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Ben Fulford Letter to Ron Paul: Abolish the Federal Reserve


This is an interesting initiative.  Ben Fulford has addressed an open letter to Ron Paul. It may not be a matter of open knowledge but Ron Paul is one of the architects of the NESARA law. It’ll be interesting to see if Ron responds and how. The original letter was posted on Rumor Mill News. Thanks to Sarah for bringing it to my attention.

So what you’re hearing is a partial, NESARA-like plan being proposed by one who opposes the Federal Reserve to one of NESARA’s authors, who is now in charge of overseeing the corrupt Federal Reserve and also opposes it.

Certainly the thrust of the plan is in the direction we’re destined to go anyways. However SaLuSa has said that the actual transition to NESARA is planned to follow disclosure:

“Disclosure still remains as an important development that must precede the Abundance programs.” (Jan. 27, 2010.)

Therefore this particular initiative may not in fact prove the decisive one, even if it foreshadows it -- unless disclosure were to happen forthwith.

If you’d like to hear Ron Paul’s views on the Federal Reserve, watch the 2007 video at the bottom of the letter, in which he roasts the “secretive” central bank.

An open letter to Representative Ron Paul from Benjamin Fulford


Dear Representative Paul,

My name is Benjamin Fulford. I am a spokesperson for the Black, White and Golden Dragon societies as well as for the Red and the Green. These ancient secret societies have a global command structure, partially visible in your local martial arts societies, that is capable of mobilizing a 100-million-person army on very short notice in case of an emergency.

These ancient societies have gone from dormant to semi-active mode because, through the successful wiretapping of meetings of your elite, they have learned of plans to start World War 3, kill at least 4 billion people and destroy much of the Northern hemisphere. You may confirm with your Pentagon or CIA sources that this is all very real.

The reason we are writing an open letter to you is to explain why the Federal Reserve Board needs to be abolished and the global financial architecture needs to be revamped. The United States government is bankrupt and has been kept running along these past decades by the goodwill of the peoples of the planet. That good will is running out.

Your financial elite have proposed either devaluing the US dollar or carrying out a hidden devaluation by replacing it with a new currency called the Amero. Both proposals have been rejected. The reason is that by far most US dollars ever created are no longer owned by Americans. Many, often poor, people would suffer enormously if these dollars suddenly lost half of their value.

Our groups have proposed an alternative plan. We have offered to pay back all US debt owed to China by returning gold that was stolen from there during the 20th century. In addition, we plan to write off US debt to the rest of the world by taking the US dollars owned by non-Americans, backing them with gold and putting them under the control of a new international meritocratic organization. This organization would never create any fiat currency but merely act as a neutral clearing house for governments, corporations and plutocrats.

The newly debtless United States government would then be free to issue its own government-controlled currency. Such a currency would have a lower international purchasing power than the US dollar now has. The result will be that Chinese goods will become more expensive for Americans while US exports will regain their competitiveness. This will allow the US to rebuild its real economy.

However, as the history of the yen and the Plaza Accord show, devaluation alone will not solve the US’s chronic external deficit problem. The US deficit is also a structural problem caused by the fact that the military-industrial complex does not produce trade-able goods. Pentagon officials have also made it clear to us they would rather start a war than end up like Soviet-era generals who suddenly found themselves driving taxis.

We therefore propose that the peoples of the world finance a gradual swords-to-plowshares transition of the military-industrial complex. According to the American Association of Scientists, over 6,000 patents have been suppressed for “national security reasons.” We believe an expert review of those patents would unearth a high-tech bonanza for the American people and the US economy that would help ease this transition.

We are also proposing the creation of a global economic planning agency. This agency would be run by the motto “We stand between desires and reality.” The organization would try to surpass the sorry records of the World Bank and the IMF by carrying out an intensive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on the course for exponential expansion into the future. There would be no burden placed on the American people and no threat to US sovereignty posed by this organization. Rather it should provide vast new opportunities for American individuals and corporations.

Finally, although this is purely an American domestic issue, we strongly recommend that you confiscate the funds stolen from the American people this past century by amoral, criminal financiers and return them to their rightful owners. Vladimir Putin was able to quintuple Russian living standards when he did a similar thing in Russia.

The final point we wish to make is that the peoples of the world desire peace. The desperate criminal cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board still wields enormous power and is still trying to start World War 3. We would like to request the help of the American peoples in ending this perverse threat to humanity and the planet.

Sincerely yours,

Benjamin Fulford

PS: If you would like the hear more, contact me through the US embassy in Tokyo.

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