Breathe in our frequencies, Beloved! Breathe in the Love/Light. Breathe and FEEL our Love/Light as You pull it into You. Feel how GOOD it feels… how good YOU feel when You pull Love/Light into You. Then breathe it out and pull in MORE of it!
You can do that all day long, every single day if You like. There is always more. The same is true of anything You desire. Just as you breathe out to receive a NEW breath, You pulse out frequencies in order to receive them in form. And always, You receive the form that matches your frequencies precisely.
That is why we tell You that giving and receiving are not separate acts. That is also why we have been telling You since your year of 2010 that You are a Reality Creator. You create your own reality though your frequencies… ALWAYS, without exception. And THAT is what You must understand in order to create the reality You WANT to create!
We will remind you of THIS, as well:
Only by stepping into BE-ing a Sovereign Reality Creator, ruled by no one, will You step OUT of your old paradigm of enslavement. Only by claiming your Sovereignty as a CONSCIOUS Reality Creator will You leave illusions of scarcity behind. And when You do that… EVERYTHING changes.
Fears born of scarcity lead to fear of others, which leads to war and enslavement by the few who use your fear to control You. Imagine a reality without any of that in it! A whole NEW PARADIGM, is it not? And only YOU can create it, and You can only create it for yourSELF. There is no other way, for just as You ARE Sovereign, everyone else is as well.
However, what You create for yourSELF effects others profoundly, because none of You are separate from one another! This paradoxical truth cannot be comprehended through the third dimensional paradigm of separation and enslavement.
Here are the Frequency Technicians–
Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius transmitting from the grand orchestra of the celestial team.
Only when one has stepped into the NEW PARADIGM of 2016 as a Sovereign Reality Creator can such paradoxes be understood through experience.
We suggest that You begin NOW.
We have a suggestion of HOW to begin as well. Of course, whether You follow our suggestion or not is entirely up to you.
We suggest that you make a pledge to yourself to begin 2016 CONSCIOUS.
By that we mean as who and what you are and have always been– a Sovereign Reality Creator who can create whatever your heart desires.
We suggest that you ground your pledge into your energy grid with an action.
The action we suggest is to offer a reciprocal energy exchange after reading this post by pressing the appropriate “donate” widget to the upper right of your eye line.
The amount should NOT be more or less than your heart desires to give.
Your heart will never desire to give an amount that would cause you lack. You can trust your own heart! If you discover in the process that you do NOT, that will be a very important discovery, indeed… a GIFT to you, in truth. You will not want to enter 2016 without trust in your own heart, we assure you.
We also assure you that whatever you offer freely from your heart in support of our earth member Judith’s ability to continue the work she does with us will bring back to you much more than you offer.
By “us” we mean not only the celestial team but your own guides, for they are frequent collaborators in choosing what needs to be transmitted through us particularly for YOU.
Therefore, there are more beings in your cosmos that will respond to you with gratitude than you could ever count.
We are the Frequency Technicians. We wish you a Happy 2016, for more reasons than you could ever count as yet.
As do we ALL, Beloved! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team
<3 <3 <3
Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
You may copy this publication in free venues only, and only if the content remains complete and the author’s name and the link to this website is included.http://www.thecelestialteam.com
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