Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is taken from a book by Eric Harrison.

1) Meditation releases muscular tension. It relieves pain and increases mobility.
2) Meditation lowers high blood pressure.
3) Meditation stimulates the immune system and the production of white blood cells. The healing process works best when the body is relaxed.
4) Meditation opens constricted air passages. It is particularly good for asthmatics and hay fever sufferers.
5) Meditation increases blood circulation to the digestive tract, the skin and the brain.So the tingling you experience when meditating is the circulation getting re- energised!!
6) Meditation dramatically affects hormonal activity. Regular meditations can de-stress you and can make you look younger.
7) Meditation balances left and right hemisphere activity. A meditator is capable of clear thinking while still intune with his or her emotional responses.
8) Regular meditations help alleviate insomnia, migraines, allergies and asthma.
9) Give yourself 3 or 4 weeks of regular meditations at the same time if possible, and notice the difference in your general health.

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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on July 5, 2010 at 9:16pm
Many thanks Ullan, me too when i was the beginnings of this site i started to medidate too, is wonderful how much peace bring you from your source of life..yes, i reccomend it to everyone who wants to be more peaceful, joyful, with more improved quality of life.

Comment by Ullan on July 5, 2010 at 7:27pm
I began meditating on a regular basis about two years ago. Half an hour to an hour a day, every day. Normally I'm not conscious of time passing anymore.

To say it's been a life changing experience is a bit of an understatement. I'm no longer the same person I was back when I started. I used to be plagued by frequent headaches, those have passed. I used to be angry and insecure, all that has passed. My friends and coworkers frequently ask me how I can be so calm every day, and I always tell them the truth.

Meditation is a wonderful tool, it helps me relax and stave off stress, and keeps me centered during the day. I have not just grown more peaceful, more secure or more balanced... I have grown.

I recommend meditation to everyone. Don't think you can't do it, everyone can. It takes no special training, it's something you already know how to do. Don't say you can't do it because you can't clear your thoughts, that's normal in the first few weeks. Just stick with it, relax, you'll soon see the benefits.

Be well.

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