Can you Hear Energy?
Energy Enhancement Course
Through Sharon Stewart
Posted April 6, 2022
Lesson 7:
As a matter of fact, you do it all the time. It's called "sound." When people speak, you hear them when the vibration of their words hits your ear drum and it vibrates. Deafness can be caused when the eardrum doesn't vibrate anymore.
Some of you suffer from tinnitus, and this is simply you hearing the energy of your energy field. (Tinnitus can be a problem so if it's a problem for you, please see a medical professional!)
This Week's Lesson: Begin to understand that everything you hear is you receiving energy. Begin to see that when you see your eyes are perceiving energy. In doing this, you become more conscious of the fact that you are an energy transmitter and an energy receiver, as well as being energy yourself. You are also an energy interpreter - this is the job of your brain for it translates what your eyes perceive into objects. This will help you to see things not normally visible or audible to you. How does it help that?
It is because you have never learned that you are energy, an energy transmitter and an energy receiver, and that you have not been taught that you span 12 dimensions that you are not able to become aware...>>>
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