Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ask The Masters, 9 February 2016 ~ Toni and Peter.

Ask The Masters.

By The Celestial Voices

Through Toni and Peter.

  9 February 2016

A preview of the Masters' Tuesday Teachings.

The weekly questions continue to be fabulous learning opportunities, providing fascinating insights into human life and its spiritual origins. Let's dive in.

Our first question might remind some of a strange exhortation from Jesus: "If thy hand offend thee, cut it off." He was using a metaphor, of course, but would it surprise you to learn that there are folks who actually do find a limb offensive and want it removed? A psychology student from the USA asks about this phenomenon, and the Masters educate her - and all of us.

From Brazil comes a query about transgender people. The Masters answer directly, pointing out possible life lessons and reminding us never to judge.

A Finnish woman asks about a cemetery photo she took, which shows orbs and something misty. She also wonders about hearing bell sounds in her home. The Masters explain these indications of greetings from souls and assure her that all is normal and well.

You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: [or brlow]

THE MASTERS' REINCARNATION HANDBOOK will soon appear in another language. We will let you know, so watch this space.

Meanwhile, click on this link: - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website - to download your free handbook from the Masters in your choice of NINE (so far) languages.

Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Peter.
Celestial Voices, Inc | 13354 W. Heiden Circle | Lake Bluff, IL | 60044 | USA

The Questions


BIID (Body integrity identity disorder).

QUESTION: Masters I did a psychology paper on BIID and have a theory behind it but would love to know what you think. It’s when the mapping of a person’s body in their brain doesn’t match their physical body, like the opposite of phantom pain. They know it’s healthy but still feel like they would be more complete with an appendage or an ability like sight, gone. I feel they were an amputee in a past life and their energy in that area dispersed and is no longer in that area of their body so they feel it should not physically be there. ~Megan, USA

ANSWER: For those who may not be familiar with BIID, the condition can lead to people’s voluntarily having a body part amputated because they feel they would be better off without it. Or they might feel they should be blind, so they have their eyes removed.

Your supposition is right, but only in under twenty percent of the cases. All these souls are dealing with life lessons they chose, but few of the urges are continuations from a past life.

The past-life carryovers generally result from not completing a lesson surrounding a birth or the accidental loss of a body part – understanding why it happened; letting go of the anger, grief, and guilt; and learning not to lean on the condition to get what is wanted from others.

Examples of lessons not from past lives could be: an involvement with shaping self-image, a need to be a victim, an excuse for not being able to perform in a normal manner, a test of ingenuity, a desire to feel total dependence or lack of control, wanting to be different or distinctive, or even a feeling that the targeted limb is interfering with the progress of the body through its life cycle.

Most of these people become fanatically convinced they have no other choice than to rid themselves of this evil appendage. They amputate and then proudly display their “stump.” Sympathy is one of the sought-after reactions; they of course never disclose to sympathizers that there was nothing wrong with the missing part.

For many this desire is as strong as a physical addiction to nicotine, drugs, or food. It is a mental and emotional compulsion that blocks out all rational thoughts until it is acted upon. Most have no control over the intensity of the urge and can do nothing concrete to change their actions.

Transgender urges.

QUESTION: Masters, since last year, I’ve made friendships with transgender people who never liked their body, and then started to change it. What is the reason of transsexuality in your vision? Could you explain to me why a transgender person wants to change his/her body? ~Vinicius, Brazil.

ANSWER: These people are trying to find happiness. They don’t identify with the exterior sex of the body into which they were born. Some have an abundance of the hormones associated with their opposite sex. Others believe themselves to be homosexual but classify their feelings and behavior as being closer to those of their opposite sex and feel justified in becoming that sex.

Their decision to change bodies has to do with who they think they are. If you are in a male body and your dreams, ambitions, and inner feelings all say to you that you are really female, you will do whatever it takes to unite your conflicting images into a single form.

Their transformation generally starts small, with changing their clothing and hair style, adjusting their voice range, and finding others who are going through the same issues – or at least don’t condemn them for their choices.

All these concerns are chosen life lessons. Many are finding and identifying the power within and using it to be who they desire to be in this lifetime. Every soul has been both male and female in prior incarnations. Those who are carrying over unfinished, sexually connected lessons from a prior life will seek to be that sex to complete their work.

Remember, in a spiritual sense, nothing is right or wrong – everything is merely learning life lessons. All souls have total freedom of choice to tackle the tests that they feel are necessary to complete their mission in life. Don’t judge or try to figure out another’s motives. Spend your time working on your own lessons.

Spiritual presence.

QUESTION: Masters, a couple of weeks ago my friend and I took a picture in a cemetery with a lot of orbs and white smoke like substance. Also, I’m hearing frequently in my home this bright bell-like sound, sometimes louder, sometimes quieter. What are these things telling me? ~Tiia, Finland.

ANSWER: Mostly the message that is coming across is “hello.” Once souls are no longer incarnate (in a body), they sometimes still like to make contact with people who are physical. It may be people they knew or people who are open to the possibility and therefore allow themselves to “see” the images.

It is quite difficult for most souls to produce a physical body while in nonphysical form, particularly if they have just recently left the heavier atmosphere of the Earth (died). It is possible for them to vibrate the air and cause shadowy appearances using dust and other particles present. After a while they can generate a hazy, cloudlike substance on their own.

Agitation of air can sometimes form solid masses, such as a wave appearing in the water from wind and surface movement. It is easier for a soul to vibrate something that will produce sound upon movement, so sounds are a common way to communicate. Everything is composed of energy, and energy is everywhere. Stimulating energy activates waves of vibration, which can be perceived by the human ear whether or not a physical substance is involved.

Souls who do not currently inhabit a body are everywhere. When they concentrate their essence, it frequently can be seen as an orb or spherical shape. It may even be possible to see the impression of facial features within. The more souls practice, the more they can let you know they are there. They love being recognized.

The progress of expertise in spiritual/human interaction was demonstrated with a great degree of truth in the 1990 movie Ghost, starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg. Give it a look.

If you wish to increase your viewing, let the spirits know you enjoy their contact. It is also possible to ask them questions that can be answered in a yes-or-no format. Ask what their indication for “yes” is and what represents “no.” Then put forth a question and see what happens.


Reincarnation Guide.

Greg from the US asks the Masters: From your perspective, why is there what is called terrorism happening? What can be done to stop it, or slow down divides between different beliefs systems whether from Christian vs Muslim, liberal vs conservatives, extremist vs peace. Young vs old souls etc. seems to be strong divisions between groups of different beliefs lately.

Answer: People have very strong opinions in the third dimension and let their egos control them through trying to force their judgments upon others. Your ego rates and grades everything and compares your situation and beliefs against those of others. Why are you so concerned about others? They are not responsible for you and you are not responsible for them. There is an equal amount of negative and positive energy on the planet. One cannot exist without the other, so negative activities will always be around. Choose what you wish to spend your time on.

Luis from Mexico asks the Masters: What technics or steps should I follow to keep my mind set or actions positive as a being of love to other.

Answer: Whenever you feel negative thoughts or actions creeping into your life, replace them with the most positive, loving memory or image you can access. Create a series of loving moments to have instantaneously available to force out those negative and unhappy thoughts.

Thais from Brazil asks the Masters: In recent years, am experiencing lessons repeatedly to confidence in myself. How can I fix me in learning and not repeat them more? I want to experience lessons about love, but still not attracting anyone to my life. What to do?

Answer: Loving someone is not an experience in love, but it may be a lesson in having the confidence to be yourself in a relationship with another. Know who you are and don’t be afraid to be honest with others, and you will find it easier to find romance.

Oliveira from Brazil asks the Masters: I have schizophrenia, for eight years I suffered with the lack of this disease do not know how to date managed to control this disease, but it is clear that the medication I take help me, but even before the medication was very unbalanced, today I lead a normal life, I just wanted to know how a person who depends on remedies necessary for their life as embodied, what happens after she passes away, as in their spirit, I can regain my soul this need? after all today feel a very strong peace ... !!

Answer: Once the body dies, all that is left is positive, unconditionally loving energy. There is no negativity of any kind. Any physical ailments that once affected the body cease to impact the soul as they leave their physical self behind and become energy.

Shruti from India asks the Masters: I want to know about the fear of death which I always have around me after the death of my brother. I fear about the death of my loved ones my husband whom I love a lot. I can’t live without him and my parents. What can I do to overcome these feelings? Can you tell me how is my brother in the spirit world I miss him a lot.

Answer: Are you really fearing death, or is it actually a sense of being abandoned and left alone? You always look to others to make decisions for you, and your fear is that you will be left alone and have to take responsibility for your life. Accept that you know all you need to know in order to run your own life. Start making your own decisions, and understand that all souls who leave this plane and return Home enter unconditional love.

Naiara from Brazil asks the Masters: When we have a very big dream and it takes place many years later, which made this dream come true?

Answer: If you have faith in yourself and continue to visualize something you have seen, such as a dream, you are putting your intention into manifesting that reality. In such a case, you are bringing that situation into your life through your intention. But be wary: If you constantly see yourself as being a victim, the universe will think you want that experience in your life.

Heidi from the Netherlands asks the Masters: I have been blessed to have connected with my guides two years ago. Very recently, they led me to channeling to take our communication to the next level. I do not channel for anyone other than myself. They told me it is merely for the purposes of guiding me through my life purpose. My communication with them and the guidance they give me have been wonderful. I read in so many places that channeling could be susceptible to inaccuracies for various reasons (i.e. belief systems, lack of knowledge in certain subjects, etc.). This made me wonder about my own “transmissions.” Have I been receiving my guides’ messages clearly and accurately or have there been misinterpretations on my part? If my interpretations had been inaccurate, what advice would you give me to enhance the accuracy so that I may be able to receive my guides’ guidance correctly?

Answer: It is difficult for channelers to receive messages for themselves because they have to be able to step aside and cut off their thinking process completely. If you are continuing to analyze and interpret information as it comes through, your ego mind is engaging in the conversation and pushing you toward getting the answer you “think” you should get.

Malú from Brazil asks the Masters: I'm going through a healing process of my attachment and fear in my relationship with Cristian. Things are getting clear except a point: I see him as father of my children. It's a beautiful feeling for me. But now I wonder if it comes from my heart or my ego. Can you help me clear this up?

Answer: Your feelings come from your dreams. You envisioned a happy family with children and a happily-ever-after atmosphere, and since he was the only one around at the time, you saw him as being the father. It is easy to picture someone you know instead of who may come. The choice is up to you – bring in an appropriate person to be that husband and father.

Louisetta from the US asks the Masters: Why is life so difficult? Why is it some struggle more than others? When souls were born were they assign a negative Life?

Answer: No one is assigned anything. All situations exist by the choice of the player, made before coming to Earth. Souls come to experience life lessons, which are presented in negativity so that people may recognize that things are not as they would choose; therefore they make the choice to get rid of the negative and bring in the positive.

Lea from Croatia asks the Masters: I had very strong, deep, long and complicated relationship with a man who passed away two years ago. Few years before he died we were not in contact. He was very angry at me in that time. I love him very much, I have daughter with him and I just want to send him all my love, and ask is he ok?

Answer: When souls leave this plane, they enter into unconditional love. No negativity remains. They analyze what they did on Earth and decide if they wish to come back again to do something more. This lesson between you and him was in understanding about control, letting go, standing up for yourself, and honoring your own choices. You are from the same soul group and will see him again.

RM from Brazil asks the Masters: I’m very excited about my life and l am so blessed, but not often I feel a kind of dejection that comes out of the blues. I also felt a lot of this in my childhood that I believe was actually depression although my parents never knew. I wonder where it comes from and how can I manage to make it go away.

Answer: All people are in control of the way they feel and what they think. Unless you have a chemical imbalance within your body, pushing hormones to alter your mood, everything is personal choice. You allow yourself to get lazy with concentrating on the moment, and that permits negativity to come in. Chose to be happy and it will be so.

Shiksha from India asks the Masters: It has been almost 5 years of my successful marriage but I don't have any child. I understand that I have done mistakes in my life, is it the result of my mistakes? Can I never have my own child? What shall I do?

Answer: Your own insecurities about your worthiness are preventing you from conceiving a child. You have to understand what this life is all about before you get lost in raising a child. You always occupy yourself with things so you don’t have to think about your life.

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