Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Clear as Mud - the expanded version

Clear as Mud - the expanded version


A commentator - a certain Aubrey Bailey - recently wrote an incisive reply to an article in the UK newspaper The Daily Mail, entitled "Clear as Mud". The piece below is based on his original comment, but I expanded it to make the Mid East situation not only as clear as mud, but as paradoxical as quantum mechanics. To make sense of the Middle East is the equivalent of braiding fog, or erecting a tower made of egg yolks.

Are you confused by what is going on in the Middle-East? Let's try to explain. 

For a decade we supported Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein by providing him with weapons of mass destruction, during which time he was using them to slaughter his own people. Then when Iraq was no threat to anyone except the expansion of al Qaeda's influence, we invaded that country and overthrew its government - which had nothing to do with 9/11 - and allow Islamist extremists, the sworn enemy of Saddam's Baathist regime, to gain a foothold in Iraq and eventually create ISIS. 

Now, we support the Iraqi government in its fight against ISIS. We don’t like ISIS but ISIS is supported by Saudi Arabia whom we do like. In fact we like Saudi Arabia so much that evidence linking top Saudi officials and royalty with the 9/11 attacks was redacted by President Bush and remains classified to this day. 

We really liked the progenitors of Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan in the 1980s, by supplying them with $billions in weapons, equipment and funds to defeat the Soviet Union which was so dysfunctional it couldn't even feed its own population, let alone wage war against the West. In fact we liked the Afghan Mujahadeen so much that President Reagan invited their top militant hardliners to the White House where they were regaled as the Mid Eastern freedom fighting equivalent of the US Founding Fathers. Then when the Soviets got kicked out, we were now shy of an enemy, so with the wave of a magic wand - "Araba-cad-araba" -our friend became our enemy. Pooouuff!

We don’t like President Assad in Syria. We support the fight against him, but not ISIS, which is also fighting against him, as have al Qaeda in Syria, and just as in Libya, with covert US support. In fact, we never liked Col. Gadhafi of Libya at all (barring a certain Rep. Peter King (R, NY) who brokered deals with him to supply the Provisional IRA terrorist group with weapons and explosives). We hated Gadhafi so much that we and NATO allied with al Qaeda rebels to depose the Libya government causing Libya to embrace Islamic fundamentalism, which we are allegedly fighting against.

We don’t like Iran, but the Iranian government supports the Iraqi government against ISIS. So, some of our friends support our enemies and some of our enemies are our friends, and some of our enemies are fighting our other enemies, whom we don’t want to lose, but we don’t our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win.

“If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they might be replaced by people we like even less. And, all this was started by us invading a country to drive out terrorists who weren’t actually there until we went in to drive them out – do you understand now?”

And I haven't even gotten started on Israel, Palestine, Hezbollah, opium from Afghanistan, oil from the Caspian, the Taliban, and our old CIA buddy-boy Osama bin Laden, and 9/11.


Oh wait...  do we have a Eureka moment maybe? - Perhaps this is all because we're supplying all sides with weapons and bombs (except the Palestinians of course, whom we hate by default), enabling our parasitic military-security-prison-surveillance industrial complex to provide healthy bottom lines and quarterly statements courtesy of hundreds of Billions of dollars in taxpayer funded corporate welfare. Defense (offense?) contracts means jobs in many congressional districts, and jobs means re-election. (Fucking whores, the lot of 'em).

To try to clear up any confusion, just apply the perennial solution: "Follow The Money".

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Comment by CHRISTINA on April 4, 2017 at 12:12pm

Clear as Mud

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