Be Proud of Yourself and Your Unique FootstepsArchangel Michaelvia Kerstin Eriksson am Michael and I love you!
There are days when you think, where are Michael? Where are the angels? Have they dropped me? Left me? Do they think I am not good enough and chooses someone else?
You are taught that you are a lightworker, an obedient love worker from the heavens, and that is exactly what you are!
And no, we have not chosen someone else, that you might think is better than you. Never!
We could NEVER do that! And why?
You are not replaceable! No one else can do exactly what you can do!
No one else has your ability, your personal knowing, your uniqueness.
You are not clones of each other.
You seem to forget this time after time. No one else can do what you came to earth to do. No one...
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