Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Body Changes
By Nicky Hamid

I know that so many of you are at present experiencing various sinus, throat, and skin symptoms, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, sensitivities to light and sound, aches and pains and even accidents that give temporary debilitating experiences.

And simultaneously you are experiencing increased feeling of lovingness and calm and underneath a stillness.

Stay the course dear friends, stay the course.

Just love your body, trust it and care for it.

You are activating more Light in your body as you own your Lovingness.

The Soul Being that you are is coming more into your body and as it does that which is not of your truth has to leave. Your amazing body first shows you in these symptoms that shadow is now has to making room for more of You.

There is much that your body must do for this grande transformation. All it needs is your love and trust.

Allow yourself to do nothing whenever you can. Sometimes it is like being in ‘ no man’s land” and others like in “never, never land”. But it is all good.
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