Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Becoming Aware of Our True Essence
By Kenneth Schmitt

Many meditators speak of going into the void. Some say it’s the zero point of perfect awareness, without thought or emotion, just presence of awareness. In the void there is nothing, and there is everything. It cannot be explained within ego-consciousness. It is awareness of infinite consciousness. We can know and feel our essence as an eternal presence of awareness with unlimited creative power.

By the way we treat ourselves and believe that we are, we create the qualities of our lives. The energies that we choose to pay attention to and resonate with, are the energies that are in play within our creative essence. When we know this, we can take control of our vibratory presence by intentionally being in a positive, high-vibratory state of being, regardless of our imagined external conditions. There is no external...+

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