Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

MeL Tavares
MeL Tavares@active_me
Ashtar: The Light Being Emerges
Posted on 01/07/2023 by EraOfLight —

The Full Moon of January 7, 2023: The old layer of illusion is cracking at all its joints, it shows many leaks. When the shell of hardening can no longer support the new energy, it breaks open and the original light being comes out and enters a whole new zone.


Your inner light was enveloped by the hard shell of illusion, affecting many perceptions. Following your inner voice became difficult and unreliable. For a very long time, man maintained this old hardened shell; it served as a kind of protection. The program of domination took advantage of this and wove many threads of confusion and the inner light diminished.


By now you have transformed this old shell into a new form, for a kind of etheric layer was created in which the new light being could grow and the layer of hardening changed into softness. Now rebirth could.....+

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