Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Be like the Beloved Animals
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said:

Turn your worries over to Me. You are not to have them. They are extraneous to you. They have nothing to do with you. You pursue your worries, you repeat them over and over again, and you create angst in your heart and in the hearts around you. There is a vibration to worry, and it is not a pretty song.

Whatever is too much for you to feel at peace with, turn over to Me. It does not belong to you. It is not yours to carry around. It is yours to give to Me. I have a special trashcan for it. Your worries faze Me not. They do not accrue to Me. I put them where worries go, and that is in the trash heap. Worries are no good to you. They are worth nothing. They are wear and tear. With worry gone, what will cause angst in your heart? Worry is an idle pursuit. It is a weed that grows. Extricate it.

When you find another worry, as you are wont to do, as if you couldn’t live without a worry, send it to Me right away. I have instant disposal. Immediately, your worries fizzle into nothing. They do not exist. Worry is an aspect of the world that is clearly your own manufacture. Worry would not exist without your collaboration, without your insistence actually. Whatever befalls, your worry is an add-on. Worry is like gravy you pour on top of mashed potatoes. If mashed potatoes are your life, worry is a topper.+++

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