Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Be You, Real, Raw, Brave By Ramona Lappin

Be You, Real, Raw, Brave
By Ramona Lappin

World’s shift as we stand tall and confident in who we truly are, no more holding back in order to not ‘rock the boat’! The boat very obviously needs rocking.

As our Frequency shifts, our Realities shift in response to match/ shapeshift into that which we project onto the hologram. The more we embody our own True unique Self, the more Quantum and Frequency we accredit. That’s us merging with our True Self and higher, multidimensional identities, trance-ending any of the remaining false and inverted conditioning and programmming we have received and had taken on as truth.

Loving ourselves in our perfectly imperfect perfection, as we are, is our most sacred ‘weapon’. The ‘right’ people will love you for you being the REAL YOU, that’s how we find our crew! Unconditional Self Love and acceptance, the most challenging aspect of embodiment, is us shining light onto the Collective shadows and returning them to Source for re-encryption, because we were the Ones projecting them out in the first place. No longer feeding them with our fears, anger, guilt and shame as we have trance-ended these emotions and lower states of Consciousness through our own alchemical process...+
Be You, Real, Raw, Brave

Seeking truth to be Free! Violet Flame: Heal Body, Mind and Soul.

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