The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
BREATHE, Beloveds!
We notice what a strange way that is to greet You… not with “Greetings,” but with “BREATHE,” and in capital letters, no less! Yet we cannot correct our Judith’s translation of our frequencies,(even though we DO prefer “Greetings”), because our entire message, in truth, is encompassed in the word “BREATHE.” We do not even wish to say much more in our message at this “time,” because we certainly do not want to get You “thinking” about it!
You have been through a very BIG planetary birth day with your solstice. The end of one cycle has completed… the birth is barely beginning. Our only guidance (and the very BEST guidance) is to find your center, feel the LIFE, the LOVE, the POWER within You… and BREATHE!
Do not try to integrate. Do not try to get OUT of what You are moving through. Do not “TRY” to do ANYTHING. Let the past, the pain, the struggles, move THROUGH You… do not engage with them! There is NOTHING You “should do” right NOW, anyway, because eveything is in flux (including You). Should You FIND yourSelf doing something, however, then float with it, by all means.
We like the frequencies of the word “float” very much. Use them to float into doing whatever feels GOOD to You, and that can be nothing at all– especially if You are drawn to doing absolutely nothing, yet find the “NOTHING” absolutely engaging! We assure You, Beloved, that You will be “doing” more vibrationally in that rapt and contented engagement with “nothing” than many have created for themSelves in a lifetime. So RELAX. Feel the RELIEF…. and BREATHE!
Always and in All Ways, we love You– the celestial team
A brief P.S. to every Beloved who receives our frequencies of Love/Light and then adds to their momentum with a reciprocal energy exchange via the “donate” tab in the right sidebar– we shower You with joyful frequencies of gratitude, appreciation, and celebration. We mean this quite literally … just notice how You FEEL as You do and You will certainly feel them (us). “Reciprocity” is a powerful amplifier (and we will say much more about this later) but for NOW, simply take that in as true, enJOY the return on your own own energy investments… and BREATHE!
Judith here (of course, lol) adding my human appreciation and gratitude to the celestial shower, because it is your reciprocity that keeps this website alive as their conduit to ALL who choose to receive. (Whoa… that is a LOT of POWER You are generating!) NAMASTE!
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