Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Benjamin Fulford and Illuminati representative Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of Santa Lia, Italy, announce the end of the financial elite crime syndicate's New World Order plans for massive population reduction, continuing war and manipulated financial chaos (YouTube video - 5½ mins).
Plus Part two here (6½ mins). There are two factions within the World Shadow Government of Illuminati. First, there is the negative, Satanist, element which runs the US administration and many other pro-US Western governments. This group planned and delivered the 911 attacks in New York and Washington as a pretext for curtailing individual liberties and introducing martial law. Second, there is a positive element within the Illuminati, which is not now Satanist and Anunnaki-driven, and is said to be represented in these videos by Benjamin Fulford and MW Bro Leo Lyon Zagami 33° AASR Piazza del Gesu' (Alliata lineage), Supreme Magus of the R+C+ of the italian Pytagoric Tradition and Grand Master of the Ordo illuminatorum Universalis. He is a 33rd degree positive Freemason. Benjamin Fulford (speaking for the Eastern Group) and Leo Lyon Zagami (speaking for the Western Group) are promoting a new, positive, planetary agenda. The negative Illuminati faction, including its minions such as Henry Kissinger, George Bush Snr, Alan Greenspan, Barack Obama, the Clintons, Adolfo Nicolas, Joseph Ratzinger, Rosalyn Higgins and Rupert Murdoch are said to be defeated, crumbling and hopeless.

Benjamin Fulford announces the end of the financial elite crime syndicate's "New World Order" plans for massive population reduction together with Illuminati representative Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of Santa Lia, Italy. Prince Zagami came to Tokyo to meet Fulford and negotiate plans for future changes to benefit the people and the planet. (see also part 1)
MW Bro Leo Lyon Zagami 33° AASR Piazza del Gesu' (Alliata lineage)
Supreme Magus of the R+C+ of the italian Pytagoric Tradition
Grand Master of the Ordo illuminatorum Universalis

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Comment by Greg on June 13, 2009 at 9:29pm
Not to mention the hundreds/thousands of people involved in their black technology projects and working in area51 and underground who have come forward exposing their agenda and what's going on and releasing documents. These are considered white hats, people who work for them but don't necessarily agree with what they're doing.
Comment by Greg on June 13, 2009 at 9:27pm
Simone how can you say they're all the same, when obviously people like JFK came out trying to publicly expose their plans and got killed for it.. and he wasn't the only one. Regardless, their evil/darkness has been needed to awaken other people. It seems to me you're still judging them and being very hateful towards them which is exactly what they want. Also have you ever tried placing yourself in their shoes and think about how you'd feel losing everything you've worked on for centuries upon centuries?
Comment by tranceman on June 12, 2009 at 4:59pm
WOW! I will remain hopeful that this will happen. I feel strongly that it must.
thanks jose!
Comment by Greg on June 12, 2009 at 7:26am
white hats.
Comment by CHRISTINA on June 12, 2009 at 6:24am
I am with you on this one, Jose. We are being upgraded. Our DNA is changing. Secondly, we have always the power to change our world for the better and for the good of all. That power is within everyone of us. If only we used that power. RESPONSIBILITY is the key. Always respond with LOVE. Choose LOVE over fear. Fear is an illusion. It is False Evidence Appearing Real.....
Comment by jose v on June 12, 2009 at 5:44am
Now, some of you may question that because in past lives the changes occurred during the times of war, for the most part, or famine. Those were the two ways that got change going. But here you’re not going to see the type of wars that you’ve seen in the past. You’re going to see a whole different way of changing consciousness.
For those of you who are waiting for 2012, you’re going to miss the fun. You’re going to miss the party, because it is happening right now. It started – the true deep changes started – a year ago. Oh, they’ve been building up for a long time, but the real shift in consciousness from Old Energy vibrations to New Energy expansion started a year ago, and look what has transpired since then. If you’re waiting for 2012 for some grand change, you will have missed the whole thing.
Over the next four years in particular you’re going to see some very difficult things, challenging things. You’re going to see an old consciousness on Earth unravel, come apart. And yes, there will be those who panic. There will be those who are in fear, and there will be many, many who resort to stealing, whether it is stealing money, whether it is stealing other people’s energy and consciousness, whether it is stealing their property. You’re going to see a lot of this taking place.
The next four years are going to be a time for you to be in balance, to bring up within yourself everything that you’ve learned, everything that you’ve gained in wisdom, everything that you already know within yourself. The next four years are going to be a time to stop hiding and stop pretending that you’re a victim, stop pretending that you’re waiting for something else. Stop pretending that you have to learn more, you have to go through all of these rituals and ceremonies to become a New Energy human. You are it right here, right now, today. There is not one thing that you are missing other than the true trust in yourself.
Comment by jose v on June 12, 2009 at 5:33am
this illuminated beings are like demons but they will not win look on ben looks .. he is no convinced at all...
Comment by R.L on June 12, 2009 at 4:50am
^ well he kind of corrected himself if you watched it all, he was just trying to stress the point that there is a good faction within the illuminati
Comment by jose v on June 12, 2009 at 4:10am
What you're seeing happening all across the world right now, all around you, is a profound loss of trust – loss of trust in old systems, old organizations, lost of trust in government and it is falling apart. What you have, dear Shaumbra, one of the most important tools is the true trust in yourself. And ultimately, for the rest of the world, it is the same thing. It is about them learning to trust that they have the answers. But right now in these most shifting, in these most collapsing of times, it is time to remember, it is time to bring up the trust in yourself.

You will be able to get through every part of this nearly unscratched if you remember to trust who you are. And I'm not talking about trusting some unknown god. I'm not talking about trusting a guru. I'm not talking about trusting who you think you're going to be five or ten years from now. I'm talking about trusting you right now. You have every tool. You have every resource. You have everything you need right now, because, as a messenger, as one who can go across time and space, you put it there for yourself. Trust that you knew enough to put that tool in the path to be utilized in the Now moment. Trust that you already put it there and it will then be.
Comment by jose v on June 12, 2009 at 2:23am
this two men are very powerful in its order, politicians and military and kings of high level are under their control
believe this you see here because this is the future of the Earth.
I incline to BENJAMIN a true a human being

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