Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Cleaning the head of the Fish – Part 5

Cleaning the head of the Fish – Part 5

By MLJ on 31th December 2015 


The crop of the serpent is about to be cut down.

The meaning of the boulders is about to be known.

The purpose of the quest is about to be realized.

The meeting of the fortunates will soon commence.

Be not fearful of the events.

Be ever on the ready.

The serpent has ruled unjustly and unfairly.

The bell will toll.

The Light will shine.

I will soon gather all that are mine.

Best Wishes,


Credit and further Insights: M 24 Amitakh


During 2014 an internationally coordinated and co-created crystalline grid construct and reconfiguration became operational.

During July 2015 inspired actions were undertaken to further refine and elaborate on the established construct, and initially foresaw the creation of three additional nodes. However, as further inspiration and insights dictated, the endeavour took on unforeseen dimensions.

The realisation of wholesale infiltration and corruption combined with divinely inspired actions resulted in the co-creation of a multi-faceted construct for purification, purging and healing of all at all levels to facilitate transcendence of duality. Additionally, proprietary or imposed self-limiting patterns are deconstructed, with grace and ease.

The project is open source in as much as it is intended for ALL

Three pivotal crystalline nodes, form the backbone of the architecture. Direct and symbolic links connect to locations and realms forming a multi-facetted gem shaped construct characterised by dynamic, momentum and torque. Integration of an infinity engine, ensures that the purification and healing mechanism will function in perpetuity.

The newly created grid was integrated into the 2014 construct.

At regular intervals during the next weeks, sections of the architecture will be published.  These reports will be restricted to the divinely inspired co-creation, not proceeding 2015.



The Turks have a homely proverb applied on such occasions: they say “the fish stinks first at the head”, meaning, that if the servant is disorderly, it is because the master is so.
When an organization or state fails, it is the leadership that is the root cause, as such the context of the chosen article series title, should be apparent.
This proverb is of ancient origin but precisely which of the ancients coined it is probably beyond our ken at this distant remove.
The early date of this citation and the fact Porter was in a position to be authoritative on the Turkish custom, being as he was British ambassador to the Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Empire for 15 years in the second half of the 18th century, gives Turkey a strong claim to be the birthplace of this proverb.
Of course, the proverb isn’t a lesson in piscine biology. The phrase appears to have been used in Turkey in a metaphorical rather than literal sense from the outset. That’s just as well as, in reality, it is the guts of fish that rot and stink before the head. 
Many countries lay claim to it. I’ve seen sources that place it in China, Russia, Poland, England, Greece and so on…, but usually with no evidence to substantiate those claims. A correspondent of mine has asserted that it was written in a Greek text by Erasmus, who died in 1546. That may be the case, but I’ve not been able to substantiate that claim.
All of the early examples of the phrase in print in English prefer the ‘a fish stinks from the head down’ variant to ‘a fish rots from the head down’, which is more popular nowadays.
Those early examples all ignore the nations mentioned above and credit the term to the Turks. Sir James Porter’s Observations on the religion, law, government, and manners of the Turks, 1768, includes this proverb:
Credit and further Insights:

"A fish rots from the head down". Invite beings of All Realms, Nations, Governments and Royal Houses along on your Journey…


Click on image, or here to listen to “European Royal Families”
Externsteine, Teutoberg Forest, Germany, the Mystery Tour continues


Click here for more images of Externsteine

Click on image, or here to view “Externstein in Horn-Bad Meinberg”


Archaeological excavations have yielded some Upper Paleolithic stone tools dating to about 10,700 BC from 9,600 BC. Beneath a rock overhang on rock VIII, microliths from the Ahrensburg culture such as arrow heads or blades were found. Evidence of fire sites was also found. The area was thus frequented by nomadic groups who used the stones as a temporary shelter.[4]:13

The site is associated with archaeoastronomical speculation; a circular hole above the “altar stone” in the Höhenkammer has been identified in this context as facing in the direction of sunrise at the time of summer solstice.[5]

The Externsteine [ˈɛkstɐnʃtaɪnə] is a distinctive sandstone rock formation located in the Teutoburg Forest, near the town of Horn-Bad Meinberg in the Lippe district of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The formation is a tor consisting of several tall, narrow columns of rock which rise abruptly from the surrounding wooded hills.

In a popular tradition going back to an idea proposed to Hermann Hamelmann in 1564, the Externsteine are identified as a sacred site of the pagan Saxons, and the location of the Irminsul idol reportedly destroyed by Charlemagne; there is however no archaeological evidence that would confirm the site’s use during the relevant period.

The stones were used as the site of a hermitage in the Middle Ages, and by at least the high medieval period were the site of a Christian chapel. The Externsteine relief is a medieval depiction of the Descent from the Cross. It remains controversial whether the site was already used for Christian worship in the 8th to early 10th centuries.

There remains a contradiction between the use of the Externsteine as a simple roadhouse for travellers and as an hermitage on the one hand and the presence of the monumental relief and the Arcosolium on the other. These may indeed have been a reconstruction of the Holy Sepulchre. The remains visible today indicate the possibility that the Externsteine were intended as a destination for pilgrims unable to travel to Jerusalem. To that end many medieval churches created copies of the Holy Sepulchre (de). However, it is unclear who could have built it here and why there is no written evidence of such a relatively elaborate undertaking.[4]:16

Credit and further Insights:


Click here for more images of Externsteine Rune Stones

Click on image, or here to view “Gift From The Stones


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