Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


The list of names and reasons behind these full body scanners are absolutely shocking. George Soros (who is a holocaust survivor) and Micahel Chertoff (one of Bush's henchmen and modern day parent of our loss of freedoms) (and the son of a Jewish Rabbi) are one of many on this bandwagon to literally strip people of their dignity. Who would have thought in a million years, these people would be on the same team. WTF?!!!

Thank you Canada for this lovely article

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Comment by nonya on November 21, 2010 at 5:44pm
CHRISTINA thanks bud, high five back atcha!!!

SIMMY on a personal note, I love brazilian culture, LOVE brazilian jazz, samba colleges, the language, etc. What a BIG drag that you moved to such a stiff gloomy atmosphere that far north. :( i would be hoesick the rest of my life
Comment by Simmy on November 20, 2010 at 11:23am
NONYA, I am a brazilian girl who moved (11 years ago) to colder climates (*sigh*)!

PT, don't worry, I will not feel guilty to fly to see my family. They mean the world to me and being with them is "my treat for my heart and soul", hehe!

TRUDY, to be honest with you I'll only be worried if my son and I are forced to go through the scanner. I really don't give a shit if they pat me down. If they are "funny" with me I will say something, definitely! If they do anything stupid with my son I'll scream "PAEDOPHILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"!!!!!!!
I'm sure we'll be fine!
Comment by CHRISTINA on November 19, 2010 at 1:16pm
......"just posted that to my facebook page this morning before i came here"...... High Five, Nonya!
Comment by Trudy on November 19, 2010 at 1:28am
Simmy if you must travel by plane you can also travel to the mainland to fly from there. For example, Belgium or the Netherlands or Germany. Although I am not sure whether you are in Germany also have a choice, or the body scanner or a personal body examination. A personal research body is healthier for your body but destructive to your soul. In any case, both options are degrading.

I want to give my compliments on this discussion. Mutual respect with a great humor. No derogatory words, but just everyone's opinion with integrity. Fantastic :)))
Comment by simpleman on November 18, 2010 at 10:24pm
I dont feel anything wrong with any of you guys flying. We cant let their miss behavior hinder us from living our lives. There are things to do and people to see. Let them not dictate where we spend our holidays and family time. Any way, field research is all ways good. You will get to see things happening on the ground floor. You never know what you may see or who you could help. For any one traveling, I give my best wishes and safe travels. Just remember, follow your intuition (gut feelings and heart connection ). Things are more intense now. Feelings are strong, it can go either way real fast. People just need to be pointed in the right direction.

Patricia, Im sorry about Tetra. That really sucks. I feel for you guys. Is there any kind of extension Tetra could apply for?

Nonya, so you got the visual. ha ha wouldn't it be so sweet if they all were swallowed by their own ass.
And the enlarged strap-on in the naked body scanner, hilarious. What would be even more funny would be the look on their face when they found it doing the enhanced pat down. funny shit he he ;)))
Comment by nonya on November 18, 2010 at 11:59am
SIMMY are you a brazilian girl?? or is your family british and moved to warmer climates?
SIMPLEMAN Im standing up and applauding.
CHRISTINA I just posted that to my facebook page this morning before i came here....we must be on the same wave.
PT, aww man, he is leaving.....that sucks big ass. Sorry buddy. Tell him to wear an enlarged strap-on and see if he can get the results on film.......teeheee
Comment by simpleman on November 18, 2010 at 8:27am
I wish they all would jump through their own assholes and disappear.
Comment by Simmy on November 18, 2010 at 5:48am
Nonya...the only time I fly is when I go visit my family (that I love and miss so very very much) in Brazil. Unfortunately from the UK there's no other way to get there. My conscience is not too guilty because I only do this every 2 or 3 years and my motive is always love. It is not really a holiday for me when I go back to the city I've lived on for 28 years. It is purely to see my loved ones (and eat some delicious brazilian foodies, hehe!). I wish there was another way because I HATE flying with a passion!! Here in the UK, if I have to go anywhere in mainland Europe I ALWAYS use train or coach.
Comment by CHRISTINA on November 18, 2010 at 5:10am
Enough is Enough! (

Comment by nonya on November 17, 2010 at 8:41pm
PT I even think the naked flyers is too extreme. People will just categorize that behaviour into the "crazy extremeist" category. If people want to get felt up at airports thats fine with me. If people want their x-rayed junk images rolling around on the internet (which they do) thats fine too. However, if 2 million people stopped flying for 2 weeks, it would bring the airlines to their knees. If 4 million people pulled their money out of a Big Bank tommorow that would have the banks on their knees.
Its easy, and peaceful and more importantly.........BRINGS THESE FUCKHEADS TO THEIR KNEES!!!!!

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