It's like the greatest football game in human history. Everybody wants to know how it's going to turn out.
Dates have been leaked and/or suggested. Some have now already passed. The clamoring has already begun.
As I've said before, it's very likely that the initial dates were merely to test the waters and see how the system responded.
The real date will probably never be given -- the event will simply take place. Television time will be called. An announcement will be made. And the signs are clear that we do not have long to wait.
For that reason, it is already time to celebrate.
After so many years of secrecy and denial, the truth is about to be set free.
We will never be the same. There will undoubtedly be drama and turmoil when the announcement is made, but the scope and power of the changes it will create -- the seeking it will induce in so many -- is incalculable.
Those who read this website, and / or watch our videos, will understand that the changes we are going through have nothing to do with, and will not involve, any of the following fear-porn scenarios so flagrantly and naively trumpeted on the Internet as if they were imminent facts:
■Government and/or Illuminati takeover of the workings of society, creating a draconian, totalitarian and brutal state of martial law;
■Mass death, either through natural or manmade viruses, tainted vaccines, government 'death camps,' engineered starvation, et cetera;
■Collapse of civilization to a pre-industrial state through economic implosion, sudden wars, power grid failures, terrorist attacks, et cetera;
■Epic earth changes that erase most life from the Earth as we now know it -- pole shift, solar flares, tsunamis, et cetera, perhaps in 2012;
■Evil extraterrestrials who either pose as good guys first, or simply come in swinging right away -- with an attack vastly worse than 9/11.
The real story is far more interesting -- and has a much happier ending -- than these toxic, fear-drenched viewpoints. The very controllers who are causing all the problems on the planet may very well WANT you to believe these things are all about to happen, but that doesn't mean they will. More on that later.
Disclosure is a lot cooler than just finding out we have human brothers and sisters, not born on Earth, with super-advanced technology -- beings who can levitate, read minds and travel through time and space. There are beings very much more evolved and advanced than those flying around in UFOs, who have long since outgrown the need for any type of mechanized travel.
It is unclear how quickly we will get to that level of understanding if/when a formal disclosure actually occurs -- as it is a much deeper layer of the mystery.
Who are these beings -- these people -- who are so much more evolved than ETs in UFOs? And what exactly do they 'do'?
If more of us understood the answers to those questions, we would be far, far less concerned about the behaviors of the negative elite. It's good to be educated, but if you're caught up in the drama -- particularly if you either hate OR fear the NWO/Illuminati crowd-- then believe me, they are getting exactly what they want from you.
Your energy.
Don't get me wrong. In some cases, the negative elite are absolutely doing their best to make these doom-and-gloom scenarios come true. But here's the catch: the vast majority of them are largely and/or completely unaware that they are being kept on a tight leash -- by super-advanced beings who do not show favor to the negative over the positive, but ultimately manage both groups.
These super-advanced beings keep the negative elite from ever infringing on our free will more than we have collectively invited and allowed them to -- by our own disharmony and negative / manipulative behavior on a personal and collective level.
Though our collective shadow has attracted some nasty stuff, it has not attracted a worldwide catastrophe -- and never will. Not at this point, where we are at the end of a major cycle. We are under incredibly meticulous care and attention at this time, all without any of our conscious awareness.
The real 'Big Picture' is that our planet is being managed by very highly evolved entities -- who have the power to move entire solar systems around almost as easily as we drag and drop files on a computer.
These entities, such as the author of the Law of One series known as Ra, say they are involved in "the management and transfer of planetary populations." It has been a while since I have done an overview of the "lay of the land" as per the Law of One. In light of what now appears to be imminently heading our way, this seems like an excellent time to do so, and upgrade it with the latest and greatest intel.
[In my opinion, the Law of One series -- comprising 106 sessions from 1981 to 1983 -- is far and away the most accurate and important 'channeled' work in modern times. It is the philosophical and scientific foundation of everything on this website. A stunning array of specific data points have since been validated by scientific discoveries and/or inside whistleblower testimony.
As fantastic as everything you are about to read sounds, it has all been verified by multiple different sources of information and/or is either directly mentioned or strongly alluded to in the Law of One series. The truth is much stranger and more interesting than fiction!]
Just for review, the human body is a standard design throughout the entire Galaxy, since it is designed and built by the Galaxy to express its own 'personality'. You continue to have a human form in fourth and fifth density. By sixth density your natural form is simply a sphere of light.
A group like Ra started out as a planet of 'third density' people like us -- in their case apparently on what is now Venus, a mere 1.5 billion years ago. They then graduated into 'fourth density,' as the Earth is also now moving into -- gaining abilities such as levitation, telekinesis, gravity shielding, time travel, free energy, thought manifestation, instant healing and the like.
[In some cases, advanced third density civilizations can gain these technologies and abilities as well... just so we're clear.]
They still very much have a human body like we do, but it is less physical and more like what we could think of as a light body. They can manifest their own food from thought, but often get so caught up in helping others that they forget to nourish themselves adequately.
As they grow, fourth density people often get involved in helping third density planets like ours in their evolution, mostly behind the scenes. Certain cultures receive physical contact, on a local level, if they have progressed enough as a group to warrant such a visit.
Fourth density beings influence the right people to meet one another, cause synchronicities to occur, help us "create our own reality," and help make all these mystical things, like the "Law of Karma," actually come to pass behind the scenes. They need UFO-type craft to travel, but these can be made invisible to third density people quite easily.
Fourth density people can be quite naive, particularly in the case of the fourth density positive beings, and do not have a framework to understand or anticipate human negativity.
Fourth density people can be visible to us with the naked eye if they allow themselves to be, but by simply raising their frequency -- going to a place of inspired thought -- they can easily become invisible. This will no longer be possible once our planet shifts into fourth density, which is already well on its way to happening now.
If you want to see a human analogy to fourth density life, go to Burning Man or some sort of holistic gathering with drumming, dancing, fireside chats, conscious living and lots of love and laughter. You will find all the pluses and minuses fairly quickly.
There is a great plethora of clean, fourth-density-positive-oriented material to read -- and the way to identify it is that it will always come from a perspective of unconditional love and acceptance of others.
Some time later -- often over eons of time, but occasionally (as in Ra's case) at a fairly rapid pace -- you graduate into 'fifth density,' where the unconditional love of fourth is informed by the wisdom of fifth. That's why in the human energy field, fifth density is associated with the light-blue-colored throat chakra.
In this density you go on a research binge, learn all sorts of amazing things about how the Universe really works, learn to discover and utilize your willpower, communication and authentic voice, embrace the Principle of Honor, and are in a constant state of intellectual stimulation and development. Of course, it is entirely possible to exist in a fifth density state of consciousness here on Earth, albeit without all the technology and advanced mystical abilities.
Some 5D folks may then help advise and oversee fourth density beings, work with third density planets like us in their own capacity (such as through contacting and assisting more advanced meditators and seekers, and helping define and spread spoken language, mathematics, etc.), while they continue gaining all the wisdom and knowledge of the Universe they can find.
This wisdom-gathering is often a solitary path and can seem rather intellectual and detached compared to the open-hearted, all-loving perspective of fourth density. Graduation does not occur until you are fully ready to take everything you've learned and make a full life commitment to use it to help others.
Some fifth density entities start developing enough discipline to travel without machines, but it still is difficult. Most of them are able to start forming telepathic group-minds with larger numbers of people, where thoughts are literally shared enough that they work as one mind. Some fourth density folks can do this as well, but it becomes much more refined in fifth density.
You still have a human body in fifth density. You manifest and eat "liquid light broth of a golden hue," according to the Law of One series, and it is very enjoyable and nourishing, consumed in group gatherings.
The cleanest fifth density messages I have found, thus far, are the Seth books -- particularly The Seth Material as an introductory course, Seth Speaks as the main text, and The Nature of Personal Reality to further explore key points about "create your own reality" in greater detail. All of these books must be purchased -- none are available online at this time -- but there are many you can find on Amazon or elsewhere that are not at all expensive.
Seth Speaks was of absolutely pivotal importance in helping me open my ability to channel and receive intuitive information, second only to the Law of One series. It provided necessary information to perfect the art that was not available in the Law of One material.
Millions of years in our time after entering fifth density, we finally graduate into 'sixth density.' In the human energy field this is the deep-indigo chakra of the third eye -- which is very powerful once fully activated. You can still project yourself in human form if you prefer, but a sphere of light is now your natural state.
The love of fourth density and the wisdom of fifth density fuse into true Unity consciousness. An entire planet worth of people like us now merge into one singular consciousness, all the time -- though they are still aware of the personalities they had before this union occurred, forming a "social memory complex".
In sixth density, a clear, personal commitment is made to dedicate one's life to helping others evolve -- whereas in all stages before that, there is a greater measure of free will to pursue other activities if you so choose.
Sixth density beings take on the full weight of 'Management' tasks -- acting as a sort of executive branch to implement, and in some cases design, the much larger-scale changes and interventions that will assist a given planet in its evolution. Many of these changes are decided and voted on from even higher levels of being, and it becomes the honor/duty of sixth density beings to carry them out.
On Earth, the work of sixth density beings is quite extensive. First of all, a front-runner crew of 'Ancients' came here long ago to prepare the way for human life to exist on Earth. Before this time we didn't have much beyond single-celled organisms at best.
The Ancients first created the Moon, most likely from material within the Earth. The creation of such a satellite enabled life to flourish on Earth by giving us tidal activity to regularize biological rhythms.
The Moon was grown to precisely the right size in order to harmonize with the Earth's own measurements and those of the Sun in many surprising ways. You can read about them in technical books such as John Michell's "The Dimensions of Paradise" and to some degree, Robert Lawlor's "Sacred Geometry".
The Moon's exact size and distance from the Earth was precision-engineered so we would see a perfect 'corona' during a solar eclipse. In our present materialistic age, this is not even seen as interesting -- it is nothing more than a 'coincidence.'
The Ancients also helped fashion habitable underground cities out of existing honeycomb-like pockets within the Earth. This does not mean the center of the Earth is hollow and the core is like a sun -- but we now have multiple, credible insider testimonies confirming there really are areas like this within the Earth. Occasionally they have been discovered by people from the surface, according to many different legends from all over the world.
Interior gas pockets naturally formed as the material that made the Earth spiraled into being. They can be 70 to 100 miles deep in places, or more, and hundreds or even thousands of miles long. The Ancients insured that enough solid crust formed within them so that their interiors would not be overheated by the surrounding mantle. Life could grow inside much like the delicate crystals within the hard stone shell of a geode, metaphorically speaking.
The centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation creates a force similar but opposite to gravity that allows you to walk 'upside down' in these inner areas, compared to the Earth's exterior.
The Ancients custom-designed bio-luminescent bacteria on the innermost side of these pockets to provide a stable, renewable light source similar to sunlight, allowing flora and fauna to grow naturally within these mysterious interior areas.
Convection systems were also installed to insure an even hydrological cycle, so surface and sub-surface air and water could naturally interchange. The 'plugs' that regulate this water flow can still be found in the oceans if one knows where to look, though they are well camouflaged.
Many ETs can live and work closely with those on the Earth's surface -- safe, sound and totally undetected -- thanks to these living, breathing 'underground cities' that are as full of biological life as the exterior. Our visitors have a nice place to pursue family life and get away -- living and working in green, natural, outdoor communities -- while almost never being detected by those on the surface, thanks to the help of the sixth density 'Ancients' who set this up for them.
Apart from these 'cities,' the Ancients also installed super-advanced AI computer systems within the Earth that respond in a lifelike fashion to those whose spiritual calls for help are fairly simple. Rather than dealing with millions of different requests on a personal level that all have the same answer, the Ancients designed a system to batch-process all that 'email' with the AI system.
The system responds directly and personally to each seeker, relaying the message to turn within, meditate and learn to be more loving and accepting. According to the Law of One, you do not need anything more than these 'servers' until your spiritual calling gets refined enough to attract personal attention from real beings. The first who will start working with you will usually be those of fourth density.
At this time in our planet's history, since it is so close to the end of the cycle, almost everyone is getting personal attention. The servers are still there, but they're far less active than they would be at other points within our cycle.
The Ancients also installed the Earth's own stargate. This is a very involved discussion. You are about to read more specific details on this subject than I have ever shared publicly before.
My insider witness Daniel informed me that every planet with third density life gets its own stargate and its own gate address. This address is a base-10 number code consisting of seven different number sets. There are three separate single digits that can be up to 9, three sets of double digits that can be up to 99, and a final set that can be up to 999.
So, hypothetically, a gate address could go as high as 9.9.9., 99.99.99., 999 -- but for reasons I will explain in a minute, such a high number is extremely unlikely.
Earth's gate address ends in a three-digit number that is one higher than that of our neighboring planet Mars. We were the next planet to be ready for third density life after Mars in our own local area.
You only need to dial as far up the seven-level gate address scale as you want to go -- so for a local trip, you only need to dial the appropriate three-digit number and you're there, after a short but wild little wormhole ride.
The geometry known as the 'icosahedron' has ten equally-spaced nodes along the equator, as you can count out in the above image. This geometry actually exists as a standing-wave pattern in all different levels of scale, from quantum to Universal. Hence, this is the geometric basis for why gate addresses are designed in base 10. Cosmic areas can be divided up into smaller and smaller sections beginning with this logical principle.
The first three single digits in any gate address represent very large areas, much bigger than just our galaxy. Daniel was told they all exist on the exterior of a supermassive bubble that has a total of seven major cluster points of galaxies around its outside edge. This immediately captured my interest, as my research had already uncovered the fact that galactic superclusters are arranged in a geometric pattern -- namely the octahedron -- at the largest levels of size.
There are, of course, six corners or 'nodes' on each octahedron, as you can see in the next image. Each corner has a galactic supercluster that has formed in that spot, and many of the straight lines between corners have long strips of galaxies that have formed on them as well. Just so you can be clear, these 'superclusters' can contain hundreds or even thousands of galaxies. Our scientists estimate there are about 10 million superclusters to...
Each of these six 'corners' has a different number assigned to it for the very first digit of your stargate address. I am not sure where the extra number comes from to bring it up to seven. My guess is that there is something interesting in the exact middle of each octahedron, and / or a routing station that may be installed there despite the apparent lack of any galaxies.
It is also possible that a gate address of 1 automatically pops you into the center of the octahedron -- and from this point you then have access to the many other octahedra as well. This may be the practical aspect of how very highly advanced beings traverse vast distances throughout the Universe.
As you can see with the arrow from the word 'Sun,' we happen to be right in the middle of two large octahedral clusters that were identified by Einasto et al., and Battaner and Florido -- the so-called 'Egg-Carton Universe'. Our scientists have discovered these geometric clusters are only stacked three high in the Universe, in what then looks like a gigantic super-galaxy, as I discussed in the CONVERGENCE books, free on this website in Start Here / Books.
No conventional physicist has explained why this geometry is there, or why the galactic superclusters so neatly form along the edges of these shapes. The answer, of course, is that these geometries naturally occur in vibrating fluids. The entire universe is built of fluidlike energy that is not situated in our own 'three dimensions'.
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