Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Baby Bubbles and the Power of Prayer

My daughter, Macey was born at 24 weeks gestation. A full term baby is born between 37-40 weeks. At birth she weighed 425 grams or 1 pound 6 oz, she was 11 1/4 inches long. Her foot was the same size as the first segment of my thumb. My whole pregnancy was torture, I was ill constantly. My doctor ignored my complaints and treated me coldly. I had just been to see him a few days before she came, and again he ignored my complaints/concerns and carried on. I was starting to become very afraid for my child. I looked horrible, my skin was gray, I had huge bags under my eyes, and I was losing weight at 5 months pregnant. As it turns out, I was very ill. I had a yeast infection in the fluids of my womb. This is a life thretening condition that is the leading cause of pre-term births, still births, miscarriages, and death of the mother and child during/after childbirth.
My father has a friend who's daughter-in-law died 8 hours after giving birth due to the same infection. She also delivered her child in September, her baby was nearly full term though. For this reason her infection went unnoticed and caused her death. Luckily the yeast didn't get into the baby's blood supply as it had hers, and the baby is healthy.
In our case, we were both lucky I guess. I am lucky that the doctor ignored my concerns. If he had discovered the infection, they would have insisted on termination of the pregnancy due to the life threatening infection. The prognosis was very poor for the baby prior to my delivery. I guess in most cases where the infection starts early in the pregnancy the fetus contracts the infection. For this reason, they terminate these pregnancies to save the mother's life as the baby's prognosis is usually very poor. So, 9 of 10 times, the baby dies, and saving the mom becomes prioroty. With 90% odds at death of the child they do not offer the mom the decision to save the baby. So, as it turns out I am lucky I had a jerky doctor. He actually saved my daughter's life by being so detached. The infection wasn't detected until after I went into pre-term labor. They treated me with antibiotics, but gave the baby only 10-20% odds at life.
I was in labor for 3 days. When she finally showed her face she had the sweetest little look for about 3 seconds and then made a face like 'What the he-- am I doin here." and burst into tears. She was intababted for the first 2 1/2 months of her life, a machine helped her breathe. She was extababted 3 times before she was able to be sustained with oxygen. My little baby had heart surgery to close a duct that often remains open in premeies,and double hernia repairs. She recieved 9 blood transfusions to save her life because she ws sooooo tiny.
All of this and more that she went through is really nothing compared to what most babies her size go through. There are so may things that can happen to a baby her size. I was so helpless, I could only watch as they did things to my baby to save her life. I wasn't able to hold my child for 2 months after her birth. I missed the feeling of having her with me inside of me. When I couldn't be with her I always had at least one hand on my belly, where I felt she should still be. I could only touch her little feet, and sometimes when she wasn't bothered, her little head. Some of the nurses wouldn't let me even do that. I would sit next to her little incubator holding her little foot and sing or talk softly to her. She immediatly responded to my voice and the voice of my Dad (for some reason he got lucky too). I watched as they carried out numerous torturous procedures on her daily. Helpless, alone, afraid, hopfeful, in love, and prayerful, I observed as my baby was treated. Many times, during the course of this, things came up medically that could have been really bad. I had invoked the help of any and everyone I came across to help and pray for my little girl. I dropped all pride shame and ego, and opened myself up to possibilly . I invoked almost everyone I came across to pray for her, I asked them to ask their friends family and churches to pray as well. During her first 3 or so months of life we had many close calls. As these situations arose I would invoke prayer to that particular area. She developed a very serious blood condition that disapeared with prayer. Then a brain bleed that coulod have left her menatal and physical capasity very compromised. The brain bleed stopped and resolved itself almost imediatley. Most babies her size have multiple brain bleeds varing in degree 4 being the worst. She only had 1 small 1st-2nd degree bleed that resolved immediatley with the invocation of prayer. One morning they came to me and told me that they found something on her brain scan. They said it was a lesion a tumor like growth between the lobes of her brain. This would have caused severe mental and physical impairmennts for her. On further scans(after the invocation of prayer to her brain) the "lesion" turned into a "normal" growth that would cause my child no harm at all. These 3 major issues as well as countless other more "minor" things cleared up. I watched as sunday services came and passed and blood tests and x-rays changed to positive outcomes on monday mornings. Countless little-old-ladies who had never met or seen my daughter saved her little life with the power of prayer.

That brings us to current. My daughter contracted a cold a few days before Christmas. I watched with baited breaths as she seemed to be getting along fine. I know that because of her medical history any kind of cold can become very serious for her if it should attack her lungs. I watched for all of the signs that would lead me to become concerned. She didn't seen to present any real symptoms until the very last minute. Christmas night was calm and she bedded down as she normally would. I was up chatting and reading until after midnight. She was sleeping peacefully and did so until about 3:00 a.m. She awoke coughing and wheezing. I gave her her meds but they seemed to do nothing. My baby was having a really hard time breathing so we jumped into the Jeep to head for the hospital. There was a terrible ice storm so we were forced go to the nearest hospital instead of the "Children's Hospital" were she was born. In the 5 hours we were there they misdiagnosed her with a pneumonia and began course of antibiotics. I insisted on being transfered to 'her' hospital. Once there, the pediatric pulminary specialis told me it probably wasn't pneumonia, to which I answered "I love you" He and his resident both laughed at that reponse but I meant it.
Later that day I returned home while my parents sat with her to get some things. On the top of my list was my laptop. I couldn't wait to invoke all of my friends help. The helpless feeling of a mom with a sick baby is hard to describe in words. The one thing I KNEW I could do for her was to ask for all of your help. I had seen prayers save her before a whole year ago. Now in this light and understanding I KNEW the healing would come. I went onto chat that night and started spreading the word. By morning all of the emails were out and you all had begun to send your love. My friends, within 8 hours my daughter's condition turned around. Instead of being concerned that this was the begining of the episode the doc's were now saying that she was recovering. The episode was on the mend. By morning again a total flip in expected outcome. She was completely weened from oxygen and had her meds cut in half enabling us to take her home. Now, I must tell you that they expected her to be there for some time longer. They also said she would probably go home on oxygen, and remain on oxygen at home for some time. Thanks to my friends, their love, the power of prayer, and intent, none of that happened. Words aren't enough to express my gratitude, awe, and love. Forever my sweet brothers and sisters will I hold a place in my heart for you all. Thank you for allowing me to witness your love and compassion. KNOW KNOW KNOW that this is POSSIBLE this IS TRUE. We can all heal with our love. My heart sings with thanks, glory,and awe. We are that we are.



Baby Bubbles and Me

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Comment by chelley on January 6, 2009 at 3:10am
A Lovely Story Bubbles about the power of Love :o) I know eberything will be fine for you and Child.

Love and Light Chelley
Comment by KigreTheViking on January 6, 2009 at 12:20am
-Love- "Auuuuuuuummmmh"
Comment by bubbles on January 5, 2009 at 11:01am
thanks to you all again again and again. you are love.

ps. does this mean we can pray for a big gaint pay-raise too? hehehehe

love love love,

bubbles and baby b
Comment by Leilei on January 2, 2009 at 3:00am
Hey Bubbles,

Yes the power of prayers and love is what's the most amazing thing to happen for healing. Very happy that all is going very well with baby. Take Care! Love & Blessings...LadyRhea
Comment by erv on January 1, 2009 at 8:09pm
kiss kiss mom n baby bubbles :)

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