Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Birth and Childhood
Message from Sananda
Through Jahn Kassl

Beloved brothers and sisters of light.

My heart is filled with joy that there is so much energy of love within you. And this inner light shines more and more, so that it streams into the entire universe for us to see.

Today I give you an insight into the time around my birth, my childhood and the attitude towards life in my early years, in life as Jesus on earth.

My birth was prophesied and so my mother Mary knew from what power the fruit grew in her womb. And the stars pointed the way to us for the wise men to offer their praise.

This happened in the spring of the 4th year of your calendar.

My childhood was carefree and I breathed the healthy and loving environment of my parents. Although we were often out and about, I always had the feeling of absolute security and my trust in everything that IS solidified....+

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