Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Can we banned or delete all the rude and insulting peoples in here

I am sick of wont mention any name but this is supposed to be a peacefull web community you have the right to believe what you want! coz i am not the want who believe everything but i wont use any disgracefull comment or insult anyone because i dont believe in a blog he(SHE) post . you have the right to not agree about everything in here but be polite or go to some other social network we dont ask you to believe in anything up there believe what you wish but dont be rude or insulting anyone Namaste Martin

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Comment by spaceinheart on February 25, 2009 at 12:14am
We are fighting the wrong war.. children play nice.
Comment by Martin on February 24, 2009 at 7:53pm
anyway may i am not fare or i did say it the wrong way sorry i did post this
Comment by Dana on February 24, 2009 at 2:27am
If we are to ban all those we feel oppose us... who're we gunna give all our love and light to? lol... No, seriously... how do we propose to know ourselves if we do not have a reflection to see? Becoming a detached observer takes practice. Consider those who are opposing you as your master teachers and find your peace within. Balance your truths with acceptance and your opposition will vanish without struggle.
Comment by RL on February 24, 2009 at 2:08am
thats a cool song y'all
Comment by iDom on February 24, 2009 at 1:34am

Preserving the shy white kittens' eyes only… Although some of the polite stuff does wonders just to relax and release pressure too.

Comment by iDom on February 24, 2009 at 1:09am
Yes I agree! Let's ban the rude and insulting. Let's breed all our kittens white, attribute colors to gender and sexual preferences.

Maybe the solution would be to have this site a read-only website? NO interaction at all.

OK, now let's all get down on our knees and sing along:

We've laid the cables and the wires
We've split the wood and stoked
the fires
We've lit our town so there is no
Place for crime to hide
Our little church is painted white
And in the safety of the night
We all go quiet as a mouse
For the word is out
God is in the house
God is in the house
God is in the house
No cause for worry now
God is in the house

Moral sneaks in the White House
Computer geeks in the school house
Drug freaks in the crack house
We don't have that stuff here
We have a tiny little Force
But we need them of course
For the kittens in the trees
And at night we are on our knees
As quiet as a mouse
For God is in the house
God is in the house
God is in the house
And no one's left in doubt
God is in the house

Homos roaming the streets in packs
Queer bashers with tyre-jacks
Lesbian counter-attacks
That stuff is for the big cities
Our town is very pretty
We have a pretty little square
We have a woman for a mayor
Our policy is firm but fair
Now that God is in the house
God is in the house
God is in the house
Any day now He'll come out
God is in the house

Well-meaning little therapists
Goose-stepping twelve-stepping Tetotalitarianists
The tipsy, the reeling and the drop down pissed
We got no time for that stuff here
Zero crime and no fear
We've bred all our kittens white
So you can see them in the night
And at night we're on our knees
As quiet as a mouse
Since the word got out
From the North down to the South
For no-one's left in doubt
There's no fear about
If we all hold hands and very quietly shout
God is in the house
God is in the house
Oh I wish He would come out
God is in the house

[ God Is In The House | Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds ]


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