Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Can a Soul Truly be Lost? Archangel Ariel Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Can a Soul Truly be Lost?
Archangel Ariel
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Is there a hell?

I embrace you in my light! I come to you from the love of God – which you once have sprung from this love.


You have questions, Jahn?

JJK: Is there a hell?

INCENSE ANGEL ARIEL: The place where souls can experience themselves outside the light of God, there is. In that place, the entities are completely separated from the love and light of the Creator. These entities have a very intense experience.

JJK: I am thinking now of those who cause so much injustice and cruelty on Earth. I’ll spare the names, but whoever stands out in Corona or is responsible for all this destructiveness on this earth is meant.

CORONA ARIEL: These people are cut off from their souls and they live without this inner compass...

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