Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Codex-Wants to make vitamins illegal in UK

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Hi everyone.
I don't do this very often, but this is really important.
Codex is due to be passed on 31st Dec 2009 and we have to stop this. If codex were to be passed then all nutrient supplements would be banned, this means vitamins would be illegal in the same way heroin is illegal. This not only would effect us, but would have a disastrous effect on developing countries. Also, all natural herbs would be banned, all alternative remedies would no longer be available...anywhere!
It is the pharmaceutical companies that are behind this. Under codex it would also become law that ALL foods would have to be sprayed with harmful pesticides and ALL animals for food would have be injected with growth hormones and antibiotics that then end up in our bodies. If this happens it would result in more ill health and cancer, so then what would the pharmaceutical companies make? More money.
I know you're thinking this sounds far fetched but this is very real.
Below is the link with all the information. (These are very informative videos.) 5266884912495233634&ei=IE9FSdO8BorMwgPNp93TCQ&q=codex+alimentarius&hl=En

I'm sure most of you know I passionately believe in natural clean food because this is all our bodies were designed to take. This is of course for our physical health and we also know what we eat has a massive effect on our mood and emotions too.
Below is the petition. It takes 10 seconds! This is for our health and wellbeing and the health and wellbeing of our children.
Please click on this link below...

Thank you.
Amy Mordan
Kagyu Samye Dzong London

The petition says: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to oppose the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius (WHO/UN) proposals for restriction of the presently freely available herb/vitamin/mineral food supplements.

(Many of us rely on supplements for relief from fibro as well as general health. It appears that if Codex has its way these will no longer be available to us, food will be contaminated and life will be threatened, billions will die - and Codex will get away with it! So be on the safe side, Act now and sign the petition - PLEASE.

If you are interested in reading the Codex Alimentarius Commission, all 116 pages of it! - go here.)

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Comment by Bishop on February 8, 2009 at 4:38pm
wtf! this is backwards!?!?!

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