Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Contacting the Divine Qualities through the Heart By Steve Beckow

Contacting the Divine Qualities through the Heart
By Steve Beckow

If the heart door (or hridayam) is a portal to the higher dimensions, as I believe it to be, then it follows that through that door we should be able to contact the divine qualities.

For most of us the hridayam remains closed. But soon we’ll experience a mass heart opening and access will thereafter be possible.

Access to what? The divine qualities.

Here’s an example. I’m sick and I was surfing Youtube. I hit upon westerns I used to watch as a kid. And I asked myself what it was that I liked so much about them.

And it was that the hero always won. There was always hope. There was always courage in defence of the right and just. On and on my conditioning went.

I felt strong when I watched the western heroes triumph. But looking at things from a more advanced age, I now see that the very quality I’m looking for – strength, in this case – exists within the higher-dimensional realm of the open heart.

In other words, I can summon that quality up from my heart. If I’m ever going to experie it, this is where it’s going to come from...+

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