Being a Channel of Divine LoveArchangels Zadkiel and AmethystThrough Linda Robinson Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being a channel of Divine Love.
You are living in extraordinary times for advancement to higher levels. Many portals have opened, and new energy is inviting you to participate in a higher role of assisting humanity, the planet, and the multidimensions.
One way to be of service and assist in this process is to be a channel of Divine Love.
Divine Love carries the highest vibration and frequency. It is an energy that comes from the Creator, and it is there for all Beings.
When Beings experience Divine Love, they are able to realize that they are from the Creator and that they carry this essence within them as their Divine Spark in their heart center.
Some Beings are aware of this connection, while others are waiting for it to be awakened into full realization. A full realization occurs when one feels this at a heart level, as well as knowing it at an intellectual level....+@
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