Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Britain Died Today, No American Noticed

“Some day, following the example of the United States of America, there will be a United States of Europe.”
George Washington, First American President (1732 - 1799)

December 1, 2009 has now become one of the most important dates in all of human history and stands in equality with 1492, when Western Europeans first discovered the Americas, 1517, when Martin Luther launched the Reformation, 1776, when the United States declared its independence, and other such historic moments which have seen the direction of our entire human race radically, and forever changed.

For on this historic date, what Rome had failed to do by conquest for nearly 1,000 years, what the great Frankish King Charlemagne nearly achieved in 800 A.D., and Adolph Hitler failed utterly to accomplish in the 1940’s, the people of Europe have now, and irrevocably, been joined together in a European Union that now makes them one of the most powerful Nations our World has ever known with a population of over 500 million and an economy producing over 30% of the World’s total gross domestic product.

And even though this most historic of dates has been virtually ignored by the American media, its government officials, and its peoples, the establishment of this European Union should strike fear into everyone of their hearts because what has been done to the once free peoples of Europe is soon to be done to the United States.

For you see that this European Union was not created “by the people” and “for the people” but has instead been foisted upon the once sovereign powers of 27 European Nations by an elite-corporate ruling class that has determined that individual freedom no longer has a place in this World of ours and have set themselves upon a course where the lives of these 500 million souls will be strictly regulated and controlled from birth until death.

Those few Americans aware of what has happened to the European peoples no doubt believe, like their ancestors prior to the two Great World Wars of last century, that the events occurring across the Atlantic will have no effect upon them…they couldn’t be more mistaken! And what these Americans are failing to see is that the beliefs, and actions, of the socialist elite classes who have now taken control of Europe have now set their sights upon the United States, and where one of their foremost allies is the American President, and an avowed proponent for the redistribution of wealth, Barack Obama, himself.

Those Americans wishing to fully understand what is happening to the European peoples, and very soon to themselves, need only understand one word…Socialism.

Now this word socialism refers to various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.

Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximize their potentialities and does not utilize technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.

The German philosopher Friedrich Engels, one of the founders of modern socialist theory, and Claude Henri de Saint-Simon, a French Utopian Socialism theorist, advocated the creation of a society that allows for the widespread application of modern technology to rationalize economic activity by eliminating the anarchy in production of capitalism. This would allow for wealth and power to be distributed based on the amount of work expended in production.

And to socialisms all encompassing stranglehold it takes upon a Nation, the Americans need look no further than their governments takeover of once private corporations and the spending of trillions of dollars belonging to taxpayers to line the pockets of the new socialist elite classes that include bankers, war profiteers, news media stars and favored politicians.

Even worse, new socialist laws currently being enacted against the American people include their government taking control of every single drop of water from their citizens (See our May 8, 2009 report Chilling New Law Gives US Government Ownership Of All Water In Nation) and already enacted laws by the US Congress that makes every single American citizen a federal criminal without their even knowing it because it is now a US Federal Crime for these people to violate any fish or wildlife law or regulation of any Nation on Earth.

Without a doubt, the preverbal deck has been stacked against the American people by those very politicians and elite corporate rulers they have long believed worked on behalf of them. They couldn’t be more mistaken! And if these people don’t start waking up, and fast, before they know it they will be left destitute and enslaved in the very land their forefathers fought and died to protect for them.

And to how late the hour for their awakening really is, we need only look at the prediction of Professor Igor Panarin of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who has warned that the breakup of the United States is already occurring with the major portion of its Eastern and Northeastern States slated to be taken over by the new European Union.

Professor Panarin’s dire prediction of the imminent breakup of the United States, though roundly ignored by the vast majority of Americans, is firmly predicated on one of the most important decisions of the US Supreme Court called Texas vs White which settled the case of the legal right of the Confederate States to break their bond with Union and wherein this precedent setting decision Chief Justice Salmon Chase ruled that the only legal means available to break the Union was “through revolution or through consent of the States”, a dire ruling made more formidable with Texas Governor Rick Perry warning his State that President Obama is “hell bent” on turning the United States into a socialist Nation, a situation he has warned may lead him to succeed Texas from the United States.

Now in these tumultuous and chaotic times there is nothing more vital for anyone to have than information. And not just any information, but information that puts into context the ‘tides of these times’ in their greatest historical context so as to enable one to be prepared for all that is going to happen. And, in our opinion, there is no better source for this information than the lectures of the Sorcha Faal in her series Total War: the Collapse of the United States and the Rise of Chaos and which for the first time we are making available in a CD format for your vital education.

At over 3 hours, this 3-CD set will provide the listener with the most comprehensive assessment of what is going to happen based upon all of the moves being made by the Great Powers in this new Great Game that is fast plunging our entire World into the abyss of Total War. Even more, these lectures will enable you, and perhaps for the first time, to fully understand how brainwashed even the most astute of you have become due to the constant bombardment by the media (in all of its forms) that has kept you from knowing the truth of has happened, is happening now, and will soon happen.

At $39.95 (US) for this 3-CD set we have made it as affordable as possible but at this price the quantities are very limited so we suggest placing your order now. Also to be considered is the gifting of these lectures to those whom you have long wished would begin their process of awakening, such as your friends and/or family.

Whatever your decision may be on this offer, we here at WhatDoesItMean.Com remain devoted to all of you and pledge our continued efforts on your behalf to keep the light of truth burning in this World rapidly darkening and becoming for fearful by the hour.

Britain died today, let’s all work to make sure the same doesn’t happen to the Americans.

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Comment by Ullan on December 4, 2009 at 2:48pm
As I stated on another thread about this very subject (and I invite you to read it), the European Union was established in 1991, when the BeNeLux economic union accepted the UK as a member, and has been expanding ever since. It was perhaps known best in its mid-stage development when it encompassed 12 western european nations, but has now started to included former USSR member states and currently taking Turkey under advisement.

In short, nothing happened on December 1st 2009, and certainly nothing I will be willing to pay over 30 dollars for to hear about. I speak with relative authority on the subject, and find the misinformation displayed in your article shocking to say the least.

Please sort out your facts from fabricated if sometimes amusing fictions.

I have sadly fallen into the habit of routinely ignoring your postings, as they are mostly bereft of substantiated fact or veracity. Amusing to read, yes, but certainly nothing that I can take to heart.

May your path be enlightened and your words spoken true,

Namaste, Jose V
Comment by Yakov on December 3, 2009 at 10:23pm
To see blatant right wing propaganda like this being posted on a lightworker site is shocking.

"Those Americans wishing to fully understand what is happening to the European peoples, and very soon to themselves, need only understand one word…Socialism."

Do you even understand the meaning of Socialism?

Socialism refers to various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.

I understand some people's affinity to copy and paste everything they see but you should read it before posting it and spreading disinformation to the ears of others. This is our challenge to separate the lies from the truth, the fear from the real.

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