Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


The list of names and reasons behind these full body scanners are absolutely shocking. George Soros (who is a holocaust survivor) and Micahel Chertoff (one of Bush's henchmen and modern day parent of our loss of freedoms) (and the son of a Jewish Rabbi) are one of many on this bandwagon to literally strip people of their dignity. Who would have thought in a million years, these people would be on the same team. WTF?!!!

Thank you Canada for this lovely article

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Comment by nonya on November 17, 2010 at 5:08pm
SIMMY, pleae dont fly anywhere. We cant afford for you to get tangled up in this shit or get radiated by this shit. The more you guys refuse to fly, the more money the airlines will lose money. This is a non violent way to make them stop. Please.
Comment by Simmy on November 17, 2010 at 2:10pm
At least you guys can "opt-out" apparently here in the UK you only have two options: go through the "cancer machine" or don't fly!
Comment by CHRISTINA on November 16, 2010 at 6:50pm
Glad to read it's not Deepak Chopra the holistic doctor and metaphysicist. Thanks PA. I've read only four of his books. I regard him being a person of integrity......
Comment by nonya on November 16, 2010 at 6:09pm
PA, couldnt agree with you more!! This just seems like one of those line ups for pedophiles to get off on. And i do meant the people in power who would think nothing of fondling (not pat down) young children and having video of it to play at a party later. This is where my brain goes with this, albeit it twisted, but these criminal acts (amongst others) are not off the radar for the heinous minds behind TPTB.
Comment by nonya on November 16, 2010 at 5:40pm
AHA PA!!! Thank you for pointing that out. My bad, I reworded the post. I didnt look at the picture, I just read over the info. It still reamins shocking to me that the very people who were part of the holocaust generation would even consider such a deplorabe act.
Comment by nonya on November 16, 2010 at 5:35pm
Aha!! PA, I stand corrected. I didnt payattention to the article's picture. My bad, I will reword it.

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