Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

“Consciousness Creates Reality” – Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual.

“Consciousness Creates Reality” – Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual

by Arjun Walia
Collective Evolution 

“Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world. Make no mistake, consciousness has (and has been for quite some time) studied by numerous scientists, especially in its relation to quantum physics and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality. 

What is consciousness? Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being aware, our intentions and more. 

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein

The statement that “consciousness creates reality” comes with a number of different questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level as one human race) can shape and create whatever reality we’d like for ourselves? Does it mean we can manifest a certain lifestyle, and attract certain experiences? Does it happen instantly? Does it take time? How do we do it? 

Although we might not be able to answer these questions with absolute scientific certainty, we do know that yes, a correlation between consciousness and our physical material world does indeed exist in some way, shape or form. The extent of that correlation (again from a modern day scientific point of view) is still not well understood, but we know of the correlation, and we know it must have some sort of significance. 

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.” – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University , “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

The Science Behind The Statement “Consciousness Creates Reality” 

The quantum double slit experiment is a very popular experiment used to examine how consciousness and our physical material world are intertwined. It is a great example that documents how factors associated with consciousness and our physical material world are connected in some way. 

One potential revelation of this experience is that “the observer creates the reality.” A paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays by Dean Radin, PhD, explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. (source

In this experiment, a double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function. The ratio of the interference pattern’s double slit spectral power to its single slit spectral power was predicted to decrease when attention was focused toward the double slit as compared to away from it. The study found that factors associated with consciousness “significantly” correlated in predicted ways with perturbations in the double slit interference pattern. (source

“Observation not only disturbs what has to be measured, they produce it. We compel the electron to assume a definite position. We ourselves produce the results of the measurement.” (source)

Although this is one of the most popular experiments used to posit the connection between consciousness and physical reality, there are several other studies that clearly show that consciousness, or factors that are associated with consciousness are directly correlated with our reality in some way. A number of experiments in the field of parapsychology have also demonstrated this. 

Sure, we might not understand the extent of this connection, and in most cases scientists can’t even explain it. However they are, and have been observed time and time again. 

Below is a video demonstration from the film “What The Bleep Do We Know.” 

Other examples that we’ve written about are government sponsored psychokinesis experiments, the global consciousness experiment, intelligence agency remote viewing experiments, thoughts and intentions altering the structure of water, the placebo effect, teleportation studies and more. You can find more details about those specific experiments HERE

How We Can Incorporate This Information Into Our Lives & Use Consciousness To Transform The World 

Change requires action, but the place within which that action comes from is most important. 

Modern day science, especially quantum physics, has been catching up to ancient mysticism and concepts that are/were so deeply ingrained in various cultures throughout the ancient world. One great example of this is the fact that everything is energy , and nothing is solid. You can read more about that here

“We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we make the world.” - Gautama Buddha 

“Broadly speaking, although there are some differences, I think Buddhist philosophy and Quantum Mechanics can shake hands on their view of the world. We can see in these great examples the fruits of human thinking. Regardless of the admiration we feel for these great thinkers, we should not lose sight of the fact that they were human beings just as we are.” – Dalai Lama (source)

A great example of quantum physics meeting ancient wisdom is seen in the fact that Nikola Tesla was influenced by Vedic philosophy when pondering his ideas of zero point energy. You can read more about that here

So why is this relevant? It’s relevant because new physics, as mentioned above, is pointing to the fact that the observer shapes the reality. The way we think and perceive could be responsible and play a vital role in the physical construct we see in front of us. 

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” - Unknown

If we look at the world and examine it on a collective level, what do we see? How do we perceive it? Right now, the masses perceive it as being born, going to school, paying bills, raising a family and finding a “job” within the current paradigm to support yourself. No judgement here, but many people on the planet are not resonating with this experience. They want change. We’ve been repeating and perceiving our reality this way for a very long time, with very little information about what is really happening on and to our planet. It’s almost like we are robotic drones that are trained and brainwashed to accept things the way they are. To not question what is happening in our world and to continue on with the status quo, only caring for ourselves and our own lives. As Noam Chomsky would say, our consent has been manufactured. If we continue down this path and continue to perceive and view reality as “this is just the way it is,” we will, in essence, prolong that type of existence and experience for the human race without ever changing it. 

In order to create and manifest a new reality for ourselves, our thought patters and the way we perceive reality must change. What changes the way we perceive reality? Information does. When new information emerges it changes the way we look at things and as a result, our reality changes, and we begin to manifest a new experience and open our minds to a broader view of reality. Not to say that we can’t manifest a new physical form in the blink of an eye, and that we are not capable of doing that, but it appears to be something that takes time, something gradual, something we don’t quite understand yet. 

What’s also important about teachings from new physics is that, if factors of consciousness are associated with the creation of our reality, that means change starts within. It starts with the way in which we are observing the outer world from our inner world. This touches on the earlier point of how we perceive our reality. Our perception of the external world might very well be a reflection of our inner world, our inner state of being. So ask yourself, are you happy? Are you observing, perceiving and acting from a place of love? From a place of hate or anger? From a place of peace? All of these factors are associated with our consciousness, with our observation, the one (or the many) who are doing the “observing” might play a large role in what type of physical world the human race manifests for itself, what do you think? 

We are indeed the observers, can we create change and break patterns to open up new possibilities, change our direction, all through the way in which we observe ourselves, others and the world around us. 

I believe that the human race is in the process of waking up to a number of different things, simultaneously. As a result, the way we perceive and “observe” the world around us (on a mass scale) is starting to drastically change. So if you want to help change the world, change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change. 

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Mahatma Ghandi 

“There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.” This statement (worldview statement) was by Lord Kelvin in 1900, which was shattered only five years later when Einstein published his paper on special relativity. The new theories proposed by Einstein challenged the current (at that time) framework of understanding. This forced the scientific community to open up to an alternate view of the true nature of our reality. A great example of how things that once were regarded as truth have changed. 

“Lord Kelvins statements bares with it the voice of paradigms past…We knew that the Earth was flat, we knew that we were the center of the universe, and we knew that a manmade heavier than air piece of machinery could not take flight. Through all stages of human history, intellectual authorities have pronounced their supremacy by ridiculing or suppressing elements of reality that simply didn’t fit within the framework of accepted knowledge. Are we really any different today? Have we really changed our acceptance towards things that won’t fit the frame? Maybe there are concepts of our reality we have yet to understand, and if we open our eyes maybe we will see that something significant has been overlooked.” – Terje Toftenes (source)

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Comment by Besimi on November 15, 2014 at 2:21pm

How to Materialize What You Want


We all want to materialize our desires. There are two approaches for materializing what we want. The most common way is to ask the universe, God, a master or angels to give us what we want. The more advanced way is to directly materialize what we want from our own consciousness.

Either way there is a simple formula to follow. Two things are needed in order to materialize what we want: first we need a mold and second we need something to fill it with. The mold is our intention. We fill our intention with energy or Life Force. The best and most powerful Life Force is the force of Love. To put it simply: set your intention and put love into it!

When you ask the universe for something, it is important to have a clear intention of what you want and then put as much love power into it as you can. If you ask the universe with all your heart, you are more likely to receive what you want than if you just mouth the words!

For those of you who have been meditating or practicing healing or other spiritual disciplines, we must eventually learn how to directly materialize from our own consciousness. The formula is the same: set your intention as clearly as you can and then put as much love power into it as your heart can generate.

Asking only one time produces only one step of the energy that will be needed to make it happen. So the trick is to ask many times. Each time you repeat the formula (set your intention and put love into it), the energy accumulates layer by layer until it materializes.

If your heart is full and your intention is something your really love, your intention can bring you what you want even more quickly. It all depends on how much energy you put into it. Put your whole heart into your desire and it will begin to materialize.

Comment by Besimi on November 15, 2014 at 2:21pm

Becoming a Love Magnet!


Every living being in this universe is attracted to Love. When our heart is happy and full of love, everyone wants to be near, even the gods and angels want to come to us. When we are desperate and demanding, everyone wants to run away. Life is simple. All we need is a happy heart full of love and we become happy and everything around us is happy.

Love is the magnet of attraction. Love is the glue that binds all life together. Without Love we are empty and lonely. In our loneliness, we forget to love our self and give off the energy of “stay away from me, I want to be alone.” Of course this is not our intention! But this is the result. If we want to be attractive, we must fill our heart with Love.

If you feel empty, call on the universe and your favorite masters or gods to help you bring in Infinite Cosmic Love. Repeat the affirmation, “I am Full of Infinite Cosmic Love” many times each day. Your heart will slowly come alive again and you will start to feel more loveable.

When we feel empty, it is usually because we have been telling our self that we are not loveable. We have told our self for a long time that nobody will love us. Without realizing that we did it, we have made “nobody loves me” our mantra! If you cannot love your self, how can anyone else love you? Change your mantra! Think: “I am Infinite Cosmic Love” many times during the day. At the end of the day, sit down and make a list of all the good things that happened to you. Even if that list has only one thing be happy that you have made a good start. Each day you can find one more reason why you are loveable. You must learn how to see your own goodness if you want to start to love your self again. Count your blessings and make a list at the end of each day. Go to sleep with new hope in your heart that you are doing better and one day you will love your self more and more until your heart is full.

Invite a beautiful master like Kannon or Maria to come into your heart and fill you with their love. If you ask, they will come. Remember that your thoughts are powerful. What you think, you create. Create Love!

Love is the only virtue that can be created out of nothing. Love is the only virtue that we never lose. If Love is hiding from your mind, it is only because you have created clouds of doubt about your self. Love is still there. It is only hiding behind your thoughts! Put aside what you think about your self and invite love to appear. If you can’t do this by your self, invite a master or god or angel to come to you and fill your heart with their love until you believe in your self again.

Love is the only virtue we never lose. Even your desire to find love means that you still remember what love feels like. If you can remember what love feels like, there is still love inside your heart that will one day shine like the sun. When your heart is full of love, you will become a Love Magnet! Everything in this universe will mirror love back to you and the entire universe will be smiling like a loving mother. Try it! You’ll like it!


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