The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Bradley Loves has another post called
It should be out later today. ~J
First Quarter Moon Phase: step out of comfort zone
Moon in Pisces
Ruling Mahavidya: Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Highest Desire)
Skill: contemplate inner fulfillment and then listen
Negative Imprint: uncompromising, risky action without planning, obsession, exhaustion, obscured vision
Positive Imprint: new responses, deep release, standing up for self and others, solution-focused, protection, pre-planning, aiming
We shift out of the challenging energetics of the Crescent Moon phase and into the forward movement of the First Quarter Moon phase. This changes things up quite a bit.
One thing that happens Saturday (via Mercury square Neptune) is a wave of energy that pivots our mindset to see many new things. Deep levels of spiritual knowledge and understanding open to us. “Deep” is one of the keywords for this lunar month, along with “homecoming.” Saturday’s energy can take us deeply into the connection between mind, heart, and body – deeply into our “scalar selves” – to access whatever provides the feeling of home.
In other words, the question of inner fulfillment is primary today. What would inner fulfillment look/feel like to you?
Collectively, we’ve almost deleted the notion of inner fulfillment, for various reasons. But the mission Saturday is to see life beyond the battle we’ve had with control forces because the primary battle has already been waged and won. It took place between the Aries and Libra lunar months this year. It ended with the convergence into one timeline, courtesy of higher spiritual forces (the Mahavidyas among them) in collaboration with individual humans linked together in shared mindset. What’s left to do now is take care of the details. And when we can see or envision life this way, we begin to create it.
A blueprint is needed, and our desire – our notion of fulfillment – which underlies Saturday’s energy, drives us toward whatever provides us inner fulfillment. It’s a time of instruction by Spirit, and the lesson is delivered mostly through auditory or written means. So the things we hear – things in conversation, things overheard, things we read, things in the background, things in our hearts – have patterns. If we are in a receptive mode, we get the message. It sounds crazy, but it is really the process of engaging the collective waking dream. Our hearts are already in a certain resonance with inner fulfillment, so they naturally seeks out that which will reinforce it. Meaning forms within the random.
So, as you can see, Saturday’s energy is deep. “Deep” works best when it comes out lightly. As much as possible, take a light-hearted approach to whatever is deeply resonating for you. The process of engaging the collective waking dream should be fulfilling. Fulfilled translates to happy, to fun, to whole, to centered, to bliss, to heaven.
Sunday’s energy is more about us focusing our intention and attention based on the insights and teaching that comes to us Saturday. Compositions are made Sunday. Things come together or are brought together or are pieced together to see a much bigger perspective. We take a step up in consciousness on Sunday.
The step up in consciousness ultimately adds to this lunar month’s theme of “retired army veterans gather to awaken old memories.” People of like-mind and like-spirit continue to come together and begin to understand their plans with each other. People who have been together for a while see their roles in new ways. A spiritual homecoming is underway across the world. As the new world emerges, so do new opportunities. It may require trust or a leap of faith in the fact that a new world is emerging to see this as truth.
It’s a deliciously complex convergence of energies this weekend, energies as rare as deep earth minerals. Go deep and listen for inner fulfillment. Ask the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi, who directs us toward what is in our highest and best interests, to enlighten.
A new petition hopes to get to the bottom of one of the most mysterious UFO incidents in the UK – the Rendlesham Forest Incident in 1980, where several soldiers witnessed lights, floating vehicles and strange marks which many thought were extraterrestrial craft landing.
The Rendlesham Forest sightings are often described as ‘Britain’s Roswell’.
Despite the release of a large Ministry of Defence file regarding the incident, UFO enthusiasts believe there is still information being covered up – and the new petition demands that all staff and all information be released from the Official Secrets Act.
Reports by retired soldiers such as Colonel Charles Halt sound seriously spooky: ‘While in Rendlesham Forest, our security team observed a light that looked like a large eye, red in colour, moving through the trees.
‘After a few minutes this object began dripping something that looked like molten metal.’
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Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston wrote, ‘The object was producing red and blue light. The blue light was steady and projecting under the object. It was definitely mechanical in nature.’
Others reported losing time periods, mysterious light – and strange howling noises ‘like women screaming’.
Sceptics claim that the marks of the UFO’s landing are, in fact, rabbit holes.
Multiple soldiers made drawings and descriptions of craft which resemble classic ‘flying saucers’.
The new petition demands, ‘To release ALL witnesses and Military Personnel involved with the “Rendlesham Forrest UFO Incident” from the Official Secrets Act.’
Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual says, ‘The Rendlesham case is one of Britain’s most fascinating UFO incidents. The problem with the alleged crashes is that no one has ever provided unambiguous evidence to support them. It is always claimed that all the remains of crashed flying saucers and even their pilots are whisked off by Government retrieval teams.’
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