaching too close to the poles.
This is so because the general public is not to know about the polar openings to the Inner Earth and the 4D society of enlightened people living within our hollow earth. Every planet is hollow, as is our moon, and there are civilizations living within other planets, as well as on their surfaces. Earth Shan is no exception.
You may recall that Admiral Richard E. Byrd in 1947 was allowed to do a navy exploration of the north pole opening, and later the south pole opening into Inner Earth. His plane was pulled off course, according to Byrd's diary and he flew into Inner Earth at the north pole opening and made contact with the Inner Earth civilization.
Also, Olaf Jansen and his fisherman father, Jens, had traveled to the north pole opening in 1829. They went to the Inner Earth and spent over a year with the Inner Earth civilization, finally exiting at the south pole opening with their ship. The north pole opening is 1400 miles in diameter and has fresh water flowing out of it into the Arctic Ocean. There is no ice or icebergs in this area. The article "Smoky God" tells about their experiences.
Dr. Brooks Agnew, physicist, has been trying to organize an expedition voyage to the Hollow Earth using the Russian Nuclear Icebreaker, the Yamal. Another attempt will be made the summer of 2009. It is my understanding that Admiral Byrd's son, using his father's information has actually made an expedition to the north polar opening, but his ship was turned back by the U.S. Airforce.
We have posted articles about this subject on Fourwinds, namely:
1. Smoky God or a Voyage to the Inner Earth - Olaf Jansen's Travels
2. The Smoky God or Voyage to the Inner World
3. Dr. Brooks Agnew's North Pole Inner Earth Expedition of 2009
4. The Secret Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
5. The Inner Earth and Realms of Agartha - Joshua Stone
6. Agartha in the Hollow Earth - Joshua Stone
The poles are off-limits to the general public, just as is all information about aliens and space travel and our Star Friends aboard the starships surrounding Earth Shan at this time. Maps and aerial photos are altered and data is hidden to prevent Truth from reaching the people.
It may be of interest to know that at the end of World War II Adolf Hitler faked his death and flew by spaceship with his scientists to Peru and then to the south pole. There they set up a base and carried on their work of space travel, free energy, nuclear, etc. I have read that Hitler's south pole base had warm springs, palm trees, and of course, fresh water flowing from the opening to Inner Earth. Enough for now.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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