Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

August 2022 Astrology Forecast By Sarah Jane Grace

August 2022 Astrology Forecast
By Sarah Jane Grace

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but there seem to be days where time is moving in slow motion, and there are days when life is swirling on fast forward. However, there are also many other days which are somewhere in between, sometimes on pause, sometimes in reverse and sometimes going round and round in circles. Whilst this all tends to balance out in time, the constant stop, start, slow and spin can leave us feeling as though we are lurching from one space to another rather than effortlessly gliding along. Change is a constant in life and although we are wise enough to know this, it can still feel frustrating when the rug beneath our feet is continually being tugged every time we start to relax and settle. It’s like trying to take a deep breath in but needing to breathe out at the same time.

The natural inclination when faced with change is to resist; to try to cling on to what we know and to everything that’s familiar. Yet, it’s often the act of resistance that prevents us from seeing the bigger picture and it can leave us hovering on the edge of life, not quite sure whether to take a chance and step towards pastures new, or to bide our time until a better moment emerges.

Turning towards change takes courage, particularly as it might not be the change we’d hoped for or dreamed of. Facing change can feel oppressive and...+

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