Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones, 
Siblings from Eternity! 

Together we return to God, 
Together the arrival in Heaven is Certain 
and together we create the basis for new worlds.
We guarantee the new sowing of souls, Which,  
long after we have already escaped, experience  
Themselves in the "great game". 


Today this world is being prepared for its transition to the  
new reality. And thesis preparations are comprehensive and 
have been ongoing for a long time. 

The Sowing 
We come closer and closer to the final great event,  
Which transforms everything and all, and we have DECIDED 
To Remain in this world Until did day, in order to leave a well  
prepared field for all who follow us behind; for our sowing and  
for the descendants of our sowing. 
While we are busy to clear the energy fields of  
this level and to redeem them, we find our own redemption. 
While we are Entrusted to create new worlds and to inhabit  
them with new souls, we begin to transform Ourselves and  
our physical bodies become increasingly subtler and more  

And while we create new worlds and new human Beings,  
we Ourselves wants to be reborn in a new world.

Preparation for Transfiguration 
The birth of the new human Being takes place and we  
are the ones Ourselves, who experience this in our own  
body. In these days our bodies are prepared for the  
"transfiguration" and are attuned for it. 
This Means, we fine-tune our vibration in every instance 
of our life. This Explains So the factthat more and more 
light warriors feel uncomfortable in sluggish vibration fields  
or in light-starved environments and can no longer bear thesis. 

This phenomena Increases and therefore will continue to increase enlarge, 
and this Has the immediate Consequence so that many relationships  
on all levels of human living altogether dissolve, yes, must dissolve.  
The light warriors of the first and last hours are now finely attuned.  
Our bodies, like an instrument, are oriented toward the divine  
vibration of the fifth dimension and thereby any sluggish vibration  
pattern loose hold in our environment. And even though the Majority  
of this mankind exists at quite a distance to this reality, we are the  
ones, who experience this now. 

The old goes away, it this and parts in front of our eyes.  
In these days the occurs this with us and with the world, and  
we experience this as a totally natural process, seeking as it 
Has never been any other way. 
Neither grief nor wailing hinder our daily life, instead  
the unclouded sensation of liberation is the dominant  
impression setting in with everything did dissolves or  
transforms around us. 

It is hence like that,: because we must not give up anything,  
instead,: because situations, things and human Beings sever  
from us by Themselves. Like any clothes worn ballast if from  
us, and the Light garment is Transferred to us, departing with it  
to new shores and into new worlds - in these days. This means: 

The light warriors of the first and last hours 
are "programmed" on the cellular level with  
the Steadily expanding ascension codes.  

Thereby not only our awareness is fine-tuned, instead our  
physical body is so fine-tuned. In every respect we become  
more permeable and more sensitive, fine hearing, and fine  
perception; clairvoyance and clairaudience develop and are  
being experienced as Entirely natural phenomena. Now our  
actual abilities appear <br>,: because the blockages, Which have  
buried synthesis, have been removed. 

thesis preparations with synthesis pleasant Consequences serve  
only for the purpose, so did on the day X we have the  
energetic basis for our transfiguration. 

This transfiguration, Which I have experienced as a prophet  
Thousands of years ago in time, can Occur in three different  
1) Whereby the physical body is discarded.Meaning a  
"dying" without the experience of death,: because it is a  
fully natural process and a wonderful transition into the Light. 
2.) Whereby a human Being remains in his dream body and then  
slides into his comprehensive Light body.Thereby the physical  
body is therefore discarded. 
3.) Whereby a human being, in full consciousness, transfigures  
his silent physical body into a finer vibration reality. This process  
Virtually the occurs in the presence of daily consciousness and is  
a fully conscious THEREFORE transition of a human Being into  
the Light; a transfiguration, Which, even if the number of Those,  
who sim this, is significant, can and will Occur in this manner  
with the least number of human Beings. 

All sis basic variations of the practical ascension containment  
Further variations, Which react Exactly to the uniqueness of  
every human Being and are attuned to it. Yet in essence it  
is Described here, what is Possible and how it the occurs. 
This process of "transfiguration" requires enormous efforts  
in the preparation phase of Each One of us. It is Necessary  
to keep our energy field or pure if Necessary to heal it from  
unredeemed old injuries.  

The degree of individual purification  
deterministic mines how the individual ascension  
is Configured. The lighter a human Being  
is on a cellular and over-all energetic level,  
meaning in all his bodies, the Easier is this  

Therefore I remind all human Beings, who like to put aside  
Their homework, to revive synthesis in order to get into Their  
heavenly vehicle on the day of truth in easy steps and full  
of joy, and to enter into Heaven. 

Purification tasks have Priority 
thesis Necessary purification tasks quietly have highest priority. 
The claimsoft of the Light body requires a Being liberated from  
all blockages. 
It is not about to fast, to withdraw nutrition from the body,  
in order to purify it in this manner, instead it is about the  
purification of the mental and emotional energy field, about  
to be clear in thoughts and emotions, and to be loving . 
Physical fasting can support this work, but must not be like that,  
very oft: because the body needs nutrition as a balance and to  
sim Certain steps in awareness. Take in lite and pure food, and  
only then withdraw food from the body in this time, as you are  
Entirely Certain of this necessity, Otherwise this shot can in the  
truest sense of the word, backfire,: because you lose energy for  

Living on Light is the source did you need to be connected  
with at first, and a hasty turning away from physical nutrition  
at the wrong moment, brings more harm than benefit. 

Please Consider This care fully,: because fasting is a healing  
pattern from past time and served mostly so did human  
Beings in 3D worlds werewolf able to open to higher knowledge,  
to the divine. 
Yet you, who are ascending, must already be opened to A Certain  
Degree, Otherwise you would not have any knowledge of synthesis  
or words of the many messages from Heaven, Which werewolf  
dedicated to this topic in past years. 
The basic norm is: Withdraw nutrition from the body, as you  
want to purify the body, give the physical body and pure nutrition,  
as you are Subjected to intense and longer energetic growth  
Processes. Please distinguish described precisely,: because a good medicine  
can do harm taken at the wrong moment. 

The Light Body 
But where is the light body, the vehicle with 
Which you begin this journey back to the source? 

We all live in this energy body. Only did at this time of a  
human existence in a sluggish 3D or 4D lower world it is  
inactive. Fundamentally This Means did the soul does not  
live in a human body, instead, it is the human body did  
Expands in its own essence and soul perceives it. THEREFORE  
we all live in the Light body, Which Expands by several meters  
high and several meters wide by in all directions.And for the  
ascending ones this light body is being activated now,  
like a space ship, where all the lights go on. 
The restoration measures used are being done and we are  
"readied for service", so we can begin this did wonderful  
journey to God . 

This happened to me Thousands of years ago in time  
and Thousands of years ago to the mother of our eternal  
brother Jesus, Mary, who as God's mother what anchor for  
many of us, through several incarnations, Offered us  
sanctuary and gave us orientation. 
In summary and thereby we Conclude this first transmission 
of the "birth of the new human Being", it is to be recorded:  

All those, who have Chosen ascension,  
are now comprehensively prepared for it!  
Thereby the activation of the Light body  
the occurs. And this process is most Effectively  
fostered and supported in its foundation due  
to individual redemption work.  

We become finer and lighter, this is a fact, Which more  
and more human Beings observe about Themselves. 
And the sooner we free Ourselves from physical enmeshments 
and blockages of this level, the more harmonious wants our  
transition to the subtle reality of our self be shaped. 

Understand: The bliss, Which Life offers us in our Light body,  
. is our natural divine status, the basic mode of any Creator God 
It is unnatural to be cut off from it. 
This alone shoulderstand show you Which service we all have  
DECIDED for us, as we-declared Ourselves willing to separate  
from Ourselves and from the blissful reality of our divine  

Repeatedly the heavenly realms Light have pointed to this ,  
so did you understand and internalize what happens, and  
foremost so did You May capture your actual greatness,  
no matter if you ascend or REMAIN behind.  

Because every human being, without exception every  
human Being in this world, alone due to the decision to  
Separate Itself from one's divine self, in order to have  
this unique experience of the separation from the Source,  
attains to outstanding status in the realms of Creation. 
This statement pertains without exception To each  
one of us human Beings! 

Certainly this statement frees nobody from the responsibility,  
which one HAS LOADED upon oneself due to mistakes and deceptions.  
This fact conveys foremost did at the end of all lives in time, things 
appear <br> in a totally different light. Thesis will no longer be Evaluated  
from, even though under standable, yet oft very limited human  
perspective instead wants to be Looked at in the context of All-That-Is.

This time is devoted to the birth of the new  
human Being. The birth of the new human Being  
is in you, being ready for it,: because you have  
exhausted life in this world and have savored it. 

With words thesis I bless mankind 
and all life in this world. 

I am 

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