Brazil’s CIA-Directed Color Revolution:
The Back Story.
March 18, 2016

TMR Editor’s Note:
The nation of Brazil has been under a multi-front assault ever since they have shown any independence from their North American overlords in Washington, D.C. The banksters and politicos in New York City, who have always dictated the destiny of Brazil, would not tolerate the current socialist government breaking free from the Anglo-American reservation.
Washington has been particularly aggressive about not letting Brazil, the primary BRICS representative in the Western Hemisphere, exert too much economic or political clout in South America as it sets a very bad example for the rest of the vassal states. Were Brazil to really break free from their traditional masters in the USA, undoubtedly the rest of the member nations of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States would follow suit.
Hence, the Obama Administration has launched several attacks on different fronts with Brazil to keep the country divided, in the state of constant chaos and under threats of plague and pestilence. The Zika scare is just one example of the latter. The shocking and unjustified arrest of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is another. The massive cost overruns for the upcoming Summer Olympiad, as well as their gross lack of preparation is yet another. Attempting to stage an impeachment of the sitting prime minister is still another demonstration of their determination.
The long arm of the Anglo-American Axis* (AAA) stretches everywhere and anywhere on Planet Earth. The CIA, MI6, MOSSAD and DGSE have agents and proxies doling out cash all over Brazil; the bribery recipients then implement whatever black operation is necessary to remove the current President Dilma Rousseff from power. The AAA leadership will do everything within their power — and they exercise prodigious influence all over Latin America through their many transnational corporations — to bring down the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) government.
Too many citizens have been brought out of poverty by the Worker’s Party, as it is known in English. Every Brazilian real that is used to help impoverished Brazilians translates to fewer U.S. dollars of profit for those Anglo-American controlled corporations which have always ruled their economy. That has always been unacceptable for each successive U.S. administration — Republican or Democrat — as every South and Central American country has experienced at one time or another.
The bottom line here is that the BRICS economic alliance has been under tremendous assault. Ever since each of the major BRICS-allied nations have been decoupling from the petrodollar, each of them has suffered greatly at the hands of the AAA leadership, especially on the economic and financial fronts. The Global Economic & Financial System is literally teetering on the brink of total collapse and the Western nations are grasping at straws. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and other Latin American countries represent some of those straws. They are all in the state of ever-intensifying pandemonium being incited by those interloping nations of the Northern Hemispshere..
The following extended exposé provides an excellent analysis of what is really going on in Brazil. For anyone watching the many fast and furious moves on today’s global geopolitical chessboard, it offers a unique glimpse into the numerous machinations and intrigues being engineered in Brazil on a daily basis. Clearly, the CIA has its fingerprints all over this back story!
The Millennium Report
March 16, 2016
*Anglo-American Axis (AAA)
The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix. (Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis An...)
Brazil Color Revolution Attempt: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika and 2016 Olympics. Lada Ray Report and Predictions
Futurist Trendcast
: “Out Dilma!” “Out PT! So, ‘Brazil Spring’ is on, color revolution is in progress!
Ah, and don’t say I haven’t warned you about that! A quote from my June 30, 2015 article New Best Friends? The Truth Behind Obama and Brazil President Dilma...:
“In 2014 Obama attempted to put a wedge between China and Russia on one hand and India on another, by trying to convince India to leave the BRICS. That didn’t result in anything. Read more in:
Why Is Obama Scrambling to Catch Up to Putin?
Weakness or Cunning? Why US decided to End 50-Year Standoff with Cu...
Brazil is the next target.
But then the question becomes why Brazil is suddenly so gullible and trusting? What’s in it for them?
There were several attempts of color revolution in Brazil in this period. While Rousseff was re-elected president, she had to endure an unusually difficult election. All this is happening with the backdrop of the very expensive and financially straining Olympic Games Brazil will host in August 2016.
I have written in the past how Olympic Games are often used as a pretext to seriously destabilize the situation in the world and/or the host country.
Here is what is happening behind the scenes in Brazil. There are ‘spontaneous’ protests against the 2016 Olympic Games and the construction of various Olympic projects. In between these, there are also frequent protests against various transportation fee hikes, utility fees hikes, etc. It has proved to be impossible to start an outright Maidan in Brazil, of the kind they were able to organize in Kiev.
CIA and US-financed NGOs can only go so far in organizing a color revolution. However, they can destabilize and weaken the country, damage president’s reputation, and completely ruin the first ever Olympics in South America, which are the pride of Brazil.”
‘Brazil Spring’ is now active
In truth, this new article has been semi-written and sat in draft for a month. At the time it was mostly about Zika virus and my suspicions that a lot more was going on underneath the surface, that it was all connected to the 2016 Brazil Olympics and the destabilization of the BRICS; that the pretext of Zika was used to remove Dilma from power. As it often happens, my intuition somehow stopped me from publishing the post back then since I felt that something else was about to happen. Instead I reached out to my friend, Akaida, who has good connections in Brazil and asked him to tell me more. For a couple of weeks we exchanged emails, in which I asked questions and Akaida replied his impressions. All this was happening before the inkling of this new development took place.
Then, Akaida tweeted me this:
This is #Brazil One-Stop Info Central!
If you are confused as to what’s happening in Brazil, what these anti #Dilma protests are all about, how the previous president of Brazil Ignacio Lula da Silva is implicated – look no further! If you want to know my opinion on the Brazil economy and social landscape, how all this is connected with Zika virus scare, Brazil Olympics 2016 and the attempts to destabilize and divide the BRICS, then this is your one-stop info central on all these connected topics!
In this post I am using a lot of first-hand evidence and factual material straight out of the horse’s mouth. Special thanks to Akaida who has provided his personal observations and factual info! (You remember him from his popular guest post: ORGONITE 101: Chemtrails, Orgonite and Environmental Clearing).
As usual, in the end I’ll sum it up and give my own analysis of the Brazil developments.
On March 13, 2016 Brazil has seen the largest ever anti-Dilma Rousseff protest

People, who are ignorant about geopolitics and the real spread of who’s who on the planet think these protests are great and enthusiastically tweet about them:
@AkanchaS biggest ever protest in history of is happening right now against Prez. 3Mn people out on the streets

These are the memes that are trending now: 
LR NOTES: PT is the ruling party of Brazil with Dilma Rousseff at the helm.
Another aspect is ‘Color Revolution’ which is being pushed in many ways. There are many NGOs and American memes that are shaping young Brazilians’ minds, creating hate and division where there wasn’t any before. Some of the sentiments are legitimate, but at the same time I feel a lot of it is brainwashing and inciting divisions during a crisis point within the country. I can see why Putin put pressure on foreign NGOs in Russia.The common themes are racism, feminism, the so-called ‘social justice warrior’ memes, etc. The majority of Brazilians that are absorbing this are the upper class as they see the West as modern and Brazil as backward, so they copy all the ‘hottest’ memes coming out of Hollywood etc.An important thing to note is a major difference between Brazil and the Anglo countries is Brazil is a ‘Mestiço’ or syncretic culture of European, Brazilian Indian, and African elements that have combined over hundreds of years. Brazil definitely does have race and class differences, but in general they all share the singular language of Portuguese, celebrate the same cultural events, and are all united under the banner of Brazilian people. Compare this to the USA, which is also a mixture of cultures, but is severely divided by language and cultural differences, where traditional European-Americans have very little commonality with new immigrants who may not even speak English.So, this is why I feel American based social media could be used for color revolution, to grow existing fractures or splits in Brazilian society to the advantage of The West. Creating more problems to capitalize on, just as the pro-BRICS Brazilian government is in the greatest economic and political crisis in over a decade.Another crisis is the recent ZIKA scare, there are many Brazilians that are questioning the Zika hoax, whether it was pesticide in the water supply or because of the American introduction of GMO mosquitoes – there is a questioning about this. As far as I know there is no mandatory vaccination, but people are scared. Especially young mothers. I question the timing of this Zika phenomenon, I don’t want to be conspiratorial, but it just seems like crises are hitting Brazil from all angles at the present from the environmental, to the economic and political crises.For investors or potential expats, in my opinion Brazil, is probably the WORST place to do business. The bureaucracy is thick and they don’t have the same work ethic as the Northern countries or East Asia. Life in Brazil is hard, taxes and cost of living is high – however, if you find a niche, they are some of the most friendly and accepting people you will ever meet. Your social life will be so rich and the love from your friends and family, you will have a life experience you will never forget. Brazil is a very YIN country, all subconscious, emotional, spiritual, flowing. Take a trip and see for yourself, it’s not for everybody but if you like Brazil, I think it is one of the most culturally rich places in the world.From an upper class white Brazilian on Facebook.I’ll try to explain as simply as possible: this protest is not about corruption. Operation ‘Lava Jato’ (car wash) is not about corruption. If it was, your “Poster Boy” would never be Áecio Neves. If it was, we wouldn’t see just like last year, the hashtag #somostodoscunha. If it was, we would have screams and protests also against Alckmin, Beto Richa, Sierra and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. This movement against the PT is clearly a desperate attempt to maintain the status quo of “good people”. The image that represents a desperate attempt to keep everything the way it was. Rich and Poor in their rightful place. The Protesters prefer the corruption of some and then condemn the other. If you are against the government, come with honesty and consistency. Show indignation, but without selectivity. And most important: do not support all these unconstitutional acts that are happening on the side of fascism. Don’t be on the team of Bolsonaro (far right politician -ak) Or you are on the opposite side of democracy. And the worst is looking down on the poor as tramps and losers, as this video shows say public welfare should be cut, they just use money to drink and have kids – when 36 million Brazilians were lifted out of poverty under PT government -ak)More comments from the post on Facebook:People are being kept behind bars for months without a trial, and being released only if they accept to denounce PT and its allies, however flimsy it’s that testimony. Suspicions and inquiry file pages are being leaked to the press…. inquiries for which even the lawyers are having their access denied. Moro and the prosecutors are investigating only PT and its allies and turning a blind eye to the opposition and the media, even though there has been a whole lot of testimonies and evidence pointing to them.The prosecutors even managed to turn operation Zelotes, about the HSBC Leaks, into an anti-Lula operation. And the electoral court is analysing AGAIN Rousseff’s campaign accounts, even though they’ve already looked into it and approved it.In the most recent development, now globo is afraid of the unrest they created among the population (this morning there was a protest in front of their rio journalism quarters) and their bloggers and sunday op-eds are even trying to push the lie about “PT’s violent militias” and pleading for MILITARY INTERVENTION in an attempt to create a narrative legitimizing an even bigger breach of democracy.Make no mistake. This is not a long overdue objective and universal cleansing of the countrie’s corruption. This is an orchestrated cooptation of the institutions in order to create som sort of media/justice/politics paraguayan coup like the one which ousted Lugo.Crookedness is created and hidden by their gate keeping. Lula is one of the most investigated politicians of recent times. He had no good will from the media. You’d think by now they’d have more against him than that canoe bullshit and such. Guys like aecio neves who like to play outraged against corruption (and receive ample media space without questioning for that) wouldn’t last 10 minutes under that kind of scrutiny——Globo (major TV media outlet in Brazil, and propagandist in the dictatorship era) calls for return of the military dictatorship!Frightened by the wave of solidarity with the former president Lula, who blazed his base of support from the social movements, Globo, which helped establish a military dictatorship in Brazil in 1964, now uses two of its columnists, Merval Pereira and Ricardo Noblat to spread that the military is ready to put the house in order; “Military put troops on hand to ensure public order,” said Merval, which ranked the citizens who defend democracy as “PT militia”…. Will Globo try to repeat 1964?——–Let’s not forget the Banestado corruption scheme scandal back in 2002, involving politicians from PSDB and an amount of R$ 150 billions, the same money changer Alberto Youssef now involved in the Petrobras scandal and the same judge Sergio Moro. Only small fish were condemned. No PSDB right-wing politicians were condemned! Alberto Youssef is back in business as if nothing had happened. What was the fascists’ hero Sergio Moro thinking? Why didn’t he put any politicians in jail? Mismanagement of 150 billion reals, an absurd amount of money when compared to the R$ 10 billions stolen from Petrobras.——————–My opinion Lada is, knowing Brazilian culture, most likely the PT is involved in some corruption, BUT it is not as bad as being portrayed by the media (which is overwhelmingly American friendly). These revelations about Lula being railroaded are quite eye-opening, I think this may also be timed to build tensions before the Olympics. I think they are on some sort of time table and are working as quick as possible on multiple fronts to destabilize the BRICS. The powers that be cannot afford another year or two of Putin! 
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