Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Benjamin Fulford - Gold Backed Amero is in - GOOD GUYS LOST!

The Amero plan is back, this time backed by gold: BIS source
The US dollar is about to be replaced by the Amero at a rate of two dollars to one Amero, according to a high level financial source in Switzerland. The Amero will replace the US and Canadian dollars and the Mexican peso, he says. It will be backed by Mexican and Canadian gold, the source adds.
The decision was made at a high level within the Western secret government, he says. The introduction of the Amero will be followed by a dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board, he says. Once the announcement is made, people will have exactly 30 days to convert their dollars to Ameros before the dollars become worthless.
The Western government does not want to cede control of its financial system to China so a decision was made to go with the gold-backed Amero, he says.
Of course many holders of dollars may decide to opt away from the Amero and trade their dollars for other currencies, notably the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar.
We will seek to confirm this news from other sources and will provide updates if necessary.

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on March 8, 2010 at 6:01am
I feel as you do on this issue Pleiadian Agenda if they try to implement this it will be no doubt a disaster
Comment by ian on March 6, 2010 at 3:45am
He did an interview with David rockafeller and asked some good questions. It made him seem like a truth seeker. Now he will say one thing and then conterdict himself a week later.
Comment by JIM4HOPE on March 5, 2010 at 9:54pm
If this is done I will have to predict all kinds of trouble will happen here in the states much more than the bankster gangsters and Obama think .I would also say I am not trying to be negative but we are dealing with some real sinister sick madmen with their track record for getting what they want the thing that has worked for them so well from past staged events is to stage another 9/11 event to regain control of the people who are wising up way to fast for there comfort. The facts tell the truth within the past year the swine flu hoax was a big failure for the attempt to vaccine everybody with there dumbing down the population attempt. and then climategate came along and exposed there scam by there own words manipulating data to give science backing for politicians the bogus evidence needed to fund a global government with the tasxes it would have generated from these two issues alone tells you they are loosing a grip of there illusions and there propaganda so-called news media has lost the ability to scare the people into the direction there needed to go for there NWO to be implemented there and they will do anything it takes to make this happen they have no humanatarian reasoning or compasion fo lives they believe there needs to rule the planet will be done at any cost.Human life means nothing to them only there agenda for world domination.So I do believe we need to think positive about the future and at the same time remember we have to get as mahy people to wake up as we can so we can expose their true agendas befor there next staged event happens .
Comment by Ullan on March 5, 2010 at 8:56pm
'A high level financial source in Switzerland'? Whom, exactly? And why in Switzerland? The majority of all financial deals are not, as most people expect, done in a dark backroom somewhere in the Swiss Alps. Nor are the Swiss banks the mysterious powerhouses of the late Thirties.

'Holders of dollars may decide to opt away from the Amera and trade [...] notably the Chinese Yuan and the Hong Kong Dollar'. Again, why? This advise makes no sense if you know the Yuan is directly linked to the US Dollar, a fact that has caused much of the trade deficit with the East. In the hypothetical case that the US Dollar were to be abolished, the Yuan would tumble down like a house of cards with no cards at the bottom. Why is the Euro not mentioned in this advice? The Sterling? Even the Lek would be a sound investment in this hypothetical case.

'[...] rate of two dollars to one Amero'. Here comes our good friend, inflation.

'[...]people will have exactly 30 days to convert'. But sadly this is /after/ dismantling the Federal Reserve Board, which governs all current banks, meaning they are all dismantled as well. Converting their Dollars to Ameros where, exactly? I can spot holes in this plans...

... or to be frank, I can barely spot a plan for all the holes.

I don't mean to be negative, but this entire message is composed by someone with no idea of finance or modern banking. It is a great ideal, yes, but unless adopted globally, anyone trying to use these new Ameros anywhere but within the zone where it is considered legal tender will find them worth less than the Zimbabwean Dollar. A gold based economy can only be floated with a gold based currency if this is adopted /globally/. In every other case this is a recipe for financial disaster.

To summarize: no verifiable facts, shaky premise, unproven track record and a zero percent accuracy rate of previous messages. Certainly no Messiah, this Benjamin.

I fully hope to be proven wrong in all of the above, that would make me quite happy.
Comment by ian on March 5, 2010 at 3:04pm
I don't know what to think about this guy anymore. He is credible but who is he really working for? Always so negative.

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