Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Continuing Your Awakening Process
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton

We are very fortunate to have the perspective that we do on life there on Earth, because we can see how easy it would be to go down a path of despair when looking at yourselves and your society. The reason why we do not get sucked in to that trap is because we see the best in all of you. We see you as you truly are as Source Energy Beings who are merely pretending to be something less than the wholeness of Source. You have gotten very good at pretending, but your awakening is really a remembering. It is a lifting of the veil of forgetfulness, and it is a letting go of the illusion of separation.

You all have been awakening at a faster pace because of the dire circumstances of life on Earth as it has been of late. If you do go into a pit of despair, just realize that you will climb out of it. That feeling, that experience will be temporary because it’s all part of the game you are all playing with yourselves, and nothing is permanent. ...+

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