March 3, 2010
My Children, I tell you, I stand in your midst this day. This is a day like no other day. It is the day when I have made a way. When I make a way before My Children that way does not shut, that way does not falter, but that way is open before you this day. Do not look at this day as like any other day. Oh, it’s just another day. But Children, I have sent My Name before you this day.
I told you I am with you. I told you I am in you. I told you I am for you. Do not struggle to produce what I said, you cannot produce anyways. I said, stand, and trust Me. Trust Me. Trust in My Hand. For I am here. My Name goes before you, and wherever you go, I proclaim who I am before you. Stop doubting. Stop struggling. Stop complaining of your lack, and of your inability, and of your weakness, and of the barrenness that you see all around you. But know, in one day, that barrenness will pass away.
For did I not bring My People through My sea? Did I not pass before them in victory, in one day they stepped through? But I tell you move. Set your faith in place, and move. Because I am ready to move. And I have sent My angel here to move you from where you are, into where I have determined you to be. I am HE, I am YAH, in the midst of thee!
Do not fear man. Do not fear circumstances. Fear My Hand. Fear My angel who is in the land. I will not leave you to die, to starve, to wither away. I am here to make a way. For I am the way that was made for you. Don’t limit Me by what you see, that is passing away. It is a new day, and I showed you time has changed. My angel has come to bring the acceleration.
You must move with Me. You must shift the reality in which you see. I am not limited to your reality, but you must move into Mine. As you move into Mine, you will see that I AM, and you will feast and dine. You must move out of your perspective, and stand in My Reality. And as you do, you will walk in your victory.
I am here to set you free. I am here to show you the things that I have for thee. I have sent My angel before you this night, and he will remain, as long as I have a Name. For He is My Name, and in My Name is I AM. For I manifest My Name, is it not written in you? Is not My Name written in you? Would not I manifest Myself on behalf of you? Do not think that your situation is so big that I cannot change it in a breath. But you will not move from your situation until you move into Mine. Until you move with Me. Shift! Move! Hasten your preparations, and know, even today, I have made a way.
The old has passed away. You are not to walk in this way anymore. Before you is a new door, Move. Do not die and wither. But you are to attach yourself to Me. And as you wrap your faith in Me, and as you attach yourself to Me, you will see the victory. For My Name has been given unto you. And I swore by My own Name, that My Name would go before you, would I not honor that? Have I not been faithful up this day? Have I ever failed you? I will not fail you, even tomorrow.
But I say to you, tomorrow will not be as today. It is a new day. And the bondage, and the captivity, and the barrenness is over. Because, in My Presence, is My Fullness, is My Glory, is I AM, and would I not feed you and supply you from within My Being? Within My Being is everything, and all that I Am is given unto you. Obey My Voice! Follow My lead, and you will sow much seed! For My angel has come this night, to turn the fight, to turn the battle, and you will pass through in a day, and you will know that I AM, in the way.
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