Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Here is where you learn how to ascend:

Here is a sample of one of the Ascension Lessons from Sananda (Jesus)

From the Four-Book Series of the Same Name

Channeled Through the Body of Debbie Wright

Lesson 43 --- "Glimmers of Ascension"

SANANDA: I have decided, at the last minute, to come in and give a much-needed lesson. And I haven't really thought of a name for this lesson yet. I think I'll leave that to someone else. But I have decided to come in and discuss a small handful of things, just to clarify matters.

These are called 'ascension lessons', and we have also referred to them as 'Jacob's Ladder', and not too long ago, we had a question asked to where I guess we could now even call them 'tools for self-empowerment'. However, that information did not go out to those that have been reading the lessons. My suggestion is, is perhaps that little tidbit be tacked on to the end of this lesson, as to what was said, for it was a bit powerful in and of itself. It was small, but it was good if I do say so myself. However, no matter what you call these, essentially they are nothing more than glimmers of hope, glimmers of your missions, glimmers and glimpses into who you truly are and will be again. For it was your choice to come into this lifetime, onto this planet, into these bodies, with all these wonderful veils and added-on restrictions and limitations that you brought in to yourself. And you did this for a multitude of reasons.

One reason that many of you have in common is you volunteered to come and assist this planet in the preparations that she was to go through, to bring her closer to the All That Is. Some of you may have even chosen to do this as nothing more than a lark, an adventure, an experience perhaps that you just decided that you wished to have within yourself. Some of you came in to tie up some loose knots, to finish perhaps what was not finished at another time in another place. No matter what the reason that you chose to come in to this reality in this time and place, YOU did it, you chose it. And many of you have finally gotten here to reading these lessons, and coming together with others that are reading these lessons, due to the fact that you know that this experience, this reality, isn't all that there really is. However, many of you still have those restrictions, limitations, and veils that, even though you 'feel' that there's more to it, you still doubt… because perhaps everyone around you is saying, "You're crazy!" or everyone around you is denying what it is that you feel, and you listen to them. Well, that is what these lessons have been: validation for you, confirmation for you, plus a few suggestions, and hints on how to get past allowing what others say or do effect the truth that you truly feel.

I have come into a body, repeatedly, to give these lessons, and we have attempted, while doing so, to not step on too many toes. And if we did step on toes, we've attempted to buffer it a bit, and even forewarn you at times. However, this evening I am going to tell you a little bit about MY reality and what many of you are striving to get to. And we're going to clear up some, perhaps, 'misperceptions' that have gotten tangled in along the way. Please bear in mind that they have become tangled due to some of you not wishing to let go of some of the learning that you've had in the past. And just because I tell you of my reality now doesn't mean that I'm asking you to change your mind. I'm just going to explain to some of you what WE do… the ones that so many of you wish to communicate with, or strive to be like, or wish to have in your lives on a more regular basis.

Well, first of all, we eat, we drink, and we sleep, and we work. And there are times that we fall ill, and there are times that we get angry. And we do have egos. Now, before I go any further, I wish to explain something. There are approximately 150 of us that were of a very high dimension, so high that we were without form, we were without body, and we chose to do a job to assist a need. But we knew that we would do best by interacting with those of you that are in this reality. And when we are of that high of a vibration that we no longer require a form or body, it is beyond you in this reality to be able to have comprehension of what we are saying. So, therefore, those of us in that approximately 150 made a decision. We decided to be a 'different' Grand Experiment. We decided to pick a reality, a dimension very close to your own, that required a form, that required a body, and we brought ourselves into that dimension. We had the ability and the technology to manifest, from that higher dimension, bodies, forms, and in some cases, even 'equipment'. And we have taken residence in those forms and those bodies, and we have brought our vibratory rate down to where we might interact with you so that we can do our job. For many of us had contracted with many of you, previous to all this, to do this together. So we fulfilled that contract with each other, and we developed tendencies that these manufactured bodies required… separation from each other. Instead of being Light that freely flows within each other as a form of interaction, we put up barriers between each other so that we were giving ourselves a taste of what we would be working with you on. So now we have to take in sustenance, we require sleep, we require rest, and there are times that we also require to 'vent' a little bit… to just allow ourselves the opportunity to let our feelings be known, above and beyond propriety's sake.

We did not invent for ourselves, or manufacture for ourselves, the veils that you have. We have full conscious knowledge of what and who we truly are, and we have a contract with the bodies that we manufactured, that these bodies will sustain us, and we will be good to these bodies and provide for them, until this job is done. And we are restricted within these bodies during that process. That is part of the contract. So, you see, we do not take weekends off and leave our bodies and go skipping around the universes doing whatever. You see, we wish to have a taste of some of the limitations and restrictions that we are assisting you with. Now, we are not asking any of you to pity us or feel sorry for us. But we do believe that, because of the fact that some of you know that we are not technically of that dimension that we are working from now, there might be some misunderstandings as to what it is that we are doing, and how and why, and when it shall end. It shall end when the job is done.

Time does not exist on the scale for us that it exists for you due to the fact that we have no veils. So, therefore, we realize and recognize that a revolution around your tiny little sun actually has nothing at all to do with the concept of time as it truly is. It means something to you because you are here, and it was a way to plan when to plant, when to reap harvest, when to prepare for weather that was caused by your revolution around your little sun. We understand that. And since we do stick pretty close to you, it affects us, also. However, when you live aboard craft that does not require planting or harvesting or, perhaps, even climate-control due to bad weather, we do not have to deal with the rougher aspects that you deal with on a day-to-day basis. Most of you have the conception of the idea that when this job is done you're going to end up in a place and a time where you do not have to worry about those things. Well, some of you won't, but many of you will. It all depends upon your contracts. And it is not up to me as to whether you stay here or leave. In the next major vibratory shift, when this planet goes through her ascension into and firmly implanted in the fifth dimension, she will still revolve around your sun. She will still have seasons. You will still plant, and you will still harvest, however, it will not be as barbaric. We have talked before about some of you thinking that you will be able to instantly manifest and change your bodies at will. Things will not be that way. It's just that you will not have the 'fight' within yourself of the doubt that most of you have now that prevent you from manifestation. You will also feel a closer connection to this planet, you will be able to 'feel' her better, her needs, and adjust yourselves accordingly to her just as she will be able to better adjust herself accordingly to you. However, can you ask her to NOT give you winter? No. Because then you're asking her to go against her Divine Blueprint, her natural course that has been established for her for her entire life, not just her life in 3D, but her 'entire' life.

Now, when you get to where I am, yes, you will still have an ego. You will still have pride, you will probably even still have jealousy, however, you will be able to recognize it and then deal with it accordingly. Where we are, we are more open to each other. If I were to attempt to lie to my brother Ashtar he would know immediately that it was a falsehood because we are just more connected to each other, since we do not have so many veils. But when you get here, you will not have so many. And since you will not have so many limitations, because you will be able to understand when you have reached something within your conscious being that IS a limitation, then you can see each others auras, you can feel each others pain, and you have more compassion for each other to where you can understand the truth behind the words. And once you can reach that point, then some of your other gifts that you have questioned in this dimension and reality, will come much easier to you… telepathy, for instance. You will not have to question those abilities so much.

We have come for the 'need'. YOU came for the same need. We just came from different places, some of us, to be here to assist. The 'need' outweighs anything else. And it is easier for us to see, in this reality and dimension, that when something interferes with the process of assisting the need, then there is definitely a lesson to be learned. And if it's the same thing that comes up again and again… whether it be your abundance, whether it be your joy, whether it be your compassion or your lack of compassion… if you have those same lessons that come up time and time again, you can most rest assured that the lesson has not been learned yet and that it is a lesson that you maybe ought to pay attention to if it keeps coming up that much. Something very important is happening, and if you can stand outside of yourselves and take a look at it, and understand it from a different point of view, perhaps you can see why it's important for the 'need'.

My brother Ashtar and I bumped heads many times. We still do. My brother Ashtar has great responsibilities, and he very rarely takes time off, and he rarely has fun outside of his job. He has learned over the course of many, many, many of your years to make his job fun. But that doesn't mean he doesn't take it very seriously at the same time. He just gives himself a better job by making it fun. I, on the other hand, have a job that I see as more fun than responsibility. Just a point of view difference. For you see, I get to come in and interact. I get to come in and hug, and take someone very precious to me and press their face against my breast so that they might know that I am near. I get to come in and visit with a roomful of beings and get them to laugh, and give them a boost. Some of you have mentioned that, while you are here in this room when I am here, you do not feel the same as you feel after I'm gone. Well, I give you a little 'boost'. I send out the emanation of where I am from, to give you a little bit of a glimpse, a taste, of what it is like to be without the burden of all of these veils and limitations that you have upon yourselves. That's why some of you are able to then say, "Ahhh… I remembered it so much more clearly at the time, and then when I come back I don't." That is why. So, therefore, I give you a boost. And for every person that reads these lessons, I visit them when I feel their energy on the lessons, and I attempt to give them a little boost, too. Just a little one, just to let them know that they are not alone.

Now, what does all of this have to do with ascension? Absolutely nothing, if you wish to pick at it. However, we have suggested numerous times to take it into consideration to not look forward to the ultimate, but live in the now. Do what needs to be done now so you can enjoy what it is that is happening now. But I guess that is a hard concept for some. For, if you live your life for a future event, you miss so much of the experience that you've brought yourself in here to experience. Now is the perfect time, now is the perfect place, because YOU chose it for whatever reason you chose it for. And in every moment of 'now' that you have, it is a learning experience, and it is a worthwhile learning experience. I have come in sometimes to teach these classes when there has been something brought to my attention, that in my infinite way, I decided to take advantage of that situation and perhaps come in to teach a lesson that might help resolve that. That is what this evening is all about. I have come for a 'need' which is attached to the 'need', which is attached to 'the' need. And I am giving loving energy to all those that will listen or read this lesson, that you… no matter who or where you are when you hear or read this… you are here for a reason, you are here by your choice. And you and I have a contract with each other to assist 'the need'. And 'the need', for most of you, is the need of the planet and the peoples in general of this planet. I do not wish to burst your bubble, if you still harbored the thought, that when all is said and done from this lifetime, you will be in a place and time of total freedom, complete abundance, and effortlessly manifesting anything and everything your heart desires. Some of you will be just that. Some of you have contracted to just 'be' here until that moment. Some of you have contracted to go somewhere in between.

GUEST: In between?

SANANDA: The higher dimensions that require no form or body, or just the one that this planet will end up at. There are many in between, you realize.

Now… when things get tense, and when things seem hopeless, does that mean you're living in the 'now'? Because being in the 'now', there is nothing hopeless. Being 'in the moment' is a moment of Love, is a moment of Hope, is a moment of connection. Sometimes you may not feel the connection strongly, but when you are not projecting to the past or to the future, but you are doing what needs to be done 'now', you are so occupied that the connection has to be felt on some level.

GUEST: Like a spark.

SANANDA: Most definitely. Some of you may have jobs to where you say, "But I am in the 'now', I am doing my job and I am totally consumed with my job in that moment." But if you do not like your job, if you do not like your work, or if you do not like your Self, then being consumed with that is not in the 'now'. You have programmed yourself to be consumed by it to just get it done or you might be fired… which is projecting to the future. Or you might be punished… which is projecting to the past. You're establishing for yourself an entirely new 'need'. That is it. When you are truly 'in the moment' of 'now', you feel no boundaries even though you know they're there. You have allowed your Self to be entirely within a space of completion. If it rains, and it is a rain to where you can walk outside, lift your face up to the clouds, spread your arms wide, perhaps open your mouth to catch a few raindrops, and spin… you're in that moment. If you're standing on the top of a mountain and you're overlooking a grandeur beyond your comprehension, you're in the moment. If you're at the birth of your baby and you come completely out of the pain and the agony of what it took to get that child there, and you see that tiny creature for the first time, and its eyes open and look directly at you, you are in that moment. THAT is your goal for 'now'.

GUEST: Is this the key to mastering time?

SANANDA: It is the key to mastering whatever you need to get you out of yourself and into completion. That is out of time, out of space, and out of limitation. And sometimes even out of ego. Because, believe it or not, your egos love to be in that moment, because in that moment, your ego is at rest, taking a break.

I'm not going to ask any more questions this week, and I think this lesson will be one that will give many pause. However, I would like to end with a 'suggestion'. I suggest that at the moment you finish reading this, if you're sitting in a chair, sit back in your chair, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think of being outside in the rain with your face up, your arms wide, your mouth open, and you and I are spinning. And I will be there. That is the lesson.


JANISEL: What is your definition of self-empowerment?

SANANDA: 'Getting it'.

GUEST: So self-empowerment is, once you 'get it', you get to ascend.

SANANDA: No. Self-empowerment… this is going to be wonderful <grin>… does not come in one step. It comes in however many steps you have up your ladder. And each time you take one of those steps up your ladder, you have just become self-empowered… just a little bit more.

JANISEL: So you're not really self-empowered until you reach the top of the ladder?

SANANDA: Humans cannot be 'fully' self-empowered. We shall leave it at that.

JANISEL: Well, what is BEING self-empowered? What does it consist of? Not 'how' you get it, or 'when' you get it, but 'what' it is.

SANANDA: What it is, is letting loose of everything that keeps you from being in your power. You see, by the time that you were this one's age [Ryan, age 11], you had armor plating all around you. And this armor plating was made up of little tiny pieces of 'you can't do this'. Thousands of them. And you had no idea that you had armor, and you had no idea that you had been building this armor since the moment that you came out of the womb. It began with that doctor saying you must breathe, slapping you on the bottom and saying, "That'll help you!" And that little tiny body screams in agony and says, "Breathing hurts!" Bet you didn't know that one. <grin> For every one of those infants that had their bottoms whacked for that first breath, they have a chink in their armor that says, "Breathing hurts." Every person that you ever meet in your life that does not breathe properly, got that chink of armor.

JANISEL: Why did they not start breathing on their own at birth?

SANANDA: The doctor was impatient! If that child is taken lovingly out of the womb and placed against the gentle breath of the mother, and is stimulated gently and lovingly, the natural thing for that child to do is go, [inhale] "Ahhhh….." Does this not make sense? Now, all of you have reached a time in the point of your life where you feel like you are something HUGE, but you have this armor keeping you in place. So you say, "Oh… I don't like this! What IS this?" You itch, you ache, you just do not feel comfortable any longer. Then one night, you sit in a roomful of people that you love, and that love you, and this brilliant Being says, "You were whacked on the bottom and you hate to breathe because of that." and that chink just fell off. That chink in the armor just fell onto the ground… because you identified it. You said, "Oh my gosh!" You could feel it down to your toes, couldn't you? That one little chink of armor fell off. Now… find all the rest of them. And every time you have a section of all those little chinks that have fallen off, you just took another step up that ladder, and you just became a little bit more self-empowered. And by the time that whole body of armor is gone, this human body will not be able to contain you, and you will break free and be TOTALLY self-empowered! Now, how was that for a description?

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Comment by J'Tariah EnRa El on September 21, 2010 at 12:42pm
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