Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ascension via the Storm Ivo of Vega Through Sharon Stewart

Ascension via the Storm
Ivo of Vega
Through Sharon Stewart

Quantum Technology Can Do This

Recently my youtube video's were looked at by the new and improved Censorship committee, or the Truth Committee or whatever they're calling it and they found one instance of my using the c word and I got a strike for a week. When I tried to upload more video's after a week, I got a message saying I was 'in jail' for another 3 months!

I've asked you guys to switch over to rumble. I couldn't even create an account on Bitchute, so I don't know what's up with that. I'm on rumble. As an alternative I put video's up on our first website Hopefully that'll stay up.

About a day or so after I found out about the 3 month sentence on youtube, it was revoked. I could post video's up again.

Today as I'm sitting here I get a message that “Quantum Technology can do this,” as I was thinking about the suspension and how it got lifted. So I checked with Ivo. He confirmed it. My suspension was reversed by the Quantum system.

People are saying they're not seeing any progress. You're not looking closely enough. I just experienced progress. That account would have been totally lost had it not been reversed. I was talking to Ashtar about it so maybe he got it reversed.

We've told you before that quantum technology can override any of the technology we use here on earth. It's far superior.

I've also been told by Ashtar that the Alliance is watching my activities and if I have a message for them to put it in the messages I put out. There are the usual ones like “hurry up” but then the reason people want the Alliance to hurry up is because we're on board and ready for the new earth. By the way if you're telling them to hurry up because you're afraid of what's to come, then you're only slowing them down even more. Why? Because it's your energy that is fueling this entire thing. The more energy you emit in fear, the more you empower the dark side and the harder it is for the Alliance to carry out the final stages of all of this.+++

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