Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Attunement to Infinite Time Ascension Update, Saturday, by Ailia Mira

Attunement to Infinite Time
Ascension Update, Saturday,
by Ailia Mira

Some very intense waves of energy are emanating into and arising from our planetary field today.
I'm told these are templates of light traveling as gamma rays, coming from the Great Central Sun. This energy is stepped down by atmospheric particles before being absorbed by our sun and then transmitted into our world. These emanating transmissions are part of the incoming energy that will continue to build to the Lion's Gate.

Receiving these, today, I experienced a spontaneous emotional release with no thoughts attached and no visible trigger. Afterwards, I was having experiences of simultaneity, in which I was seeing parts of my life that played out over time in the past, but which were being shown to me in the present, as a whole arc. I had a session with a client this morning and we had discussed the Buddhist Bon theory of the originating energy of a relationship. So this idea came up several times today, of the whole being contained at the start, and how we get glimpses of infinite time.

I was experiencing the wholeness of those parts of my life. So not a single aspect of it but seeing the richness of the whole thing all at once. There was a whole series of things that kept playing out in my awareness where I was seeing the whole of different aspects or parts of my experience, all at once. I don’t know if that makes sense or not it’s a little hard to explain...+

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