There comes a time in almost, or dare I say, everybody's life experience when there is the experience of loss. Either we lose an item, a job, a loved one, or whatever seems absolutely necessary for our survival at the given moment. We are left with so many feelings, projections, hopes, fears and the whole catastrophe that defines being human on this planet.
It is now that I am in this predicament, not for the first time, but again at a significant juncture in the so called life story of this 'no body'. There are many stories I could tell and grievances I could recount. However, I refrain from doing that, going there, today.
When there is a tremendous amount at stake, seemingly, we have two choices. We can either go into fear or we can choose Love. Now at this moment, I choose Love. And when I choose Love, I do not necessarily know where that is leading. choosing Love also is about letting go, letting go of control and any ideas of what is right, appropriate, safe, secure or familiar.
Feeling Helpless is the opening into Opportunity and than means we don't necessarily know what's next.
Gratitude when things seem to be headed into uncertainty or a negative direction is our understanding and trust in the unknown and trust in the All Knowing, All That Is, the All Loving Good.
so when in a dire situation within yourself give gratitude and watch how things turn around.

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