Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Cataclysmic Hypershift War Begins End Of Age

"The end of the world age was caused by Hurakan, the physical agent that brought darkness and swept away houses and trees and even rocks and mounds of earth. From this name is derived "hurricane," the word we use for a strong wind. Hurakan destroyed the major part of the human race. In the darkness swept by wind, resinous stuff fell from the sky and participated with fire and water in the destruction of the world. For five days, save for the burning naphtha and burning volcanoes, the world was dark, since the sun did not appear."
Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, Worlds In Collision, Chapter 3

There exists in our world today no greater mystery than that of where we began, why are we here and what will ultimately be the destination of our human race.

Though surrounded by the many supposed "miracles" of our modern technological age, even the most cursory of examinations into our Earth's deepest past reveals stark evidence of a previous age where the blending of science fiction and science fact met on an Earth whose remaining structures and artifacts, still visible today, our present human race is still centuries away from duplicating.

To the reasons behind the destruction of our ancient world there are many competing beliefs, stories and myths that have been handed down to us from those who lived on continents that have faded into the mists of time and known to the ancients by the names of Atlantis, Hyperborea, Thule, Rutas, Lemuria and Mu.

Equally perplexing to our modern world are the numerous reports, myths and legends surrounding UFO's, Crop Circles, Global Warming, Ancient Astronauts, Earth Changes, etc., full knowledge of which many believe is being withheld by governments fearful of our human races reaction should their existence ever be acknowledged.

In our human races quest to find the reasons for the many perplexities of our existence, and in attempting to reconcile an incomprehensible past with that which we do know to be true, the paths of religion of science have long provided answers to those willing to suspend their belief, for even though they both provide answers for our existence, one cannot hold to one without discounting the other.

But, as we stand upon the precipice of a world so mired in troubles that many question our human races ability to survive, and with many more believing that the End of Days as foretold by the ancients is upon us, and with many religions proclaiming the return of their Gods is nearly upon us, there has never been a time when the answers to the many questions of our existence were needed as we seemingly are all standing upon on the brink of total destruction.

And according to the author of this book, David L. Booth, we are, indeed, not only standing upon the brink of total destruction, our Earth's near destruction is the only event that will actually save our human race.

The Sisters of Sorcha Faal our proud to announce that the Booth Family Foundation has granted us the privilege of publishing for the first time David L. Booth's seminal work, Cataclysmic Hypershift War Begins End Of Age, wherein he describes an ancient Earth so filled with wonders and beauty that the only word he writes is able to accurately describe it is Heaven.

Not only did our human race live upon a Heavenly Earth, Mr. Booth writes, but also to many other of the planets in our Solar System had we migrated, terraformed and settled our species.

That is until a cataclysmic nuclear war fought with weapons, we are only now developing in our modern age, not only devastated our planet but due to the sudden detonation of over 1,800 simultaneous nuclear explosions along what he describes as the "living energy grid" of Earth "plunged" our "Living Earth" into a "Proto Universe" outside of the previous dimension we actually belong in.

Mr. Booth further writes that within the current "Proto Universe" our planet Earth exists in today our "Planetary Healing" is nearly complete, and with our "Full Healing" the time is nearing for our "Return" to the dimension from which we rightfully belong and where the "Sister Planets" of our Solar System, and the human inhabitants who live on them, are eagerly awaiting our return.

To achieve this return, however, requires nothing less than a nearly exact duplication of the nuclear war which plunged our Earth into the "Proto Universe" to begin with, but which the environmental consequences our Earth will suffer during this dimension shift our "Sister Planets" are preparing to heal almost immediately upon our arrival home.

In this seminal work it is also explained that each and every human being in the world today is nothing more than a biological computing system being controlled by its exact spiritual counterpart from the dimension we truly belong to in order to bring about our Earth's return, but, due to the limitations of being able to communicate effectively between the dimensions, and to insure our computing bodies survival, a concurrent "Proto Universe" program also runs within each of us giving us the "illusion" of our being separate from what we really.

In his book Mr. Booth also explains that there does exist "forces and energies" seeking to thwart our Earth's return to its rightful dimension but whose efforts will soon fail.

This is one of the most important books you may ever read in your personal quest to find the true meaning for not only the state of our world today, but for your own life.

But be warned, after reading this book the way you look at the world will be changed forever...TRUTH never comes without a cost, are you really ready to KNOW it?

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Comment by Besimi on July 17, 2009 at 1:30am
''TRUTH never comes without a cost, are you really ready to KNOW it? ''
....................Yes I am ready :):):)
......................................................thanx Jose,great brother.Namaste.
Comment by Marie on July 16, 2009 at 4:59pm

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