Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Christed Extraterrestrials By Judith Kusel

Christed Extraterrestrials
By Judith Kusel

All is energy and the Shift or Ascension process, is really a vibrational frequency shift, as we ascend in octaves of Lightbody changes, until we match that of the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency band.

Here the Universal Law of Resonance is coming into play: The higher your own vibrational frequency band, the more you will attract that which resonates with your own energy fields, at all levels. That which is not of that resonance will simply disappear out of your own resonance fields.

Now there is so much talk about the Christed Extraterrestial races landing on earth and then freeing us. Not so. Indeed they have always been here, and never left.

I work with them and I am always told, that we need to raise our vibrational frequency bands, so that we reach that state of resonance were they not only can freely interact with us (as many are 7th to 12th dimensional and not visible to the naked 3D eyes). What this literally means is that we need to become a vibrational match and then the Law of Resonance becomes operational...+

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